Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NMMR => Topic started by: Zaster on December 10, 2010, 04:54:48 PM

Title: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: Zaster on December 10, 2010, 04:54:48 PM
I'm planning on visiting family in Tucson and thought I call on fellow NMMR's to see if they
had made any [moto] trips from ABQ to Tucson. If so, what route would you recommend?
I checked google maps and found the following route:  http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Albuquerque&daddr=Eagar,+AZ+to:Safford,+AZ+to:Tucson,+AZ&hl=en&geocode=FctYFwId_6Gk-Sl7gwnT3QoihzH99tm4zvjTwA%3BFbZ-CAIdLVh8-Sl96MZGUBEmhzHFN-hkt9TFfA%3BFaMB9QEdxP51-SmPBb-J_PbXhjGLbg2CApZx6w%3BFS-q6wEdcWVj-Skr7SwLQWXWhjEVxxZNOC3Dcw&mra=ls&sll=35.084491,-106.651137&sspn=0.613582,1.582031&ie=UTF8&ll=33.687782,-109.291992&spn=4.990338,12.65625&z=7 (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Albuquerque&daddr=Eagar,+AZ+to:Safford,+AZ+to:Tucson,+AZ&hl=en&geocode=FctYFwId_6Gk-Sl7gwnT3QoihzH99tm4zvjTwA%3BFbZ-CAIdLVh8-Sl96MZGUBEmhzHFN-hkt9TFfA%3BFaMB9QEdxP51-SmPBb-J_PbXhjGLbg2CApZx6w%3BFS-q6wEdcWVj-Skr7SwLQWXWhjEVxxZNOC3Dcw&mra=ls&sll=35.084491,-106.651137&sspn=0.613582,1.582031&ie=UTF8&ll=33.687782,-109.291992&spn=4.990338,12.65625&z=7)
Has anyone done this route?

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: Cloner on December 11, 2010, 05:07:37 AM
That's how I'd go.  That part on 191 is supposed to be the coolness!

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: kingbaby on December 11, 2010, 06:14:51 AM
191 is abOut as good as it gets in these here parts...IMO. but when are you going? That can change everything.

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: DucDog on December 11, 2010, 07:58:37 AM
Part of your decision on route segments may have to do with how much time you have to ride and how twisty of a road that you want to tackle. 

Your route looks fine and you will have a good time.  The higher country will be cool so get out your electric clothing clothing. 

The part of the route that you bypass and which I have taken many times is Hwy 191 from Alpine to Clifton.  It is a very challenging road.  It is basically like the Crest road except that it is 70-80 miles long.  Another similar road is Colorado Hwy 92 North of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.  Some of us rode that route at the Ouray Ducati event. 

Hwy 191 starts with gentle sweepers at Alpine and then tightens up until you are chasing your tail at the Clifton end.  It is a very technical road that takes time to ride, but it is absolutely awesome!  But, be prepared for every hazard that you know.  Down hill decreasing radius turns, over the hill turns, rocks in the road, sand, cows, pickup trucks hauling cattle, flattened beer cans, other motorcyclists, ....etc.  If you are short on time, it may be too much to fit your schedule. 

No matter which route you choose, you will have nice views and good road.  I hope that the weather is also good for you.   [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: Zaster on December 11, 2010, 05:14:35 PM
I reconfigured the route according to your directions: http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?FORM=MSNNAV#JmNwPTMzLjM5NDM4MDc3NDA3NzU1NH4tMTA4LjQzMjc2MTcwMDgyMzg5Jmx2bD05JmRpcj0wJnN0eT1yJnJ0cD1wb3MuMzUuMTE3MTdfLTEwNi41ODUyNTFfNTMwMCUyMEFydmlsbGElMjBBdmUlMjBORSUyQyUyMEFsYnVxdWVycXVlJTJDJTIwTk0lMjA4NzExMC0xOTM0X19fYV9+cG9zLjMzLjg0ODQzNV8tMTA5LjE0NTcwNV9BbHBpbmUlMkMlMjBBWl9fX2FffnBvcy4zMy4zMzI1ODg3MTg3MDkwNTRfLTEwOS4zNTk4NTA5Njg3NV9fX19hX35wb3MuMzIuMjIxNTU0Xy0xMTAuOTY5NzU1X1R1Y3NvbiUyQyUyMEFaX19fYV8mbW9kZT1EJnJ0b3A9MH4wfjB+ (http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?FORM=MSNNAV#JmNwPTMzLjM5NDM4MDc3NDA3NzU1NH4tMTA4LjQzMjc2MTcwMDgyMzg5Jmx2bD05JmRpcj0wJnN0eT1yJnJ0cD1wb3MuMzUuMTE3MTdfLTEwNi41ODUyNTFfNTMwMCUyMEFydmlsbGElMjBBdmUlMjBORSUyQyUyMEFsYnVxdWVycXVlJTJDJTIwTk0lMjA4NzExMC0xOTM0X19fYV9+cG9zLjMzLjg0ODQzNV8tMTA5LjE0NTcwNV9BbHBpbmUlMkMlMjBBWl9fX2FffnBvcy4zMy4zMzI1ODg3MTg3MDkwNTRfLTEwOS4zNTk4NTA5Njg3NV9fX19hX35wb3MuMzIuMjIxNTU0Xy0xMTAuOTY5NzU1X1R1Y3NvbiUyQyUyMEFaX19fYV8mbW9kZT1EJnJ0b3A9MH4wfjB+)
Let me know if this is correct and how the pit stops work out for a Duc that lasts 120 miles max. per tank.

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: DucDog on December 11, 2010, 09:43:54 PM
Karl, your three greatest challenges will be weather, gasoline and time.  But, there are ways, if you are determined to tackle "the Devil's Highway"!  [moto]   [evil]

I have sent you a PM with some suggestions and offers of equipment. 

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: Kawboy on December 16, 2010, 07:23:13 PM
I'd be very wary of taking 191 from Alpine south in the winter.  I was up there once around the end of Feb and there was still 3 feet of snow on the ground at Hanagan Meadows.  The whole road runs at the 8000 to 9000 foot elevation and it may close for snow. I haven't been able to verify that, though.  I would check at Springerville for road conditions before heading down there.  An alternate route from there would be to take 60 to Show Low and follow it from there to Globe.  This road will drop you into and out of the Salt River Canyon (an awsome ride).  From Globe you can take 77 south to Winkleman and Oracle or you can continue on 60 to Superior (another awsome ride) and then take 177 to Winkleman and on from there.  In any event your ride will be be at a pretty good altitude until GLobe.  From there you drop off the Mogollon Rim to lower elevations.

Title: Re: Riding in the Southwest
Post by: Zaster on December 16, 2010, 08:13:11 PM
I'd be very wary of taking 191 from Alpine south in the winter.  I was up there once around the end of Feb and there was still 3 feet of snow on the ground at Hanagan Meadows.  The whole road runs at the 8000 to 9000 foot elevation and it may close for snow. I haven't been able to verify that, though.  I would check at Springerville for road conditions before heading down there.  An alternate route from there would be to take 60 to Show Low and follow it from there to Globe.  This road will drop you into and out of the Salt River Canyon (an awsome ride).  From Globe you can take 77 south to Winkleman and Oracle or you can continue on 60 to Superior (another awsome ride) and then take 177 to Winkleman and on from there.  In any event your ride will be be at a pretty good altitude until GLobe.  From there you drop off the Mogollon Rim to lower elevations.
Great to hear from you Fast Fred [thumbsup]
Might have just been wishful thinking on my part since the weather has been real nice for that area up til now. I was planning on taking my bike to visit my sister in Tucson for Christmas. I wised up quickly and decided to do that trip towards the end of March when my brother-in-law and my nephew visit from Germany.
Thanks for your insight and hope to [moto] with you again.

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