Title: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on December 17, 2010, 09:38:21 AM [moto] [moto] [moto]
Ride is on for this Saturday. Da RYDAHZ, YO Lor Enzo 'Belle Desmostro John C. (who knows??) DucatiTim J. Schollmeyer (probably will!)* Jocelyn (cupcake)* Nick/Kelly* Walter Craven* JimboECV (will try) Tigre Desmoquattro (maybe) Mattv (maybe) Ilya Emanon *non-MOBer MEET SPOT: Tam Junction: 247 Shoreline Hwy., Mill Valley 9:00 MEET, 9:30 DEPART Brief safety speech, dividing into groups as necessary and identifying of leads and sweeps done here. This is the basic route (the normal North Bay Loop): Route Map (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=247+Shoreline+Hwy,+Mill+Valley,+Marin,+California+94941&daddr=37.9095699,-122.5913541+to:Stinson+Beach,+CA+to:38.069945,-122.805295+to:38.25015,-122.81352+to:38.0809705,-122.7163177+to:38.0364179,-122.5955331+to:Lucas+Valley+Rd&hl=en&geocode=FU8HQgIddmuy-ClrzQxDRYWFgDFJGuhmkNfmLg%3BFUF0QgIdhmex-CnnlUVtB5GFgDH4pOThuA0CTw%3BFcJQQgIdNpiw-Cktn82tkpOFgDG6OULHLrfDvw%3BFbnmRAId0SOu-Cn9lumGgMaFgDEDOJM1g3PUrQ%3BFaamRwIdsAOu-CmPIotMqcyFgDEXij_zh16nVg%3BFcoRRQIdY3-v-CmDvx3FfMeFgDHg7AymzCjFMA%3BFcFjRAIdM1ex-ClJ_Qhomr2FgDGzkN1Zb9mzJA%3BFb4wRAIdgyay-A&mra=dme&mrcr=1&mrsp=7&sz=13&via=1,3,4,5,6&sll=38.017669,-122.541847&sspn=0.095343,0.222988&ie=UTF8&ll=38.068095,-122.641754&spn=0.381108,0.891953&z=11") Over Panoramic into Stinson Beach STOP - GAS Pt. Reyes (Bovine Bakery, Gas, Bathrooms...) R at Tomales-Petaluma Rd. R on Chileno Vly. R on Wilson Hill. L onto Hicks Vly Rd. R onto Pt Reyes-Petaluma Rd. L at Nicasio Vly. L onto Lucas Vly. Rd to 101 and home... We'll stop here briefly to say good-byes and divide up into groups for going home. (101S back to SF and S. Bay. E. Bay folks can hook up with 580E to the Richmond Bridge.) Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: r_ciao on December 17, 2010, 05:17:10 PM I'm interested. Me? 2.5 years of moto riding.
Ciao and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 17, 2010, 05:36:51 PM Cool. We might have a couple of groups depending on the size of the ride, one being a little faster. I'd recommend just chillin' out and enjoying the scenery though.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Michael Moore on December 17, 2010, 07:21:55 PM Cool idea. I'm happy to help out however.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 17, 2010, 07:51:31 PM Just show up. Enzo and I can probably handle the leading, so if you want to sweep or take a two-up, I'll put you on the list.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Drunken Monkey on December 17, 2010, 08:18:21 PM I'm up for this.
Been riding for 340 months now, so I'm still a noob. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Lor on December 17, 2010, 08:53:19 PM I'm in, unless the gods of propane deem otherwise.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: johnc on December 18, 2010, 03:19:36 PM I'm in, unless the gods of propane deem otherwise. i just spoke with the god of propane ... he says "yer good to go" (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2595/3925430967_e12dff82cf.jpg) Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Desmostro on December 18, 2010, 08:09:17 PM I have recently fitted my 848 with pontoons and an umbrella for this ride. Should be tested by Jan.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 18, 2010, 10:36:34 PM We might need a couple of folks to volunteer to take a couple of passengers. No one ever wants to ride with me. >:(
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: MendoDave on December 19, 2010, 09:00:16 AM I'm out.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Michael Moore on December 19, 2010, 10:32:29 AM We might need a couple of folks to volunteer to take a couple of passengers. No one ever wants to ride with me. >:( Say it ain't so! It must be the bike - with that fine patina of baked-on grease and dirt that's putting them off. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Spidey on December 19, 2010, 01:34:20 PM I'm a maybe right now. I'm going to try to get the morning off from the chilluns.
I can take a passenger if I trade bikes with someone. Mine is only good for a passenger for short jaunts (as 'belle can attest). Also, lemme talk to Mike, the new rider from work who was at the 'geist. This might be a good ride for him. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: DarkStaR on December 19, 2010, 01:43:59 PM Maybe, depending on where this happens. I'm lazy. [cheeky]
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: r_ciao on December 20, 2010, 09:34:58 AM I just checked my calendar. If it's on that long MLK weekend, I'm out :'(. If it's another weekend, the chances of me showing up are definitely better.
Ciao! Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: ducati_tim on December 20, 2010, 07:14:44 PM It has been forever since I have been out with you peeps on an actual motorcycle. I am going to do my darnedest to make this.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 20, 2010, 08:34:26 PM Sweet....
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: sfarchie on December 21, 2010, 02:53:09 AM Ahhh, New Year's ride reminds me of my first MOB ride with Joe leading... I'll pass. thanks. ;D
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: cstlwtr on December 23, 2010, 12:48:43 PM Sounds like fun!
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: emanon on December 23, 2010, 01:47:36 PM I am interested in participating.
Thanks! Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 23, 2010, 06:59:25 PM When I get back on a real computer instead of my phone I'll update the list.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Popeye the Sailor on December 24, 2010, 11:38:44 AM Depends where you be heading-I'm lazy 'bout leaving the Peninsula these days.
I can take a passenger on that beast of mine. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 27, 2010, 08:23:57 PM We'll get the schedule and route worked out soon. Thought I'd try to make my way back to the west coast first...stuck here in New Jersey for a few more days due to the blizzard.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Desmostro on December 27, 2010, 11:58:42 PM I was really missing being in my helmet and got out today. It wasn't the high performance ride. I just tooled down HWY 1 south peninsula and over 84.
BLISS Caught an awesome sunset on the way back. The air is weirdly warm from the storms, the roads dry enough, the sun was out in full force. I hope we get another day like today on the 1st. [thumbsup] [moto] road report 12/27/2010 Hwy1 Marin pretty dang good actually, though places in the trees like Dogtown is full of leaves and pretty wet. On the way there though, Mill Valley is wet. HWY 1 south peninsula quite good as well. 84 pretty wet and draining 35 piles of pine needles and draining roads. Slime and dirt. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: jimboecv on December 29, 2010, 09:28:49 AM I will try.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 30, 2010, 06:20:11 AM Always a pleasure to have you along, Jim... if I ever get off the east coast I'll really be looking forward to this.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: tigre on December 30, 2010, 09:58:15 AM I'm a definite "maybe"
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on December 31, 2010, 06:39:17 AM Cool.
So what are people's preferences on route? North Bay or South Bay.... Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Desmostro on December 31, 2010, 02:34:16 PM Can't get out tomorrow so I got out today for a lil' spin.
Cool. So what are people's preferences on route? North Bay or South Bay.... Drove(yesterday) report south bay: 35 Wet with abundant piles of pine needles 1 peninsula decent good shape 84 and pescadero pretty mucky and full if leaves. Northbay (today) super fun [thumbsup] 1 pretty good shape south of Stinson. Watch for gravel at bottom of hills. Some water crossings, but not bad. However, it's 2:30pm and it's 44F. The paint stripes are extra slick even dry from dust. Cross DY with extreme caution. Ask MM about north of Stnson. Last week it was pretty good after rains. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: desmoquattro on January 02, 2011, 04:12:41 PM Color me maybe!
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 02, 2011, 06:12:43 PM North Bay is also my choice at this time, but if folks feel strongly about a S. Bay trek, we'll do that.
Mr. I, I might just have to come down and do a ride special--just us. Maybe the wifey can find a babysitter for 90 minutes and come join? Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 04, 2011, 03:05:19 PM SEE FIRST POST: List of riders has been updated. At this time it looks like I've got a solid 6-8 riders with a ton of maybes. Route has been decided as N. Bay. Time is set. Weather appears to be fantastic for the moment. I was thinking we could do a Cheese Factory stop if we want to keep it brief and simple. For those who might like a more extended brunch we could head into Fairfax or Mill Valley instead. Thoughts?
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: r_ciao on January 04, 2011, 03:54:18 PM Belle,
I'm out (previously posted). When you decide to do another, I hope that I'm free that weekend. Ride safe everyone. Happy New Year everyone. Ciao! Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Spidey on January 04, 2011, 04:06:28 PM Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 04, 2011, 04:10:17 PM I love lamp. And by "lamp" you mean "taking it up the pooper." We know. Viva La Gayness, dude. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Spidey on January 04, 2011, 04:32:51 PM I love lamp.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Desmostro on January 04, 2011, 09:41:10 PM Ok wait, so Chinese New Years ride?!
Ooooooh. I thought it was for like, Jan. 1st. So when exactly is this ride going to happen? And buy ride I don't mean riding the pooper, I mean ride on a motorcycle. [moto] So when? Where? Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 04, 2011, 09:47:46 PM Put down the bong and read the first post. [cheeky]
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 04, 2011, 10:25:08 PM First post updated...We might have a good number of non MOB people coming along. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: johnc on January 04, 2011, 11:48:44 PM First post updated...We might have a good number of non MOB people coming along. [thumbsup] i love first post [roll] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Popeye the Sailor on January 05, 2011, 04:06:40 PM Mr. I, I might just have to come down and do a ride special--just us. Maybe the wifey can find a babysitter for 90 minutes and come join? I'm totally willing to work out some type of three way. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 05, 2011, 07:44:14 PM Sounds like a plan. You stay home with the kid, and the wife, babysitter and I will go riding and perhaps stop for some cookies and coffee after. [drool]
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Desmostro on January 06, 2011, 11:17:15 PM Put down the bong and read the first post. [cheeky] Ya coulda just typed Saturday January 15th, the really rainy coldass weekend after this weekend, the really really nice weekend coming up, when it will have been sunny and dry for 6 days in a row prior a Saturday ride in the Sun @ 60F. Then I would have understood and not had to put down the bong and weather report. [cheeky] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 06, 2011, 11:43:06 PM I know...I'm seeing that too. We might have to push this back a week. Argh.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: johnc on January 07, 2011, 02:26:51 AM I know...I'm seeing that too. We might have to push this back a week. Argh. new - new year/new riders ride: may 22nd. [thumbsup] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 07, 2011, 05:42:30 PM Yeah...the weather ain't lookin' good at all. 60% chance of rain on that specific saturday and chance of rain for the entire week. Roads will most likely be damp, but if it's not actively raining I think that's fine.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 08, 2011, 10:39:57 AM Still a long ways out but the weather for that day improved by 100% overnight! (Went from 60% chance of rain to 30% that day, and it's supposed to be sunny the day before, so that's all good news!)
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: Desmostro on January 08, 2011, 11:32:41 AM Well, it is winter. Time to deal with it.
We might get lucky and find one of those freak 70F weekends that happen but it's hard to plan for it way in advance. The weather, she change so fast. Maybe there could be a kind of MAVERICS call. You know the big wave surf contest? They never know even what month the huge waves will come so they wait and when it happens, they put out a call 72 hours in advance. Every one knows they have to be ready. The call goes out on a Thursday, the ride happens Sat or Sun. Otherwise, I'd be up for getting a beer or something. ha ha. [coffee] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 08, 2011, 11:34:53 AM That was pretty much the plan. Final decision to be made a couple of days in advance.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 10, 2011, 10:11:02 PM First post updated with basic route...looks like the weather is holding for now. We'll see what it does in a few days.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mattv on January 11, 2011, 06:22:50 PM I want to join, but don't know my weekend schedule yet. Please put me down as a maybe.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: tigre on January 11, 2011, 08:18:36 PM I am in!
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: DarkStaR on January 11, 2011, 08:47:31 PM Out.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride? Post by: mostrobelle on January 11, 2011, 09:58:41 PM Matt, you're added. Sorry you can't make it 'Star. "Yay!" on Tigre makin' it. I had a few people today (non MOB people) say that they're almost definitely coming. [thumbsup]
We might need two groups, but I'm hoping not. I'd like to keep us together if possible and have people arrange themselves by their perceived speed. We'll see how it works out. I might put two people to act a secondary lead and a secondary sweep in the middle of the group so that if we need to break up a little mid-ride that we can do that and keep moving. I think most people attending, especially the non-MOB people, want to keep this ride on the shorter side. We probably won't do brunch but we'll have an extended coffee/pastry break just past the flagpole (Pt. Reyes/Petaluma road I think?) We'll have one last stop at the Cheese Factory to say our adieu's and then peel off to go home. We'll figure out who's going to SF, E, and S and divide up the ride from that point on based on that. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 13, 2011, 01:46:36 PM Ride is ON. I've adjusted the stops along the way because it seems that most people want to keep this on the shorter side. See first post. Longer stop at Pt. Reyes, no stop at Cheese Factory. We'll just pull over on the straight before the freeway and shake hands and bail. I'll have some printed route maps to pass out to leads/sweeps and anyone else who wants one. See you guys on Saturday! Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 13, 2011, 02:37:03 PM NOTE: You may need to fix the route map link on the first post.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: emanon on January 13, 2011, 04:06:42 PM just remove the "http//
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 13, 2011, 04:27:12 PM just remove the "http// Belle can remove the link. There may have been a misplaced quotation mark in there. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 13, 2011, 08:23:59 PM Link should be fixed...weird...it worked initially.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: ilya on January 14, 2011, 10:33:53 AM i'll go! i can take a passenger, but let me know in advance so i'll take the lid off the back seat.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: emanon on January 14, 2011, 02:29:49 PM How many miles between the starting point and the first stop for petrol? Do I need to top off just before I get to the initial meeting point?
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 14, 2011, 02:42:39 PM How many miles between the starting point and the first stop for petrol? Do I need to top off just before I get to the initial meeting point? From Tambucks to Pt Reyes Station is about 27 miles. So if you're on a Monster you'll be fine. If you're on a four-valver, you'll need to stop twice and siphon gas from others ;D From Pt Reyes, it's about 55-60 miles to the next gas. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: emanon on January 14, 2011, 02:45:35 PM Cool thanks! I just topped off today after my ride, but from where I live to the meeting point is > 70 miles and I do not want to be that one person that has to stop for gas 10 minutes after the ride starts.
Cheers. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 14, 2011, 03:52:17 PM Cool thanks! I just topped off today after my ride, but from where I live to the meeting point is > 70 miles and I do not want to be that one person that has to stop for gas 10 minutes after the ride starts. Cheers. There's a gas station right at the meeting point. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 14, 2011, 07:28:40 PM Emanon, you won't need to take a passenger. I think we've got it all covered! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: emanon on January 14, 2011, 07:46:49 PM Emanon, you won't need to take a passenger... Good thing because I just installed Sato rearsets on my monster and did not get the passenger peg attachments! Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 14, 2011, 07:48:44 PM No worries...I have a passenger seat if we need it.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: Drunken Monkey on January 14, 2011, 08:31:58 PM Argh. I'm out. Wife and kids are sick and tomorrow we are still going to chuck-e-cheese later on in the day. [puke]
Damn my kid and his third birthday, doesn't he know I have a ride to go on? [bang] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 14, 2011, 08:37:39 PM mmmm....not sure which is worse--going to Chuck E. Cheez or being sick. Having to do both would probably prompt me to hang myself.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: r_ciao on January 15, 2011, 09:53:25 AM I wish that I was on this ride on such a beautiful Saturday. Please post pics so I can live vicariously through the lucky ones on this ride.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: smducman on January 15, 2011, 10:22:38 AM Wish everyone have fun , workday for me :(
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: emanon on January 15, 2011, 02:14:54 PM Great ride! Thanks for organizing it and for doing a nice job leading.
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: tigre on January 15, 2011, 03:57:32 PM Thanks for a fun ride today everyone. Great weather, no incidents. Always good!
Cheers, Steve Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 15, 2011, 04:02:45 PM Wow--great showing. [thumbsup] I think we had 15 bikes and 17 people in the group. Thanks to Enzo for leading the faster group and to the slow-group sweep, Tigre. That is always the toughest job on a ride like this.
A [clap] to BikerGoddess for bringing out the scooter. I <3 me some scoots. You are getting faster, lady, whether you choose to admit it or not. Keep it up. We like having you come out. Doing the group ride stuff is a little bit of work, but always worth it. We were treated to an amazing day today weather-wise, too. Looking forward to the next one. Am thinking of an E. Bay or S. Bay run maybe in spring. Actually, I owe Mr. I a S. Bay ride and that will probably happen in the next several weeks, depending on our schedules. If he wants we'll open it up to the overall MoB. Pace might be a bit quicker on that one depending on who shows up and what the roads are like. Say, does anyone know where the three riders went that left Enzo's group? Wayne was among them. Enzo went back to search, but found no one, so there wasn't a crash--just a route change as far as we can figure. Can someone post up and let us know that you all got home OK? And next time check in with someone before taking off. :) Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: cstlwtr on January 15, 2011, 04:36:26 PM Cheese Factory was my depart point, since we didn't stop I had to turn around and head out. I made it home safely. An otherwise great ride with fantastic weather and a great group! An awesome way to kick of the first great ride of the new year!
Cheers, Wayne Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 15, 2011, 04:53:34 PM A [clap] to BikerGoddess for bringing out the scooter. I <3 me some scoots. You are getting faster, lady, whether you choose to admit it or not. Keep it up. We like having you come out. She'll never admit it ;D Big thanks to you and Evan for organizing! And I did keep the front wheel down...for the most part [evil] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: cstlwtr on January 15, 2011, 05:02:14 PM Joe, I only saw the front wheel get away from you twice!
Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 15, 2011, 06:36:48 PM Joe, I only saw the front wheel get away from you twice! It never got away from me... [evil] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 15, 2011, 09:21:36 PM Cheese Factory was my depart point, since we didn't stop I had to turn around and head out. I made it home safely. An otherwise great ride with fantastic weather and a great group! An awesome way to kick of the first great ride of the new year! Cheers, Wayne Glad to hear it was just a logistics problem, Wayne. As I said, it's not our practice to leave riders behind. Enzo retraced the route looking for bikes and when he found none he felt it was safe to take off. You guys had us worried for a little bit. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: Desmostro on January 15, 2011, 09:27:52 PM Great ride today guys! ;D Gorgeous out there. Big thanks to Bell' and Tigre for organizing and sweeping.
Put me down for IN when we do the S Bay Mr & Mrs. Some.I ride. Can't get enough. [thumbsup] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 15, 2011, 09:31:37 PM Great ride today guys! ;D Gorgeous out there. Big thanks to Bell' and Tigre for organizing and sweeping. Put me down for IN when we do the S Bay Mr & Mrs. Some.I ride. Can't get enough. [thumbsup] I'll have to check in with the new mom and dad. Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: ilya on January 16, 2011, 10:48:25 PM great ride! we (the two russians) saluted Evan a 'ciao!' and he waved back as he took the 1st group towards the LVR. so i hope it was not us who he went to look for - we discussed that we will peel off and go back via hwy1 when we talked at Pt. Reyes Station.
we saw Wayne pulling over and he waved us trough - he usually gets off there someplace closer to home. strange that Eric's buddy with a helmet cam did not say anything to Evan - Wayne was riding in front of him and i saw their exchange when Wayne waved him through. great ride - thanks for organizing! too bad i missed out on Pico's - Joe please say something next time before the ride. i am all for a debriefing and some post-riding chatter over good pizza & pint. let me know how to post photos here - i put a few on facebook, but i am not connected to everyone there. cheerios! - ilya Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: desmoquattro on January 17, 2011, 07:12:27 AM great ride - thanks for organizing! too bad i missed out on Pico's - Joe please say something next time before the ride. i am all for a debriefing and some post-riding chatter over good pizza & pint. We didn't decide to go until the end of the ride. Sometimes there's a prize for sticking it out :) Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: mostrobelle on January 17, 2011, 10:59:29 AM great ride! we (the two russians) saluted Evan a 'ciao!' and he waved back as he took the 1st group towards the LVR. so i hope it was not us who he went to look for - we discussed that we will peel off and go back via hwy1 when we talked at Pt. Reyes Station. we saw Wayne pulling over and he waved us trough - he usually gets off there someplace closer to home. strange that Eric's buddy with a helmet cam did not say anything to Evan - Wayne was riding in front of him and i saw their exchange when Wayne waved him through. great ride - thanks for organizing! too bad i missed out on Pico's - Joe please say something next time before the ride. i am all for a debriefing and some post-riding chatter over good pizza & pint. let me know how to post photos here - i put a few on facebook, but i am not connected to everyone there. cheerios! - ilya Good to know it was just a misunderstanding. [thumbsup] Title: Re: New Year/New Riders Ride THIS SAT. 01/15/2011!!! Post by: enzo on January 17, 2011, 12:16:29 PM Yeah, I saw ilya wave, and I knew he was leaving at that corner. I didn't understand that two others were also leaving then. Glad everyone is OK.