Title: wheels from a 2001 monster 750 on a '94 900ss?? Post by: 99monster750 on June 11, 2008, 09:20:30 PM anyone know if a pair of rims from an '01 monster 750 will fit on a '94 900ss??
Title: Re: wheels from a 2001 monster 750 on a '94 900ss?? Post by: knightrider on June 11, 2008, 09:35:31 PM dif size axle, youve got a 20 mm solid axle, the 01 wheels have a 25mm hollow axle
Title: Re: wheels from a 2001 monster 750 on a '94 900ss?? Post by: 99monster750 on June 11, 2008, 10:03:29 PM dif size axle, youve got a 20 mm solid axle, the 01 wheels have a 25mm hollow axle you dont happen to know about the axles on a 99' 750 do you? Title: Re: wheels from a 2001 monster 750 on a '94 900ss?? Post by: 2001cromo on June 12, 2008, 04:53:56 AM you dont happen to know about the axles on a 99' 750 do you? If you mean 99 Monster, then it will have the smaller axle size(s) you're looking for. If you mean 99 SS then I think that's the year the SS's switched to the larger 25mm front axle. (Either way the rear will fit, just make sure you get the conical spacer and cush assembly just to be safe) Monster wheel sizes 1993-1999 20mm front | 17mm rear 2000-2001 25mm front | 17mm rear 2002-current 25mm front | 25mm rear (for dual sized swingarms) SS wheel sizes 1992-1998 20mm front | 17mm rear 1999-2002 25mm front | 17mm rear (I think that all the SS's from beginning to current use(d) the 17mm rear, but I'm not 100% sure) The below is for either/both SS and Monsters All front wheels are 3.5" inches All rear wheels for any SS or Monster except 900's are 4.5" inches "Most" rear wheels for 900's are 5.5" inches, but sometimes got stuck with 4.5's <-- most are 5.5's and yes, you can swap in a larger (5.5") wheel, just make sure you get the conical spacer and cush drive assembly too as they're different widths between the larger 5.5" and smaller 4.5" wheels. And if you have to ask about bearing size differences, then just get the right size and be done with it. ;) |