Title: Cleaning engine cases? Post by: 671M900 on March 13, 2011, 12:47:39 AM My engine looks pitiful! Covers are black and chipping and peeling, and the rest of the engine is silver and also chipping and peeling. I don't have any aircraft stripper in the local vicinity (yet, they're sold out for a bit, and since I'm 4 hours away from Japan, shipping has been disrupted). Is it safe to use a soda blaster on the engine? it's much more gentle than other media, so I don't think it would damage anything as opposed to using walnut or sand, but I wanted to double check.
Title: Re: Cleaning engine cases? Post by: He Man on March 13, 2011, 12:25:24 PM Soda blasting will not work on the side cases without expending A LOT OF soda. ( a 50lb bag of medium pellets for 1 side case is not worth it). Walnut is reclaimable to an extent until it becomes too small of any use. Chemical strip is the way to go if you can get your hands on it.
Sand is way too harsh. once you break the paint you'll quickly start tearing away at the aluminum unless your super careful. |