Title: Metal Gaskets leaking a bit after valve adjustment Post by: carlosbarrios on June 10, 2008, 01:05:00 PM So I finished the valve adjustment on my bike (desmoquattro) last week (took the cams out to check the rockers), and I reused the old metal gaskets on the covers for the rocker pins, and reused the o-rings on the cam bearing shaft thingy, if you will. After going to Americade, and 1200 miles later, I noticed that my horizontal cyl head is leaking a tad, not much, since the level hasn't gone down at all, but there is oil residue all over the outside of the case near the filler cap, on the starter and on my right boot. I can see a drip hanging from the cyl head, but it won't accumulate or drip on the floor when the bike is off.
If I want to avoid getting new gaskets (they are over $60 right?), is there something else I can use together with the old gaskets that will withstand the heat? (like gasket maker from Permatex?). Do you guys replace the metal gaskets and the o-rings? Thanks! Title: Re: Metal Gaskets leaking a bit after valve adjustment Post by: erkishhorde on June 10, 2008, 02:08:42 PM Hmmm... I've had this happen before even on a new metal gasket. I usually tighten it down a bit more and then leak stops. Maybe I'm just being hamfisted though. It usually doesn't feel like it moves much but the leak stops after I do this.
Title: Re: Metal Gaskets leaking a bit after valve adjustment Post by: gage on June 10, 2008, 03:32:45 PM I replace the o-rings when I do valve jobs just because it is cheap insurance and the other ones always seem to be pancaked.
On the rocker pin covers I would start by pulling them off and checking to make sure that the rocker pins are sitting flush against the head and not keeping the cover from seating down all the way. I would do this before torqueing on the cover as it may deflect. I'm pretty sure that the rocker pin cover gaskets are relatively short money as are the valve cover gaskets. The expensive ones are the head gaskets in which case they are 60+ dollars. Hope I helped Gage Title: Re: Metal Gaskets leaking a bit after valve adjustment Post by: Speeddog on June 10, 2008, 04:17:03 PM I've reused mine a couple times on my S4, no leaks.
I may have used some Permatex, it's been a while.... |