Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Tech => Topic started by: nomadwarmachine on December 29, 2010, 09:57:42 AM

Title: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: nomadwarmachine on December 29, 2010, 09:57:42 AM

After a couple of months of gradually more difficult starting, the battery finally died this morning (in the rain, which was a nice touch, I thought).  So now I'm in the market for a sealed maintenance-free battery to fit my 2000 M900Sie.  I see that Cycleworks sells a battery to fit the later 2001+ Monsters, but my bike is from the odd transitional year in the old body style, and I wanted to check if any of the experts could recommend a suitable replacement that will fit my bike.

Would prefer an Odyssey, as that is the battery in my Norton and it never fails, despite the antiquated English charging system. 

Any rec's for a sealed battery for a 2000 M900Sie?

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: ducpainter on December 29, 2010, 10:09:41 AM
http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=44435.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=44435.0)

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: nomadwarmachine on December 29, 2010, 10:21:47 AM

Thanks -- I was just reading that and I noticed that the question regarding the width of the Odyssey PC680 (the battery I am considering) was not really answered.  It will fit into a pre-2001 900SS, but will it also fit into a 2000 M900S?  Are the dimensions of the battery compartments in those bikes the same?

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: ducpainter on December 29, 2010, 10:23:36 AM
Thanks -- I was just reading that and I noticed that the question regarding the width of the Odyssey PC680 (the battery I am considering) was not really answered.  It will fit into a pre-2001 900SS, but will it also fit into a 2000 M900S?  Are the dimensions of the battery compartments in those bikes the same?
As far as I know they are.

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: nomadwarmachine on December 29, 2010, 10:35:23 AM

Called WestCo, which seemed to think that it may not fit.  Their website is deliberately vague on this point.  I need a battery sooner, rather than later, so I think I will go with the Yuasa.

Has anybody actually put a sealed Yuasa into a 2000 M900 (or earlier), and if so, what model did you use?  The suggested models from the earlier thread seem a little wide.  Thanks again!

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: ducpainter on December 29, 2010, 10:48:40 AM
The stock battery for those bikes was a YB 16 AL which is pretty large.

BCM used to replace them with a YT-12 with no issues. The width on the YT is very slightly larger.

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: ducatiz on December 29, 2010, 10:52:21 AM
The stock battery for those bikes was a YB 16 AL which is pretty large.

BCM used to replace them with a YT-12 with no issues. The width on the YT is very slightly larger.

Plus the actual spot for the battery is about 1/4th-1/2 in bigger than the battery.  Plenty of room.

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: nomadwarmachine on December 29, 2010, 10:58:59 AM

Cool -- actually sent the earlier poster a message to ask if his PC680 fit his M900.

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: erkishhorde on December 29, 2010, 01:03:13 PM
Sorry. Never got around to actually buying it. Needed to divert funds to a leaking clutch master cylinder.  :( From my original post, I think they'll fit.

the mid 90s SS bikes used the same YB16AL-A2 battery.  I put the PC680 on my SS and it fit perfectly, it just has different style terminals so I had to make new wire ends.

THe only thing bad about it was that it is HEAVY.

I have poked around with other batteries.  If you don't live in a cold area or ride when it's below 40-45, then you probably don't need something with as much CCA

Also, if you upgrade your starter wires, you can actually use a smaller AH battery.  I upped the wires on my SS and the starter turned noticeably faster.

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: YellowDuck on December 29, 2010, 01:05:29 PM
I have a PC680 in my M900 carby. AFAIK the battery boxes are the same.

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: WTSDS on December 29, 2010, 06:24:58 PM
I have seen two sizes of batteries in 2000 models, both fuel injected.

I think the battery boxes are the same but there's different amounts of electronics stuffed inside

My 900 Dark uses the smaller size and is sealed -  the larger battery is a wet lead acid type

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: nomadwarmachine on December 29, 2010, 06:46:57 PM

Given my urgent need for a battery, I went with the stocker, which was also nearly $50 less than the Odyssey PC680.  At least I get anohter 2-3 years out of that sucker until I have to figure this out all over again. [moto]

Title: Re: Sealed Battery Recommendations (2000 M900Sie)
Post by: Düb Lüv on December 29, 2010, 07:46:11 PM
i've been using a DEKA ETX14 battery on my carb'd 900 w/FCR's. $60 and it's 9.4lbs, maintenance free, spill proof, AGM, and vent free. it only has a hard time starting when it 20º or colder, but i working on a battery or engine warmer for those days.

it also replaces YTX12-BS, YB12B-B2

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