Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 03:54:23 AM

Title: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 03:54:23 AM
I'm of the opinion that in very rural , less populated areas w, light traffic , Motorcycles should be able to ride as fast as the weather and their skill level permits wearing ATGATT.

After all. who dies in motorcycle crashes 99 % of the time ...the person(s) on the motorcycle.

Remember...this is VERY RURAL, low POPULAION, and very LIGHT VEHICLE TRAFFIC areas.

Weather conditions taken into effect and your skills as a rider must dictate that you DO NOT ride faster than you are CAPABLE of handling your bike in all sorts of situations you would normally encounter at higher speeds.

Obviously somethings can't be avoided, even at the posted speed limit ( you'll probably still die if you hit a deer on the freeway going the speed limit ).


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Drjones on March 09, 2011, 04:57:03 AM
As long as the person is on their own personal medical and vehicle insurance policy separate from everyone else's then sure why not.  That way the rider is assuming all risk and responsibility for thier actions and not driving up the insurance rates on everyone else.  The flip side of freedom is responsibility.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 09, 2011, 05:05:47 AM
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...go ahead and spend your money for to convince the federal DOT of that one...

the roadway is not a free race track...if you want to ride like an asshole and take those kinds of risks...don't pregnant dog when you get the ticket(s) that come with it or just take it to the track!

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Howie on March 09, 2011, 05:07:41 AM
I do believe in sensible speed limits.  I'm a big believer in the 85% theory unless reduced speed is needed due to other circumstances such as suicidal wild life, merges, cross traffic and school zones.  

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Outlaw1100 on March 09, 2011, 06:00:51 AM
I think a better idea than no speed limits in rural areas would be lower fines in certain circumstances.  For example, getting caught doing 30 MPH over the speed limit in a 25MPH school zone in town...should get your license torn up.  But getting nicked for 85 (on one wheel) in a 55 MPH zone on some empty country back road...the cop should laugh a little and give you a $50 ticket. 

Another way to say it...I've seen an open country road ahead of me where I could see a few miles ahead.  No cross streets, no traffic, no animals (just empty cornfields), solid good pavement...so I'm not being a jerk nor a danger to myself or anyone else if I open it up to 140 for a few moments.  That is safer, and should thus be a lower penalty, than some idiot wheelying at 60MPH down a busy city street.

Make sense?


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 09, 2011, 06:18:03 AM
the problem is....what you guys are trying to get an okay on is completely subjective to the judgement of yourself versus the LEO dealing with you at the time due to a lack of definition...and pair that with the fact that you REALLY don't want a bunch of beaurocrats to pidgeon hole a definition of those kinds of things....DO YOU?!?!?!

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: akmnstr on March 09, 2011, 06:43:27 AM
My gut believes in what your saying.  When I'm way out there I just want to let it rip and I feel like my bike is much more capable of dealing with potential problems and the rules should apply to the cages only.  But, I live on a country road myself.  My section of road is posted at 45.  The surrounding cluster of homes are occupied by kids and dogs.  Many a young redneck rides by at 70 in his truck or on his Harley and runs the stopsign on the corner.   I hate those make the beast with two backss.  I wouldn't want to leave it up to some dude, that doesn't live in my area, to decide how fast he should ride down my country road.   [thumbsdown]

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: live2ride on March 09, 2011, 07:15:02 AM
I know someone who was minding his own business on his farmland when someone speeding down the country road lost control and struck him fatally.

So in response to the OP, no thanks.

Also, wouldn't you be concerned that many of the country roads be taken up by weekend racers coming from the big city to speed?

btw, I would love to open up the throttle on an empty stretch of road but i'll restrain myself to the track.
i'm actually not against speeding.  i do wish speed limits were increased on multiple lane, limited access highways; just wish people knew how to stay right when not passing....
as long as they don't and people lane change like they own the road, i'll keep my distance from EVERYONE

now that i think about it, if they open up country roads, wouldn't it make sense to open up limited access highways first?  one direction of traffic flow, higher speed vehicles, less animals than a country road, generally further distance from a residence than a country road, no pedestrians.  so an empty highway should be safer than a country road, but lets face it, we're just not gonna get an open road to speed through legally
montana tried it and failed

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Outlaw1100 on March 09, 2011, 07:25:49 AM
Good points about how country roads sometimes still have hazards.  I do know though of two farm roads around here where one can be 100% sure that there isn't a soul (kid, adult, or any animal larger than a racoon) near the road for a mile or two ahead.  And no houses either - no trees - no anyhing but corn on each side.  Nice pavement, and a nice downhill slope (no rises with surprises)...And this only applies during certain times of the year - once the corn gets a few feet high, you can't trust that there isn't any living creature about to jump out.  My overall point is...if you are careful enough, I mean truly careful enough (which means true respect for any possible thing that could go wrong), you can find a relatively safe place to speed outside of a trackday.

I also like the comment about the limited highways.  Look at the Autobahn...a very successful example of limited places with no (or little) speed limits.  It was fun to be driving a rental Mercedes at about 120 and being the slowest dude on the road!  Then I came up on a cop who was doing 100, and I passed him, and he didn't care!  (I've got to get back to Germany...)


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Grappa on March 09, 2011, 07:44:03 AM
DoubleEagle, can you put me in your will.  Please!

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: sbrguy on March 09, 2011, 07:53:35 AM
i personally would have no problem with the rule to allow unlimited speeds on some roads, but there would be a catch, if you injure someone you goto jail as if it was an intential injury and if you kill someone then you have to commit suicide to save the state money rather than lock you up and pay for it.  [laugh]

but seriuolsy i see where all the points of view are, the problem like zoom says this is not feasible in the USA, he is already of the view saying LEO won't agree with you, but already he is of the mindset of that you should only be doing this at the track and it appears he is set in his ways, he didn't consider if they made this a law like on the german autobahn that it shoud be ok then.

if they were to allow something like this say like what they have on the autobahn in germany then i think it can work, but that will never happen in the usa, too many people can't drive straight as it is and have no concept of pass on the left and stay to the right.  americans have too much of a view of "i own the road and will make you go slower because i don't like you going faster than me, heck i'll do the job of a cop" so they can't grasp that concept even on a normal freeway.

and to the otehr poster, yes country roads would become race ways for city people.  afterall you moved there so you should have known that it would become that way if you don't like it move away to someplace more rural than currently rural.  sarcasm. [laugh]

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: rideserotta on March 09, 2011, 08:19:32 AM
I also like the comment about the limited highways.  Look at the Autobahn...a very successful example of limited places with no (or little) speed limits.  It was fun to be driving a rental Mercedes at about 120 and being the slowest dude on the road!  Then I came up on a cop who was doing 100, and I passed him, and he didn't care!  (I've got to get back to Germany...)


I lived in Germany for a few years and loved the Autobahn. But don't even THINK about doing that here in the US. First of all, getting a license in Germany is serious, thourough, and expensive. The minimum age is 18. AND if you screw up you lose your privilege to drive (passing on the right on the autobahn get you a huge fine). Here just about anyone can get a liscense and does. Think of the texting, eating, makeup-applying, reading-the-newspaper in the car nuts that would drive 130mph and STILL do all those things while driving! Unlimited speeds?... in the US?? No way. Our drivers are not even CLOSE to being prepared for that.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Timmy Tucker on March 09, 2011, 08:20:31 AM
I agree that there is a certain population of riders that are responsible enough to make it work, but in my experience they are the minority. Inexperienced and/or unsafe riders will be tossing bikes on the ground at a much higher rate than they already do. What will happen to motorcycle insurance premiums? I already pay more than I'd like to. It would be unaffordable for the average person.

It certainly won't help health insurance and health care rates either. It could eventually lead to riders being assigned higher rates just like smokers do. Or worse, being denied coverage, like they do for things like racing, skydiving, etc.

Also, you'd be asking the government to give up a source of potential revenue (however small it may be) by not ticketing speeding motorcycles. Think of the revenue currently generated at places like Mulholland and Deals Gap, not gonna happen. Plus the burden to mop up the increased number of wrecks lies mainly on the wallets of the taxpayers. Not interested, we already spend too much unnecessarily.

And finally, an innocent person will eventually be killed because of it, no way around that. Is someone else's life really worth being able to ride a little faster?

I say, take it to the track.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Timmy Tucker on March 09, 2011, 08:30:03 AM
I think the autobahn is a poor example anyway. From what I understand, it was designed for high speeds and is maintained in order to keep them safe (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Our roads are not designed or maintained for that level of riding.

Just an example... We have some of the best roads in the country for riding here in East TN. However, many places it's not safe to even ride the speed limit in due to the condition of the road. The amount gravel in the roads here is unreal. You would think TDOT hires people to stand in each turn and shovel gravel and shit in the road all day long.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Outlaw1100 on March 09, 2011, 08:52:39 AM
Think of the revenue currently generated at places like Mulholland and Deals Gap, not gonna happen.

I agree - Deals Gap is not the place to speed - for more reasons than the cops.  I'm down there twice a year, and for what my opinion is worth - one can have a ton of fun on that road and never go over 40MPH.  Or even 35.

But, here in the midwest, I can have a different kind of fun on these straight, lightly-travelled backroads, and experience the exact same level of risk (for myself and others both) as I do on trackdays.  You just have to be careful, and not be stupid about how you have that fun.  And, no, I'm not talking about the brief 140MPH sprints I reference above (although those are fair game sometimes too).  I'm talking about a 75-80MPH, spirited pace...then get to a town and go very slow...then exit the town and have some fun. 

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: sbrguy on March 09, 2011, 08:55:14 AM
you are right the autobahn was designed that way.

but you could have higher speeds on intestates especially through kansas.  i couldn't believe how straight and flat that interstate was... through the entire state i don't think i moveed the steering wheel to the left or right.   [laugh]

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Statler on March 09, 2011, 09:01:28 AM
Given the Op's accident history posted previously I think my opinion of skilled rider differs from his as (I am assuming here) he believes he's in his category of people for his raised limits.  

   Given his refusal to ever go to the track, I chalk this thread's idea up as complete bullshit bravado that doesn't warrant debate.  

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: live2ride on March 09, 2011, 09:07:06 AM
good point timmy, didn't even think of how bad the road conditions are.
if we take this back to the original post, rural roads aren't exactly known for being gravel-free

in all reality, speed limits should be relative to conditions, which is why you have reduced speed limits in inclement weather.  that only begs the question, who needs to be told not to speed when its snowing?  from all the accidents i've seen with cars flipping off the road this winter, i'd say a surprising amount of people.  

so let's just agree that everyone on this board is an awesome driver/rider (to his/her own definition) but everyones else sucks and thus we must all follow rules that were created to protect the ignorant.

it was actually very amusing to drive through asia this past summer (china/korea).  I know a lot of people think drivers in the US are bad but they are nothing compared to the Chinese/Koreans.  The funny thing is I didn't see many accidents at all.  Of course i wasn't exactly touring the highways, but I did travel by car/bus quite often.  My best guess as to why there may be less accidents is that there are SO many bad drivers that more people are alert and aware.  You have to be if you want to stay alive I suppose.  US drivers (i for one) get too comfortable, especially in my car.  This is definitely one of the reasons I enjoy the bike so much.  You are fully aware of your environment and there are much less distractions.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Timmy Tucker on March 09, 2011, 09:16:09 AM
Given the Op's accident history posted previously I think my opinion of skilled rider differs from his as (I am assuming here) he believes he's in his category of people for his raised limits.  

   Given his refusal to ever go to the track, I chalk this thread's idea up as complete bullshit bravado that doesn't warrant debate.  

 [laugh] [laugh]

I appreciate someone who gets right to the point.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 09:31:03 AM
Given the Op's accident history posted previously I think my opinion of skilled rider differs from his as (I am assuming here) he believes he's in his category of people for his raised limits.  

   Given his refusal to ever go to the track, I chalk this thread's idea up as complete bullshit bravado that doesn't warrant debate.  

Funny Chris,.....I rode all of last year mostly on my new S 1000 RR and the 1098 R , arguably the 2 fastest superbikes on the planet.

I rode each time like I was on a mission from God....I attacked the roads I rode on w, not a single drop...so yes I believe that now qualifies me to be in the group of motorcyclists I described in my opening post as far as skill.

My 6000 miles of road racing through the hills and forests is testament to me anyway to my ability to call myself a skilled rider now.


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: duccarlos on March 09, 2011, 09:45:25 AM
Take it to the track where if you decide to die you won't take anyone with you. I would love to see the excuses why you don't take your "arguably the 2 fastest superbikes on the planet" to exactly the place where those 2 bikes should be ridden.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Raux on March 09, 2011, 09:49:39 AM

if we get something together this summer in Europe... wanna ship a bike over and ride here?

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 09, 2011, 10:03:22 AM
but seriuolsy i see where all the points of view are, the problem like zoom says this is not feasible in the USA, he is already of the view saying LEO won't agree with you, but already he is of the mindset of that you should only be doing this at the track and it appears he is set in his ways, he didn't consider if they made this a law like on the german autobahn that it shoud be ok then.

1ST OFF...if a LEO has already pulled you over, he is by some measure already in disagreement with you and what you are doing...which starts you off on the wrong side of any kind of situation where you are subjected to his discretion....

2ND-ly...this isn't Germany or Europe or Japan where people actually pay exorbinant amounts for to have a liscence and vehicle and thereby appreciate the priviledge granted by operating a vehicle on the roadways, regardless of speed....and they are all generally capable for to do so and held responsible when they don't do it right or legally...unlike here in the USA where people are less skilled, and treat their liscence and vehicle entitlement like it is a god given right, hence why they run others off the road...

3rd...I am not saying the track is THE place to be as a 100% rule...but since you want to try and put words in my mouth as to my opinions...let me elaborate...since we are talking about Dolph here, I am going to use him further...he has on previous instances exclaimed here on this board of his exploits pushing triple digit #'s on public roadways...he has also turned down invitations from people like various Flounders here for to show up to the track...and for whatever reasons, Dolph doesn't seem to engage in those offers and chooses to keep on pushing his limitations on our roadways....and now has started a thread with the intention to try and get some level of support or justification for his very illegal exploits....now I ask you this....are you 100% on his side in placating his ego and recklessness?

4th...I will freely admit, I am not guiltless...I know on certain roads or regular routes I have ridden, there are a few roads where I push my limits or extend past the speed limits...and yes...in addition, I also go to the track where I really push further and think that is the place for to really push the kinds of eveloped edges that Dolph freely admits to pushing on the streets

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: duccarlos on March 09, 2011, 10:10:28 AM
I will only comment on zooom's 4th point. I too have to admit that I have pushed the limit a bit on the street, specifically in the mountains of Georgia. But at the same time, I understood the consequences. It seems others here do not understand those consequences. If you want no limit speed, move to Europe or take it to the track. SImple as that.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: JEFF_H on March 09, 2011, 10:14:09 AM
Didnt last very long in Montana

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Raux on March 09, 2011, 11:03:39 AM
Zooom takes about something is critical in any decision about public safety.
Education- Germany takes driver education and driver responsibility very seriously. Everyone has to take classroom courses, hours or in car driving/motorcycle riding with a car instructor connected via bluetooth, etc. Everything is scrutinized, and simply getting in the car and failing to check mirrors, put on seatbelt... in the proper order on somethings... WILL FAIL you and you will not be able to drive. OH, and to retake... you have to pay for more.

in the states, IF you are in highschool, and i think it's an elective, driver education is a small course. you are given a learners permit which allows you to drive with an adult that has NO teaching requirements. And if you aren't in school, you take a written exam and a short roadtest that's a joke.

Which driver would you want driving at 100 mph next to you, or for that matter coming towards you?

Leave the speed limits in the states intact until the education levels come up. Until getting a license costs you more than a grand and includes hundreds of hours of training.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: dark_duc on March 09, 2011, 11:17:51 AM
I lived and drove in Germany for 4 years and was actually surprised at how regulated the speed actually was.  The autobahn was speed regulated through all city/residential areas and restrictions were only lifted between towns/exit ramps (in Bavaria anyways).  The back roads were regulated and they would even set up the handy little portable speed traps and you would recieve a nice little ticket in the mail. 

My opinion is for the US, there should always be speed limits.  If the rules changed more and more teens would die.  Alot allready do but at least the speed limit exists and could sway some to drive within the law.  My hope is that if Johny Lawman catches me doing 30 over on some isolated road, I would be let off with a "slow down buddy" and be on my way...but doubtful.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: sbrguy on March 09, 2011, 11:23:28 AM
all of this is a moot point.

since it will NEVER happen in the states EVER.

1. increased education? never will happen.

2. american's admitting that they need more education with driving? never will happen, see rule 1 above, we can't waste time for that we have to text and talk while driving, sheesh [laugh]

3. speed as much as you want, its only an illegal violation if a LEO can prove that you are speeding in a court of law, but you have to deal with any consequences.  

the real question should be, should there be penalties for breaking laws when there has been no harm done in breaking the law?

example you go 100mph on a 50mph road and there is nobody else around at all, nobody gets hurt, no accidents happen should you be given a ticket for breaking a law that is meant for public safety when there is no "public" around and the safety of the public was never in danger because there wasn't a "public" exist at that moment in time?

of course you can play "what if" all you want, but you can do that with anything in life that isn't the question here,.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Jarvicious on March 09, 2011, 11:28:21 AM
I agree with Raux.  As adults (well, most of us :)) we can choose to tear ass around the back country roads whenever and wherever we feel and choose to ignore the posted speed limit signs.  Leo, in turn, can choose to haul us away in hand cuffs whenever or wherever they see fit. 

I grew up in the USSR of Illinois where they actually mandated a full one semester class of drivers education before we could even graduate high school.  This allowed us (as someone already said) to get our permits at the age of 15, provided we were always in the car with a parent or guardian.  Even then we still have a high incident rate which could be attributed to poor habits picked up from adults (do as I say, not as I do) poor quality classroom education, or even the piss poor road conditions (thanks Idot).  So, despite all the classroom education and supervised beginners driving, they still drive like complete jackasses over there.

Unless we seriously beef up our driver's education system, there is no need for a speed limit increase.  Not unless we want the fatality rate to increase anyway. 

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Punx Clever on March 09, 2011, 12:41:05 PM
How about this then?

I'm of the opinion that in very rural , less populated areas w, light traffic , Motorcycles  Cars should be able to ride drive as fast as the weather and their skill level permits wearing ATGATT seatbelts.

That wonderfull spoiled little teen-age brat driving daddy's prosche, crossing over the center in blind curves has just as good of an argument as you do.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: duccarlos on March 09, 2011, 12:50:01 PM
That wonderfull spoiled little teen-age brat driving daddy's prosche, crossing over the center in blind curves has just as good of an argument as you do.

Which wasn't a good argument to start off with. To even consider this, someone would need to vouch for your magical "skillz" of running your 2 faster than thou bikes at a certain level. Can anyone on here vouch for speed racer?

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Outlaw1100 on March 09, 2011, 01:10:35 PM
To those who think this is a stupid and senseless thread:  what else do we have to do since winter is still clinging to us in the midwest...except to talk about stupid and senseless things?

For me anyway, this thread has made me wistfully think about many a sprited Sunday morning rides through the Iowa/Illinois countryside, and all those good memories with my riding buddies that I have from those rides.

One other comment - I've seen alot of people do a lot of stupid things on motorycles (and in cars)...and speed usually isn't the problem.  The problems are things like crossing the double yellow at Deals Gap, people texting while driving, squids wheelying through busy city streets, motorcycles parked at bars, etc etc...

The real question we all need to ask ourselves about speeding, in each instance that we do it, is: are we taking a very-well-thought-out calculated risk, or are we just being idiots?  fine line, yes, I know...


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: pennyrobber on March 09, 2011, 01:18:16 PM
The only motorcycle that shouldn't have a speed limit out in the boonies is a bright red 620 Capirex.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Spidey on March 09, 2011, 01:53:05 PM
Speed limits don't apply to motorcycles.  If a LEO pulls you over, explain that him, kick him in his ladyjunk and then flee the scene.  

My 6000 miles of road racing through the hills and forests is testament to me anyway to my ability to call myself a skilled rider now.


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: WarrenJ on March 09, 2011, 02:49:31 PM
I cannot believe that anyone here that has ridden their Ducati on an open rural road has not exceeded the posted speed limit. 

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Statler on March 09, 2011, 03:07:14 PM
I cannot believe that anyone here that has ridden their Ducati on an open rural road has not exceeded the posted speed limit. 


Bragged about it?
Suggested changing laws to allow it?
constantly posting about skills after hospitalizing injuries from crashing solo....twice?

The man is a bad example for new and intermediate riders everywhere.   And I will post my thoughts on every thread on this forum which I think needs a call on bullshit. 

Come ride with folks on the forum who do track days.   I waited too long in my motorcycle career. 

Nobody cares how fast you are.   No matter how good, someone is faster.

Track classes improve skills. 

Keep the triple digit, double yellow line, but safe, passes on the street to yourself.  We all do it.   Sometimes in groups. 

Improve your skills.  Work on bike control.    Ride hard on the track.  (someone mentioned the fastest 3 riders on the street ride last DIMBY all crashed on the track later).  (sorry Nate, yours wasn't your fault).

<so sick of riders bragging about street speeds>

Dolph, I will personally pay for a track class.  You're clearly rich and don't need the help, but I'm sick of the bullshit.    Learn to ride you're great bikes at a track.   You'll love it and you'll learn something. 

(there will be a DMF trackschool giveaway soon for people who aren't all talk and want to learn).

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: ducpainter on March 09, 2011, 03:15:27 PM

Bragged about it?
Suggested changing laws to allow it?
constantly posting about skills after hospitalizing injuries from crashing solo....twice?

The man is a bad example for new and intermediate riders everywhere.   And I will post my thoughts on every thread on this forum which I think needs a call on bullshit. 

Come ride with folks on the forum who do track days.   I waited too long in my motorcycle career. 

Nobody cares how fast you are.   No matter how good, someone is faster.

Track classes improve skills. 

Keep the triple digit, double yellow line, but safe, passes on the street to yourself.  We all do it.   Sometimes in groups. 

Improve your skills.  Work on bike control.    Ride hard on the track.  (someone mentioned the fastest 3 riders on the street ride last DIMBY all crashed on the track later).  (sorry Nate, yours wasn't your fault).

<so sick of riders bragging about street speeds>

Dolph, I will personally pay for a track class.  You're clearly rich and don't need the help, but I'm sick of the bullshit.    Learn to ride you're great bikes at a track.   You'll love it and you'll learn something. 

(there will be a DMF trackschool giveaway soon for people who aren't all talk and want to learn).

On the contrary Chris.

It's always the fault of the person twisting the throttle.

I crashed that day because I was following the guy too closely. He made a mistake, crashed, and I left myself nowhere to go. It was absolutely my fault.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DRKWNG on March 09, 2011, 04:31:50 PM
Funny Chris,.....I rode all of last year mostly on my new S 1000 RR and the 1098 R , arguably the 2 fastest superbikes on the planet.

Please feel free to put it back in your pants. 

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: BoDiddley on March 09, 2011, 04:39:06 PM
This is what we need for Moto, Maybe the DMF could sponsor it? [thumbsup] [laugh] [clap]

I like this part the best "The cars are run in classes at five mile per hour increments, from 95 mph to 180 mph, with the class determined by the vehicle's safety equipment, the driver's experience level and the driver/navigator comfort level."

http://www.silverstateclassic.com/318-hwy-event-description.htm (http://www.silverstateclassic.com/318-hwy-event-description.htm)

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: thought on March 09, 2011, 04:43:34 PM

that's the reason i dont agree with this.  that's what happens when a motorcycle at 150 mph hits a car... it's in a traffic museum somewhere in europe.  everyone died, including driver and passenger of the car.

i know the op said that it was only going to be a "lightly trafficed" country road... but light traffic doesnt mean no traffic.

no matter how good you are, no matter how atgatt you are... it's not going to stop you from messing up once and killing other people.  because once is all it really takes.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Stinky Wizzleteats on March 09, 2011, 05:50:03 PM
That is probably one of the most selfish ideas I have ever heard....

Just one little mistake, one unforeseen obstacle on the road and your family is left to pick up the pieces.

Rally car drivers crash and they drive the course before racing on it. Racers on the Isle Of Man crash, and I'm sure they are a 100X better rider than you will ever be.

BIG  [thumbsdown]

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: kopfjäger on March 09, 2011, 06:49:46 PM
Please feel free to put it back in your pants. 

 [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [drink]

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: WarrenJ on March 09, 2011, 06:59:41 PM
I think we would all appreciate a bit of flexibility from the patrolman when we are exceeding the speed limit a bit out in the sticks but with tax revenue down, the young stormtroopers are being given an unofficial edict to get revenue.   I think this summer here is going to be bad as far as interaction with law enforcement is concerned. 

If we want to play, we are going to be more likely to pay.  They have their Letters of Marque and we are going to get boarded and pillaged.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: kopfjäger on March 09, 2011, 09:21:59 PM
No, because what happenend to you on you S4R will be a common occurance. Want to break the speed limit in a relative safe enviornment. Go to the Track.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 09:54:51 PM

if we get something together this summer in Europe... wanna ship a bike over and ride here?
Sorry Jerry,

 I don't go much more than 100 miles in any one direction.

Dolph     :)

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Raux on March 09, 2011, 10:22:22 PM
Sorry Jerry,

 I don't go much more than 100 miles in any one direction.

Dolph     :)

well technically if an airport is less than 100 miles from you.. you don't ride over... there is an ocean you know ;)

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 10:53:31 PM
How about this then?

That wonderfull spoiled little teenage brat driving daddy's porsche, crossing over the center in blind curves has just as good of an argument as you do.
I find it hard, as a person who has owned 13 Porsches in my lifetime , to have EVER imagined driving one of the 911s like I ride my bikes.

I know a person should be safer in a car , but I feel much safer at high speeds on a curvy road on a bike.

I guess it's because I've done a lot of studying on the subject and gone out and practiced 2 or 3 times a week for the past 3 years until I feel that I sort a " get it " now.

It's not that expensive to take your bike out and ride it.

To take a Porsche out and run it hard through a 150 miles of country roads 3 times a week you are going to have some serioius maintenance bills plus the fear of binning a $100,000 plus car would weigh heavy on MY mind.

 If the teenager actually HAS the skills to drive a Porsche at higher speeds on country roads ..than yes let them enjoy the car but....

My problem w, that scenario is the mind of a teenager and their maturity and ability to make rational decisions that aren't driven by hormones and a lack of maturity.

There are some very young race car drivers in some very fast cars so if a person has been exposed to a race environment since early childhood , they probably would be more mature like Elena Myers , a young girl who won here 1st professional motorcycle  road race at age 15 this past Summer in CA.

She could be trusted in my mind to be at least riding a bike on a country road at any speed she wanted to ride.

 I guess there will never be an consensus opinion on my original idea.

Yes it's probably a very bad idea .

So, those of you , and you know who you are , you just keep on riding the way you have been riding .

As for me, I'll probably be slowing down ...just like my metabolism.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 11:15:19 PM
well technically if an airport is less than 100 miles from you.. you don't ride over... there is an ocean you know ;)
I gave up flying ( in planes ) years ago after a near death experience.

Landing w, another Plane on the runway.

Plus , ( no offense to you ) but I have no desire to travel anymore.

I'll soon be 62 ... I have serious health issues, I'm lucky to be able to ride a bike,...I can't walk more than 100 feet on the level.

The day one of my bikes breaks I just better be close to a tree w, leaves for shade and cell phone reception.


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 09, 2011, 11:41:18 PM


 from crashing solo....twice?


The 2nd time wasn't my fault...I didn't get cited by the Patroman that investigated the crash.

The same thing almost happened to Kopf's riding buddy the other day w, the Pickup.


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: kopfjäger on March 09, 2011, 11:52:10 PM
The 2nd time wasn't my fault...I didn't get cited by the Patroman that investigated the crash.

The same thing almost happened to Kopf's riding buddy the other day w, the Pickup.


Cited or not, the grave stone doesn't read, if the other guy would have done........... ;)

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 10, 2011, 01:23:50 AM
I think a better idea than no speed limits in rural areas would be lower fines in certain circumstances.  For example, getting caught doing 30 MPH over the speed limit in a 25MPH school zone in town...should get your license torn up.  But getting nicked for 85 (on one wheel) in a 55 MPH zone on some empty country back road...the cop should laugh a little and give you a $50 ticket. 

Another way to say it...I've seen an open country road ahead of me where I could see a few miles ahead.  No cross streets, no traffic, no animals (just empty cornfields), solid good pavement...so I'm not being a jerk nor a danger to myself or anyone else if I open it up to 140 for a few moments.  That is safer, and should thus be a lower penalty, than some idiot wheelying at 60MPH down a busy city street.

Make sense?

Yes Mike, it makes sense to me.

Now how about the other 7752 members on this Forum ?


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 10, 2011, 07:24:35 AM
Sorry Jerry,

 I don't go much more than 100 miles in any one direction.

Dolph     :)

is there that many miles between Starbucks stops for you?

  If the teenager actually HAS the skills to drive a Porsche at higher speeds on country roads ..than yes let them enjoy the car but....

you are now making a different subject about things by saying there has to be a skillset....you started this off by asking for allowance to exceed what is currently set as legal for justification when you are out riding like an asshole...allowances or permissions have nothing to do with skillsets...and the minute you make something like this legal...you make it legal for any and every moron who has a liscence regardless of skills, from the kid with the Porsche to the squid on the Zuke....and it is absolutely not something you can make exclusive to bikes only unless you want to make things like the motorcycle checkpoints discussed in the other thread legal for to discriminate...it has to be for all vehicles or none...period...and quite frankly...it is an absolutely lurid idea of yours this whole thing is due to your lack of thinking for people other than yourself...so when you come out of your fantasy zone of self centered-ness on this whole idea and realize there are a lot more people on the roadways worth considering aside from you...you might start to make some level of progress!

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 10, 2011, 07:31:11 AM
The 2nd time wasn't my fault...I didn't get cited by the Patroman that investigated the crash.


WRONG!...it is your fault...cited or not...you had control of YOUR throttle and brakes and were doing so without giving yourself some marginal room for error...just like Nate admitting responsibility for his wreck on the track...or anyone else who is driving their machine...as they assume control, they assume the responsibility...for risk, damage and anything else...responsilibility is a mutha fugga so just accept it..own it...be it...

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: gregrnel on March 10, 2011, 08:17:07 AM
 Would you want to be on a road (on a bicycle, car, suv, motorcycle, etc) with an 18 year old on a 600cc Japanese sportbike without a speed limit? ABSOLUTELY NOT! A cyclist can still kill someone in a car.

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: Raux on March 10, 2011, 10:25:07 AM
Yes Mike, it makes sense to me.

Now how about the other 7752 members on this Forum ?


this is somewhat like it is here.

a 30kph over in the city zone is 30day suspension
but outside the city zone it goes up to 40kph

makes sense that the road dictates the fine, not the speed

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: akmnstr on March 10, 2011, 11:10:10 AM
Keeping mind that this is just a discussion and isn't going to change a thing in the real world I propose the following. 
1. That I be allowed to ride how ever the hell I feel like on any country road.  I will decide what constitutes a safe road to speed on. 
2.  I will be the one to certify others as qualified to ride their bikes fast on country roads and on which roads they do so.  Each approved person will sign a legal waiver and contribute $500 to my retirement fund. 
3.  Those twits that speed on the country road in front of my house will be stopped and will be punished as follows: $500 contribution to my retirement fund for first offense, $500 contribution plus the removal of one testicle for the second offense.  Offender pays for removal or we do it locally, barnyard style. 3rd offense the offender has remaining testicle removed and pays $1000 to my retirement fund.  4th offense costs a tallywacker.   

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 10, 2011, 12:28:17 PM
Keeping mind that this is just a discussion and isn't going to change a thing in the real world I propose the following. 
1. That I be allowed to ride how ever the hell I feel like on any country road.  I will decide what constitutes a safe road to speed on. 
2.  I will be the one to certify others as qualified to ride their bikes fast on country roads and on which roads they do so.  Each approved person will sign a legal waiver and contribute $500 to my retirement fund. 
3.  Those twits that speed on the country road in front of my house will be stopped and will be punished as follows: $500 contribution to my retirement fund for first offense, $500 contribution plus the removal of one testicle for the second offense.  Offender pays for removal or we do it locally, barnyard style. 3rd offense the offender has remaining testicle removed and pays $1000 to my retirement fund.  4th offense costs a tallywacker.   

 [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [thumbsup] [beer] [drink] [clap]

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 10, 2011, 01:36:19 PM
is there that many miles between Starbucks stops for you?

you are now making a different subject about things by saying there has to be a skillset....you started this off by asking for allowance to exceed what is currently set as legal for justification when you are out riding like an asshole...allowances or permissions have nothing to do with skillsets...and the minute you make something like this legal...you make it legal for any and every moron who has a liscence regardless of skills, from the kid with the Porsche to the squid on the Zuke....and it is absolutely not something you can make exclusive to bikes only unless you want to make things like the motorcycle checkpoints discussed in the other thread legal for to discriminate...it has to be for all vehicles or none...period...and quite frankly...it is an absolutely lurid idea of yours this whole thing is due to your lack of thinking for people other than yourself...so when you come out of your fantasy zone of self centered-ness on this whole idea and realize there are a lot more people on the roadways worth considering aside from you...you might start to make some level of progress!
If you go back and read my original post you'll find that I specifically stipulate that my whole premise is based on mainly the fact that the Motorcycle rider MUST possess the skills to support the ability to ride at higher speeds and take into consideration all situations( that would be weather, road conditions, bike condition,traffic,and riders mental state at the time of riding ),

I would not include car ,trucks or any other vehicles simply due to the nature of the complexity and variations of those vehicles and they would only add more traffic to the roads which would mean more accidents and deaths.

Skilled Motorcyclists go out daily and ride above the speed limits as it is now. Most won't come on here and admit it as I have but I've seen the videos, read the stories, known the riders.

There is a Forum I am a member of that has a 4 page thread about Should Police Chase Motorcyles. Very interesting stuff from both the members and the Police.

So it is obviously going on , the speeding part.

So I was merely talking the Pulse of this Forum about an idea ...and just about everyone goes ballistic.

Tell me you haven't tried to see how fast your bike would go !

Tell me that on some Canyon sweeper you didn't get up to 100 mph !

Tell me in the twisties you don't exceed the speed limit !


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: zooom on March 10, 2011, 02:03:39 PM
If you go back and read my original post you'll find that I specifically stipulate that my whole premise is based on mainly the fact that the Motorcycle rider MUST possess the skills to support the ability to ride at higher speeds and take into consideration all situations( that would be weather, road conditions, bike condition,traffic,and riders mental state at the time of riding ),

by what means does said measure of skill get determined by?

I would not include car ,trucks or any other vehicles simply due to the nature of the complexity and variations of those vehicles and they would only add more traffic to the roads which would mean more accidents and deaths.

by virtue of how ALL DOT statutes are written, unless you are exempting out vehicle of a GVW over excess of 25,000 lbs, you have to be able to do all in said statute or not at all...we have had the AMA working hard for our rights as motorcyclists to keep from being segregated or singled out and now you want to do exactly that?

There is a Forum I am a member of that has a 4 page thread about Should Police Chase Motorcyles. Very interesting stuff from both the members and the Police.

you talking about BARF?...they talk about and argue about anything if they can...so what...

Skilled Motorcyclists go out daily and ride above the speed limits as it is now. Most won't come on here and admit it as I have but I've seen the videos, read the stories, known the riders.

So it is obviously going on , the speeding part.

So I was merely talking the Pulse of this Forum about an idea ...and just about everyone goes ballistic.

Tell me you haven't tried to see how fast your bike would go !

Tell me that on some Canyon sweeper you didn't get up to 100 mph !

Tell me in the twisties you don't exceed the speed limit !


who put you in charge of the board for taking pulses?...most people when doing something like that would simply deliniate the options very clearly with a poll....that you did not...you started a discussion for which you are not the winner of because you can't come up with concise answers to the VERY valid points being brought up against your idea...and you are reading it as people going ballistic when in reality it is all views that are so outside of you scope that you just aren't sure of the best way to respond or react...I am not even going to tell you that I haven't topped a bike out or exceeded speed limits on a roadway of many varying types ( though I do not and have not done 100MPH in a canyon)...I have and I do so within a relative pace...like within 15-20MPH over that limit if it is a road I know and/or am comfortable with and have used a 4 lane empty highway to see what the top speed of my bike was and then back down to a normal pace...but it isn't a regular occurance for me, unlike what you say that you are often doing....which makes me think of how you are being selfish when you are riding like an asshole regularly pushing those limits beyond your controls for margins of error

Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 10, 2011, 02:52:43 PM
by what means does said measure of skill get determined by?   I guess may be it would be better left as it is...those with the skills will just keep riding their way, while the rest of the motorcycle riders ride their way ...let the  [leo] sort it out.

by virtue of how ALL DOT statutes are written, unless you are exempting out vehicle of a GVW over excess of 25,000 lbs, you have to be able to do all in said statute or not at all...we have had the AMA working hard for our rights as motorcyclists to keep from being segregated or singled out and now you want to do exactly that?   Never mind...we the skilled will do our thing and take our chances.

you talking about BARF?...they talk about and argue about anything if they can...so what... No

who put you in charge of the board for taking pulses?...most people when doing something like that would simply deliniate the options very clearly with a poll....that you did not...you started a discussion for which you are not the winner of because you can't come up with concise answers to the VERY valid points being brought up against your idea...and you are reading it as people going ballistic when in reality it is all views that are so outside of you scope that you just aren't sure of the best way to respond or react...I am not even going to tell you that I haven't topped a bike out or exceeded speed limits on a roadway of many varying types ( though I do not and have not done 100MPH in a canyon)...I have and I do so within a relative pace...like within 15-20MPH over that limit if it is a road I know and/or am comfortable with and have used a 4 lane empty highway to see what the top speed of my bike was and then back down to a normal pace...but it isn't a regular occurance for me, unlike what you say that you are often doing....which makes me think of how you are being selfish when you are riding like an asshole regularly pushing those limits beyond your controls for margins of error
Ist of all, I have just as much right as any other ( full member ) to start a thread and ask a quetion.

I, unlike you have not resorted to name calling ( which is usually a sign of one of 2 things , either a small male organ ..or a small Brain )....

which is it in your case ?

I thought so !

Polls only give you a broad overview and don't allow for people to give reasons for why they feel the way they voted.

Our Society is not based on one word answers thank goodness.

Since you have admitted to speeding numerous times you have made my case .

Also , there are over 7750 members belonging to this Forum, who died and made you the spokes person since you seem to be the main poster railing aginst me ?


Title: Re: Should Motorcycles have a Speed Limit out in the Boonies ?
Post by: ducpainter on March 10, 2011, 02:59:46 PM
I can fix this...


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