Title: 99 M900 not starting Post by: yellowduc on June 11, 2008, 12:58:01 PM Hi Guys,
Here's the deal. I took the bike out this morning for a ride. It started right up ( FRC41 wt pod filters)as usual. Drove the bike for about 10 km and stopped for about 1 hour. When I stopped and was turning off the bike, the starter button was depressed and starter cranked. I ''unstuck'' the button and went inside. When I tried to start her up again after the hour,I turned on the ignition ( light, flashers and horn all work) but nothing happens when I hit the starter button. So what gives??? I did have soleniod switch problems when I took the bike out this spring. It keep cranking even with the key out. That was resolved by just hitting the switch and it stopped. Now this. Can anyone help? Soleniod switch or starter? Battery is fully changed. Thanks Title: Re: 99 M900 not starting Post by: oliver dicicco on June 11, 2008, 04:50:21 PM Try jumping from the positive terminal of the battery directly to the starter motor, if the starter motor works, your problem is either the solenoid, or the starter switch circuit. If you feel the solenoid clicking when you hit the starter button, it could be a bad solenoid, if you get nothing check to see if your getting voltage to the solenoid low current circuit [the small molex connector], if no voltage, then the switch circuit is suspect.
Good luck. Title: Re: 99 M900 not starting Post by: ScottRNelson on June 12, 2008, 05:01:31 AM It's probably your solenoid. I burned out the solenoid on my ST2 just after I got the bike when the starter button stuck down while I was riding the bike. The problem with the starter button was that I had tightened the screws too tight to keep the controls from rotating. Putting a strip of duct tape under the controls solved that problem.
I used a Yamaha solenoid, just like the one sold by California Cycleworks. It's the same solenoid that Ducati uses, but with better connectors so that you don't have to worry about it ever coming loose. If you can "short" the two big wires across the solenoid and get it to start, then the solenoid is most likely the problem. Title: Re: 99 M900 not starting Post by: yellowduc on June 12, 2008, 09:32:27 AM Thanks guys,
That's what I was thinking since I did have problems with the solenoid before. The Yamaha starter relay ca-cycleworks sells, do you know from which model and year it comes from? If i order it from Chris, it will cost me double being in Canada ( shipping and taxes). I though I could have a look around here. Thanks for all you help. Title: Re: 99 M900 not starting Post by: ScottRNelson on June 12, 2008, 09:40:17 AM The Yamaha starter relay ca-cycleworks sells, do you know from which model and year it comes from? If i order it from Chris, it will cost me double being in Canada ( shipping and taxes). I though I could have a look around here. I got mine before I found out that Chris sold them, so I had to go visit Radio Shack to get the other half of the connector as well. I stopped in at the local Cycle Gear store, told them I needed a Yamaha relay, and found what looked the same as the Ducati part in their catalog. That was the correct one.Chris has a photo on his site showing you which one to get. Just ask for that one: (http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/shop/catalog/ducati/img/starter_relay.jpg) |