Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Riding Techniques => Topic started by: Jett on January 14, 2011, 01:37:11 PM

Title: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Jett on January 14, 2011, 01:37:11 PM
Whatever you wanna call it, I call it illegal where I come from. Yes thats right, I am from Oregon and we will get a hefty fine if caught splitting lanes. Just recently a board of commisioners decided to discuss the issue and get a voice from the community to see whether it should be done or not. That meeting was a month or two ago and I have not heard anything since. I personally am in favor for it.

What are your thoughts and experiences???

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Scotzman on January 14, 2011, 09:14:44 PM
Love it, especially having an air-cooled bike. I like the idea of not being sandwiched between two cars as well.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: ducatiz on January 15, 2011, 04:04:51 AM
When you go to Italy and most countries in Europe, you are immediately shocked by it.  Whenever you stop at a red light, every available centimeter is filled at the front by scooters and bikes filtering up.

I don't mind it at a light.  When traffic is moving, it's a very bad idea.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Drunken Monkey on January 17, 2011, 12:58:40 PM
Remind your commission that the Hurt Report (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurt_Report) said that lane-splitting motorcycles were significantly under-represented in accidents.

That's study-speak for land sharing is actually safer than not lane sharing.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: ducatiz on January 17, 2011, 01:52:37 PM
The Hurt Report is so old as to not even be remotely relevant anymore.

Bikes rarely had more than 90 hp in 1975.  The typical sport bike had around 60-70 hp and weighed close to 500 lbs wet.  Cars were sterile places : no dvd, no mobile phone, no headrests, and radios were still optional.  Hell, even passenger-side mirrors were optional!

I think the Hurt Report is a good piece of discussion material, but the roads have changed so much since then -- bikes, cars, enforcement, etc. 

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Drunken Monkey on January 17, 2011, 02:10:21 PM
The Hurt Report is so old as to not even be remotely relevant anymore.

Not that I disagree, but what do all the  'advances' we have gotten since then affect lane sharing more than "regular" riding? At worst it's a wash and at best those mirrors are going to come in handy.

And if the OP is looking to help his cause, siting the Hurt Report (moldy as it is) isn't going to hurt.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: ducatiz on January 17, 2011, 02:57:26 PM
Not that I disagree, but what do all the  'advances' we have gotten since then affect lane sharing more than "regular" riding? At worst it's a wash and at best those mirrors are going to come in handy.

And if the OP is looking to help his cause, siting the Hurt Report (moldy as it is) isn't going to hurt.

I agree wholeheartedly, but my point is that there are so many other variables on the road now, the outcomes are clearly going to be different.  Hopefully in our favour.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Scotzman on January 17, 2011, 07:00:18 PM
I think the CA highway patrol did an independent study of this for their police and found it to be safer. How long ago- I don't know, but that's the reason it's legal here.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: He Man on January 19, 2011, 12:19:18 AM
if u have room for it, i dont think its that big of a deal, but when you get to the point where u have about 3 inches of play on each side it starts getting dangerous. I try my best to not lane split, i used to do it pretty bad, but then i got tagged twice, and now i will do it only at certain hours of the day.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Howie on January 19, 2011, 06:32:24 AM
I split less and less due to fear of tickets.  When I due split, only in slow moving traffic to filter to the front and never more than 10-15 MPH over the speed of traffic. 

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Drunken Monkey on January 19, 2011, 09:37:05 AM
I split less and less due to fear of tickets.  When I due split, only in slow moving traffic to filter to the front and never more than 10-15 MPH over the speed of traffic. 

I'm legally allowed to split lanes and even then I follow the guidelines you just set forth.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: He Man on January 19, 2011, 11:27:59 AM
I split less and less due to fear of tickets.  When I due split, only in slow moving traffic to filter to the front and never more than 10-15 MPH over the speed of traffic. 

There was a red light and i was filtering up the front between a mta bus and a double parked car at walking pace, got pulled over cause the double parked car was a undercover and the dude chewed my ass out too.

on the highway i lane splitted pass a few cars and then i stopped in front of cop car, who blipped his siren just once and i looked around with no one around me, so i just kept moving with traffic, it was barely moving for the minute i stood in traffic so i started lane splitting again and the guy litterly chased me for 1/2 mile without his sirens or anything and finnaly started driving on dirt shoulders to catch up to me. Also chewed my ass out cause i didnt stop at the first "warning" he called up my pba card and let me go, but the point is, its really not worth it cause its illegal no matter how safe u do it. and im pretty sure its 2points per incident too.  1 ticket = a years worth of unlimited metros.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Jett on January 19, 2011, 06:37:22 PM
I split less and less due to fear of tickets.  When I due split, only in slow moving traffic to filter to the front and never more than 10-15 MPH over the speed of traffic. 
I think if they do make it legal here in Oregon like it is in Cali they will make a speed regulation, not to go faster than a certain speed like you say you already do. Even if they don't put that regulation in place I will remain at a respectable speed. Cagers/cops are just looking for any reason to hate us more than they already do. I've read up on a couple updates and reports as to whether this is gonna pass or not and I have to say it is looking pretty good for Oregon. I have never personally split lanes because if I get one more ticket it means my job. Not worth it at this point.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Howie on January 19, 2011, 09:48:12 PM
I split less and less due to fear of tickets.  When I due do split, only in slow moving traffic to filter to the front and never more than 10-15 MPH over the speed of traffic. 

Can't believe no one caught that :-[

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Scotzman on January 20, 2011, 06:12:00 AM
CA doesn't have a set speed, but stipulates, "a safe operating speed", so if something happens they can say you weren't traveling at a safe speed.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Jett on January 22, 2011, 04:38:33 PM
CA doesn't have a set speed, but stipulates, "a safe operating speed", so if something happens they can say you weren't traveling at a safe speed.
If they are like the cops here in Oregon they will say you were traveling at an "unsafe" speed no matter what your speed is. Doesn't seem fair but that is just one of the prices we "two wheelers" have to pay.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Scotzman on January 23, 2011, 06:54:05 PM
Most the cops in Riverside County (where I see most motorcycle cops), are pretty good with other riders. They'll even wave from time to time and if they do stop you, they love to talk about bikes.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Jett on January 24, 2011, 04:55:15 PM
LUCKY!!! The cops here are all douches. Looking for every reason to pull us over. Hopefully if this goes through they will lighten up a bit. I have waved to numerous police and they alway just give me a smug look. [leo] [leo]

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: strat10 on January 31, 2011, 05:16:55 PM
I think I would rather be side swiped than rear ended. Lane splitting FTW! Allthough I'm sure the cagers hate my Terms.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Jett on January 31, 2011, 08:09:29 PM
Here in Oregon they have been working on a survey and just recently Oregon decided not to fund the survey. :'( however i have the email address of the Motorcycle Safety Program Manager of Oregon who put together the meeting trying to pass the survey. If you can support the cause will you please email her? You don't have to be from Oregon to support this or email her. We need all the help we can get for this. This could potentially benefit any state. It's Oregon now but it could be you next. The sooner this happens for us the sooner it happens for another state and then another and so on. Please give your support for this, it would be greatly appreciated by ALOT of people.

Her name is Michele O'Leary and her emaill is: Michele.a.Oleary@odot.state.or.us

Thanks and good luck.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Scotzman on January 31, 2011, 08:55:43 PM
Orrrrrr, everyone can move to California.  [puke]

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: ducatiz on January 31, 2011, 11:16:26 PM
Orrrrrr, everyone can move to California.  [puke]

Seems a lot of people are busy moving out...

http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/censusstatistic/a/aagoingeast.htm (http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/censusstatistic/a/aagoingeast.htm)

Meanwhile, my wife is agitating me to move to LA... 

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Grendel on February 10, 2011, 08:56:14 PM
This isn't a question about legalities or people's attitudes but about the traffic junction/situation.  I filter at the lights when I can see a distinct advantage in doing so and if there is enough space to get up to speed quickly. If I think the lights are going to change to green really soon, or the traffic is flowing well anyway, I don't bother.

But are there junctions and intersections where filtering isn't recommended?

e.g. if I have to turn across an intersection (example, 5 lanes, 2 to turn), because it's not a straight ahead, I don't filter, just in case a cager decides to gun it from the lights going around the corner.

am I a chicken?

what about multi-lane traffic circles (round abouts)? I don't do it there either, because you never know if someone is going to try for a small gap that I wouldn't try for. or which exit they'll leave on. any advice?  do people have an exit strategy when they filter?

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Spidey on February 11, 2011, 08:47:11 AM
Something that doesn't get talked about a lot with filtering is at a stop.  I HATE being between cars at a stop.  There's no way to deal with a potential rear-endeder.  Lane sharing allows you to be between cars in case someone decides to ran the line-up from behind (which is really common).  The downside is that when the light turns green, you often have to jump into the intersection ahead of the cars that are next to you.  That exposes to you potential red light runners (eek!).  Nonetheless, I can't see what's the downside to allowing sharing--at a minimum--when cars are stopped.

As for people's concerns about lane sharing at higher speeds, I've never understood the concern.  Many people say that they won't lane share over 45 mph.  I don't get that.  I'm much more concerned about lane sharing at 20 mph when people will dart from lane to lane faster than I can react.  That doesn't happen much at higher speeds. 

am I a chicken?

Don't lane share in any situation where you are not comfortable doing it.  Lane sharing is risky, and you have to make your own personal choice about when you want to do it.  There are plenty of situations where I won't lane share where my friends will just zip right through.  As a general rule, you're right to note that sharing is not ideal in situations where there is a lot of cross-traffic or where cars have lots of options as to which direction they're going to go.  It dramatically increases the chance of someone making an error and taking you out.  I doubt I'd share in a traffic circle, for example.  But I'd probably share to the front of the queue in the 5/2 lane situation you described unless there was something about the intersection that riggered my spidey sense.   

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: BuBBleman21@! on February 19, 2011, 08:45:11 PM
i lane split like there is no tomorrow.  :) when i do it, i glance into each cars rear view mirror to see if the driver is looking. in my experience, the drivers who are staring at me will try to cut me off some how. so far, their reflexes are pretty slow & that is a good thing. speaking of good thing, i love the sound of my exhaust as it echoes off the cars i pass. 

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: duc996 on February 20, 2011, 04:52:14 AM
Lane splitting in Manila is legal ,but i don't go crazy doing it coz there's so many idiot cagers out here that scares the shit out of me.Anyway,i go pretty slow splitting lanes here.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: Grendel on February 21, 2011, 04:13:40 AM
It's not technically legal here (in Canberra, Australia).  But I couldn't be farked sitting at the back of a line of cars like a gimp.

I'm getting better at it, but my route to/from work is good anyway, and there aren't many chances to practice.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: MonsterInDark on March 17, 2011, 11:56:04 AM
I live in So-Cal in the greater LA area and ive found lane splitting to be my new morning comute hobby.....its the one advantage that we have over the 4 wheelers...not to mention its fun...i just make sure to watch the drivers heads as i approach and if they are talking on phones or rocking out to music i am a little more careful....and my monster has Full remus race exhaust so needless to say its loud as $hit which plays to my advantage because at lower speeds the cars hear me coming and most move over to allow me even MORE space which is un-needed but much appreciated....I would say monsters are the perfect bikes to lane split because of thier seating position and bike width....i can cruise right through traffic with ease...but i cant imagine trying to do it with a big cruiser like a harley electra glide...there would be no space at all....i say legalize it in oregon...it increases incentive to ride a bike...the more people on bikes....the less oil dependency...equals lower gas prices...equals more riding...equals happier world!!! O...and less pollution!

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: venomousr1993 on March 22, 2011, 07:06:52 PM
I had a supermoto in Japan (Okinawa) and I would do it everywhere I went.  Filter to the front at lights and ride the breakdown from Nago to Chatan.  The local drivers were very couteous (except SOFA "Y" platers) to motorcycles.  I have done it a few time here in the DC area with the Aprilia Dorsoduro since it is very narrow and zips through traffic well.  The Monster is harder with the Rizoma mirrors flared out.

Title: Re: lane splitting/sharing/filtering.
Post by: uglyducky on March 23, 2011, 03:08:08 PM
lane splitting is most definitely a god send here in CA however i agree with most of the posts here that, at speed, it can be very dangerous.  i think it puts the rider on the offensive which is good.

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