Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: cakeman on December 02, 2010, 02:18:29 AM

Title: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: cakeman on December 02, 2010, 02:18:29 AM
Just wondering if anyone has rizoma grips.

At 0 throttle, i can push BACK a little bit and it seems to get caught on one of the teeth (teeth on grip hooked in to throttle)

just curious if anyone else has them and has experienced this?

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: goldFiSh on December 02, 2010, 03:11:19 AM
yep, it's a known fault... I cant recall the fix  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, a search should assist. Perhaps here or (dare I say it) on the old DML

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: mattyvas on December 02, 2010, 11:50:45 AM
Had them but don't use them any longer
What you need to do it unscrew the little cover that goes over the cable.
You then see the throttle guide wire thingy where your cable sits.
Grab a file and take some plastic off. The rizoma bits are too fat and need that done to work properly.

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: cakeman on December 02, 2010, 12:30:26 PM
Not to sure if I'm a fan, might use them for a while but will more then likely ditch them.

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: tricolore on December 02, 2010, 06:56:27 PM
Yep, I got em, same thing. I am very disapointed in them.

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: cakeman on December 02, 2010, 07:04:48 PM
I'll file it back when I get home, I'm guessing I have to take the whole thing apart and can't do it while it's in the throttle housing

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: ungeheuer on December 03, 2010, 03:34:11 AM
Yep, I got em, same thing. I am very disapointed in them.
+1    So I ditched em.   Junk at half the price.   The "2 stroke" cable cam which we Duc folk use is the culprit, its made of too soft pastic which wears so that the cam can rotate (and stick slightly) beyond the normal throttle stop.

At 0 throttle, i can push BACK a little bit and it seems to get caught on one of the teeth (teeth on grip hooked in to throttle)
I have a brand new spare Rizoma "2 stroke" throttle cam, PM me your postal address and its yours.

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: cakeman on December 03, 2010, 04:39:23 PM
+1    So I ditched em.   Junk at half the price.   The "2 stroke" cable cam which we Duc folk use is the culprit, its made of too soft pastic which wears so that the cam can rotate (and stick slightly) beyond the normal throttle stop.
I have a brand new spare Rizoma "2 stroke" throttle cam, PM me your postal address and its yours.

Im not really too sure what a "2 stroke throttle cam" is :) im useless at this stuff.... is it what ive got at the moment, but im assuming your saying its going to wear out in no time?

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: Veloce-Fino on December 03, 2010, 04:48:28 PM
I wasn't aware this was a known problem.

Same thing with my sportlines.

Solution: Disassemble and file off a bit of the face of the "gear" After doing this and refitting a few times I got it right and now my throttle no longer sticks in a negative position. Also threw some lithium grease in there, figured it couldn't hurt.

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: cakeman on December 03, 2010, 10:49:11 PM
Ive had it with these rizoma grips, they are crap.... I'm going to look for some other options

Title: Re: anyone have Rizoma Grips?
Post by: ungeheuer on December 04, 2010, 03:31:54 AM
I wasn't aware this was a known problem.

Yup, more here >> http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=27070.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=27070.0)

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