Title: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: AJ on February 02, 2011, 10:15:53 PM Hi folks,
I'm AJ, I'm a new member, live in SF, new to riding (5 months), currently riding a Nighthawk 250 and in the market for an M696 or M620ie. I found y'all thanks to Tigre - we go way back to those Boston days when the TigerBike was just a cub. Speaking of cubs, and I can't believe I'm admitting this, but it was Tigre who first got me interested in Monsters. Riding down Mass Ave late one night Tigre popped a bigass wheelie and what can I say, his shameless antics worked, I thought the TigerBike was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. (Of course the tiger showboating wasn't for my benefit, it was for the 3 hot guys in the car with me...) Fast forward to SF - TigerBike grew into a symphony of orange & black & grrrrrr, I was getting rides on my friend's S2R 800 (red, white racing stripe) and my boyfriend got an M900 (dark). Now I'm looking for a Monster of my own! It was great to meet y'all at Zeitgeist last week - the banter, squirrel catapults, cool hat & Tigre crash stories were lots of fun. I could have lived without pedobear, though. Was that Warren's idea? I should've known better... What else? I'm not a big donut fan, but I adore bacon and bacon chocolate. Once I get a Monster I'll post pics! Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: mostrobelle on February 02, 2011, 11:15:04 PM Yay! More girls. [thumbsup] Welcome! Look forward to seeing you around more, Monster or no.
Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: Michael Moore on February 03, 2011, 07:17:14 AM Welcome to our little locked ward.
Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: MendoDave on February 03, 2011, 09:56:22 AM Maybe Joy and I will see you at the Geist this month.
Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: Desmostro on February 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM I wondered who you were. Hope we get to talk more next time. Maybe at Tigres futball party?
All the best, Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: tigre on February 04, 2011, 01:49:10 PM AJ: welcome aboard. You've been to the 'geist night, but now that you're online, you're "official." (BTW: that is about the right blend of being nice to be and tiger-bashing... though most here would dial higher on the tiger-teasing).
Desmostro: AJ's out of town this weekend. Too bad. Cheers, Steve I wondered who you were. Hope we get to talk more next time. Maybe at Tigres futball party? All the best, Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: AJ on February 04, 2011, 03:23:51 PM w00t! And tiger-baiting is so much fun!
Seriously though, I hella heart TigerBike. And for the record, Steve's abode in Boston was the most James Bond bachelor pad I've ever seen. Minus the automatic weapons ( I hope). I was supposed to be in DC this weekend, but my connection in Dallas was canceled thanks to the freak snow/ice storm there, so I may show up on Sunday after all. Must be a nightmare for the folks who shelled out $$$$$ for Superbowl tix... Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: AJ on February 04, 2011, 06:59:41 PM Placing my bets on a redeye outta LAX. Hope the 5 hour layover pays off!
Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: jimboecv on February 06, 2011, 10:43:47 AM Nighthawk 250's are cool.
Greetings. Title: Re: Howdy - friend of Tigre here Post by: Spidey on February 09, 2011, 01:45:38 PM It was great to meet y'all at Zeitgeist last week - the banter, squirrel catapults, cool hat & Tigre crash stories were lots of fun. I could have lived without pedobear, though. Was that Warren's idea? Likely. It often is. ;D |