Title: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Privateer on February 24, 2011, 10:08:35 PM I'm joinng some friends and riding to yellowstone this summer.
I plan to buy the cortech saddle bags, and maybe a kriega pack if I need more space. Wearing leather NJK jacket and tourmaster Caliber pants textile, dainese torque out boots. bring neck warmer, glove liners, different weights of underarmor shirts. wearing cycling shorts or long cycling tights under pants. Long thin soccer socks with an extra pair so they can dry out over night. This will be, by far, my longest ride to date, never even done an overnight trip. What suggestions does anyone have for additional gear or on-bike equipment and supplies? Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: orangelion03 on February 25, 2011, 07:43:51 AM Rain suit? Tire repair kit?
Sounds like an awesome trip Andy!! Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Privateer on February 25, 2011, 05:59:30 PM Rain suit? Tire repair kit? Sounds like an awesome trip Andy!! I thought of the plug kit but not the rain suit, thanks. here's the planned route route (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Carnation+Cir&daddr=I-15+S+to:US-20+E%2FTarghee+Pass+Hwy+to:44.6799,-110.48932+to:44.45411,-110.82962+to:44.39095,-110.57171+to:US-26+E%2FUS-287+S+to:6th+Ave+Fwy+to:38.52259,-106.07975+to:38.4509,-107.86625+to:S+Camino+Del+Rio+to:36.04286,-112.12039+to:N+1st+St+to:35.1661145,-111.6707296+to:34.55485,-112.44942+to:Carnation+Cir&geocode=FfagAgIdm5H4-A%3BFVCmUgIdgMpN-Q%3BFfaUqQId6ipg-Q%3BFdzCqQIdGBFq-SmPJVX4miFOUzHI2xGuRLedVQ%3BFd5QpgIdzN9k-Sm3ok8gF-1RUzFZImlhwyA8Zg%3BFSZapQIdQs9o-SmXe5uo9vlRUzHdR8i4hzr8dg%3BFRYdmAIdBHd3-Q%3BFUgqXgIdrsy9-Q%3BFd7OSwId-lmt-SlXlGwR8RUVhzHJDwCNGIu0vA%3BFdS2SgIddheS-SnJsmsRc1A_hzE_2dmFOFvVxA%3BFaqJOAIddu-R-Q%3BFWz4JQIdui1R-Sn_w5y5nhAzhzFYCdznlrOtYA%3BFY7iGQIdZihQ-Q%3BFaKXGAIdNwpY-SnptbgyeYUthzE6JKCXJ1TolQ%3BFeJDDwIddChM-SmLx09ftCgthzH_UCa43e0eBg%3BFfagAgIdxpH4-A&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=6&mrsp=13&sz=10&via=3,4,5,8,9,11,13,14&sll=35.008628,-112.050934&sspn=0.611898,1.352692&ie=UTF8&ll=38.307181,-103.051758&spn=20.509922,35.419922&z=5) Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: orangelion03 on February 25, 2011, 07:32:40 PM Nice! Too bad you cant teleport through the ugly bits of Nevada on the way out and Arizona on the way back (or vice versa!)
Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: skxf430 on February 25, 2011, 09:31:53 PM Auto Club card, Camelbak, and maybe auxillary fuel tank.
Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Privateer on February 25, 2011, 11:08:36 PM thanks.
today I thought - install vista cruise. Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: orangelion03 on February 26, 2011, 02:32:42 PM thanks. today I thought - install vista cruise. [thumbsup] I bought an extra throttle tube and began modifying it to install a Vista Cruise. Just havent gotten around to finishing it. Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: J5 on February 26, 2011, 06:31:26 PM This will be, by far, my longest ride to date, never even done an overnight trip. What suggestions does anyone have for additional gear or on-bike equipment and supplies? socks , jocks, credit card , cash for the pub refreshments Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Privateer on February 27, 2011, 01:06:25 AM if all else fails on the vista, I'm going to get one of these;
http://www.thecycleguys.com/default.aspx?PageID=119&CategoryID=27 (http://www.thecycleguys.com/default.aspx?PageID=119&CategoryID=27) local guy makes them (I think), saw him at brea ducati a couple months ago Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: orangelion03 on February 27, 2011, 06:45:42 PM if all else fails on the vista, I'm going to get one of these; http://www.thecycleguys.com/default.aspx?PageID=119&CategoryID=27 (http://www.thecycleguys.com/default.aspx?PageID=119&CategoryID=27) local guy makes them (I think), saw him at brea ducati a couple months ago Saw those at the show this past year...very simple, elegant solution! Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: herm on February 28, 2011, 05:01:25 AM nice route. when you get to colorado, you really should include Rocky Mountain National Park in your trip. Its only a bit out of the way, and you can avoid the drive down I-25.
Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Privateer on February 28, 2011, 06:26:52 AM nice route. when you get to colorado, you really should include Rocky Mountain National Park in your trip. Its only a bit out of the way, and you can avoid the drive down I-25. thanks for the tip. I'm not setting the route but I'll give the suggestion to the guys who are. I know some of our nightly stops are based on travel time and free sleeping accomodations, but we'll see. When I look on google maps, I don't see rocky mountain NP. Could you point me in the right direction? Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Privateer on March 08, 2011, 08:36:45 PM nice route. when you get to colorado, you really should include Rocky Mountain National Park in your trip. Its only a bit out of the way, and you can avoid the drive down I-25. thanks for the tip. I'm not setting the route but I'll give the suggestion to the guys who are. I know some of our nightly stops are based on travel time and free sleeping accomodations, but we'll see.When I look on google maps, I don't see rocky mountain NP. Could you point me in the right direction? anybody know about this rocky mountain national park? Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Bick on March 29, 2011, 03:23:50 PM anybody know about this rocky mountain national park? That it is someplace to avoid on a bike. I do not see your route, but there are alternatives to going through the park. (if you are caging, and have a day to kill, then yes, see the park.) If you do actually get around the line of out of state minivans & rv's, the park rangers are there to issue a speed permit for as little as 6mph over posted. Poudre Canyon, to the north, is wide open, and much less patrolled. [moto] Post up in MHM when you are passing through. I'm sure someone will volunteer to be a tour guide. Title: Re: Riding to Yellowstone in August, tips? Post by: Speeddog on April 05, 2011, 08:46:34 AM +1 on the CamelBak.