Title: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: slash on June 10, 2008, 03:08:00 PM I washed my bike (carefully) yesterday and road it home. This morning I tried to start it and it won't stay running. I have to hold the throttle open a bit to keep it running but it still stall. It's an 06 s2r1000 with 17000 miles. When I first got it I had a similar problem after and the throttle positon sensor was shorted out. The nearest dealer (BCM) is 2 hour away, and the bike went off warranty 3 weeks ago. Anybody have any advice...
Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: ute on June 10, 2008, 04:34:10 PM plugs/wires check out spray with wd40 to all elactrical conctions to remove moisture
blow dry all conections with air check air filter see if its wet add methal hydrate to tank to remove any water spray carbs (intake) with ether Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: hypurone on June 11, 2008, 10:17:24 AM The TPS on these bikes is famous for water/moisture issues. You may need to remove the connector to it and dry it out. There are water dispersants that can help, like, WD40, rubbing alcohol etc that you can spray in and allow to dry out.
Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: slash on June 11, 2008, 05:06:04 PM I opened the connectors for the tps, stepper motor, plugs etc (everything I could find) and made sure they were dry, blew them with compressed air...the bike starts but won't stay running. It seems like it is running really rich. The plugs smell like gas and aren't are black (they usually are a little whiteish). Maybe it's just coincidence it occurred after I washed the bike.
Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: hypurone on June 12, 2008, 07:48:48 AM I opened the connectors for the tps, stepper motor, plugs etc (everything I could find) and made sure they were dry, blew them with compressed air...the bike starts but won't stay running. It seems like it is running really rich. The plugs smell like gas and aren't are black (they usually are a little whiteish). Maybe it's just coincidence it occurred after I washed the bike. Hmmm, ok. Check two more things. The IAT sensor near the headlight (intake air temp) and the Oxygen sensor connectors for water. Both can cause the systems you describe (running rich). It is also possible that the TPS itself has water/moisture in it and not jsut the connector. Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: ute on June 12, 2008, 04:05:46 PM also check ecu conections unplug and dry
if you have checked all that was sugested...try the methal hydrate about 500ml in the tank Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: slash on June 12, 2008, 04:52:09 PM First, thanks to you guys for responding...I appreciate the input. My gf has an S2R...and I switched her tps for mine and my bike still won't stay running so it is not the tps. Everything I have checked is DRY. I disconnected the connector for the air pressure/temp senor up by the headlight and it was dry. I shotin a little contact cleaner it and compressed air...bike still won't run. I have disconnectd and blown air into every connector I could reach. I don't have an O2 sensor, as I have the DP ECU, open air box and Termis. I have also added dry gas (isopropanol) to the gas. It will run really rough at an idle until it warms up. If I give it any throttle it dies. It is running really rich...plug I pulled is black and wet, not dry and whitish. I guess on Sat I'll try and pickup truck it to BCM so they can hook it up to the Mathesis. It really sucks, cause it just went off warranty in the middle of May!
I just disconnected the leads to the ECU and they are clean and dry. Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: slyfox on June 13, 2008, 01:33:21 AM It really sucks, cause it just went off warranty in the middle of May! Maybe Ducati has installed "time bomb" in their machine huh ......... ;DTitle: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: Howie on June 13, 2008, 03:47:43 AM Speak to BCM. They may be able to get it covered.
Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: hypurone on June 13, 2008, 05:05:50 AM At this point, unfotunately, it sounds like you will need to get the bike scanned with the diag tool at the dealer. It should have a stored code if a component has failed or at least provide a readout of current conditions to point in the right direction.
Title: Re: washed my bike and i'm having trouble starting it... Post by: clubhousemotorsports on June 13, 2008, 06:37:55 PM Try installing you old stock ecu and see if it improves.
If a ecu fails it some times goes into full rich mode. your dp ecu will have a warranty besides your bikes warranty. just out they should be able to help you with out a problem. eric |