Title: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: ro-monster on June 12, 2008, 10:49:53 PM It's happened. Tonight on my way home from work I saw premium at $5.11/gallon, at the Shell station along 101 just north of SFO.
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: x136 on June 12, 2008, 10:57:14 PM (http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/6716/img0667dx3.jpg)
Middletown, CA (About halfway between Clearlake and Calistoga), yesterday. No, I didn't buy any. [laugh] Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Kaveh on June 12, 2008, 11:12:21 PM just imagine what it is in Malibu or Big Sur right now :o
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Bad Dog on June 13, 2008, 12:08:13 AM 'Bout $10.00 or more in Germany...crying now ? Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: CharliesAngel on June 13, 2008, 07:53:02 AM *sigh*
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: mostrobelle on June 13, 2008, 08:10:08 AM Enzo and I were coming into the City yesterday morning on our commute and noticed that all other lanes of the Bay Bridge were flowing nicely except the carpool lanes. They were the only ones totally backed up! There's a bunch of people that I don't normally see on my commute out there, too. Bunch of inconsiderate, scary riders. I like the idea of having more bikers on the road, but it would be nice if there was a certain caliber of skill and common sense that was maintained at the same time. Guess that's asking too much. :P
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: desmoquattro on June 13, 2008, 08:56:23 AM Welcome to the rest of the world, America. Gas is expensive in most other places. Go to Brazil, for instance, and you'll see all small cars with manual transmissions. You'll also see lots of alternative fuels. Pizzas are still delivered on scooters and 125cc motorcycles. And there are a ton of alternate fuels available.
$5 gas is just a sad fact of life and the result of our situation: 1 uncompetitive, heavily-vertically-integrated oligopoly + 1 fixed-supply, dwindling resource + Greater demand from developing nations + A very energy-inefficient US infrastructure + A weakening dollar ---------------------------------------------------- = Higher prices at the pump I keep thinking that the face of the US is going to have to change drastically. No more big cars...possibly even no more personal cars period. No more outlying suburbs or living 40 or more miles from where you work. No more food that travels 1500 miles or more to reach your plate. I'm not trying to sound like a pessimist. But I think this country has been living with cheap energy for so long that we're going to have trouble adjusting. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: ro-monster on June 13, 2008, 10:36:09 AM I keep thinking that the face of the US is going to have to change drastically. No more big cars...possibly even no more personal cars period. No more outlying suburbs or living 40 or more miles from where you work. No more food that travels 1500 miles or more to reach your plate. I'm not trying to sound like a pessimist. But I think this country has been living with cheap energy for so long that we're going to have trouble adjusting. Honestly, I'm looking forward to this. It's long overdue. Sure it will be painful for many people but I think that in the long term we'll have a better society for it. I also think we'll finally see a rise in working from home (like they promised us back in the 1960s, heh). We certainly have the technology to make that feasible for many jobs (including mine) now. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: mbalmer on June 13, 2008, 10:59:00 AM I remember when my dad was really upset >:( when gas hit 70 cents/gal. We were traveling to Redding, CA and he came unglued. I tease him about it now [cheeky]. When I was really little my older brother ran out of gas in our Vista Cruiser. He scraped up 22 cents and bought almost a gallon of gas (25 cents/gal). Vista Cruiser and $ .25/gal. I'm dating myself.
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Desmostro on June 13, 2008, 12:25:13 PM Welcome to the rest of the world, America. Gas is expensive in most other places. Go to Brazil, for instance, and you'll see all small cars with manual transmissions. You'll also see lots of alternative fuels. Pizzas are still delivered on scooters and 125cc motorcycles. And there are a ton of alternate fuels available. $5 gas is just a sad fact of life and the result of our situation: 1 uncompetitive, heavily-vertically-integrated oligopoly + 1 fixed-supply, dwindling resource + Greater demand from developing nations + A very energy-inefficient US infrastructure + A weakening dollar ---------------------------------------------------- = Higher prices at the pump I keep thinking that the face of the US is going to have to change drastically. No more big cars...possibly even no more personal cars period. No more outlying suburbs or living 40 or more miles from where you work. No more food that travels 1500 miles or more to reach your plate. I'm not trying to sound like a pessimist. But I think this country has been living with cheap energy for so long that we're going to have trouble adjusting. +1 This whole conversation is what has been preached in the Architecture and Design world for years now. We all knew it was an inevitability as gas prices have always been Gov't subsidized here. It was like a stack of cards. The entire layout of our cities and architecture is based on cheap energy and gas. The 'burbs are going to have to turn into small self-sufficient townships. Buying apples from Fiji and New Zealand while we plow our own farms into parking lots has got to end. Google is moving a lot of its workspace to down town SF instead of running shuttles to the Valley, while other huge companies are moving to smaller towns and taking over. Maybe city's will turn into cooperate townships. [puke] It's going to get weird and painful while these changes happen. Those who embrace it first it will profit first instead of getting buried by it all. Like Desmoquattro said, this is the way its ALWAYS been in most of the world. The lifestyle in those places can also be better not worse. Imagine being able to walk to work in 10 minutes! Say good buy to light bulbs btw. Next year they will stop making them altogether. Only 10% of their energy goes to light, 90% goes to making heat. CFL's and LED's will be made instead. Its all for the better. I'm just glad I'm getting 50MPG right now and live in a place I don't need a heater/air-conditioner. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Ducatiloo on June 13, 2008, 12:30:16 PM 'Bout $10.00 or more in Germany...crying now ? Doesn't Germany have a train, bus etc infranstructure? I would die of old age before I was able to take a train within 20 miles of work. Same with many people in the US. I would happliy use a bus or train if it was provided. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Desmostro on June 13, 2008, 12:42:48 PM Doesn't Germany have a train, bus etc infranstructure? I would die of old age before I was able to take a train within 20 miles of work. Same with many people in the US. I would happliy use a bus or train if it was provided. Remember Los Angeles California had the most advanced train system in the world when they ripped it out and put in freeways. (They being private auto industry companies who bought it from the state.) In 1921 there were 813 rail cars in LA. [laugh]. More than SF now! See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_American_Streetcar_Scandal http://www.erha.org/railwayhis.htm Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Ducatiloo on June 13, 2008, 12:47:17 PM Remember Los Angeles California had the most advanced train system in the world when they ripped it out and put in freeways. (They being private auto industry companies who bought it from the state.) In 1921 there were 813 rail cars in LA. [laugh]. More than SF now! See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_American_Streetcar_Scandal http://www.erha.org/railwayhis.htm This is such a happy thread :-[ Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Desmostro on June 13, 2008, 01:49:34 PM This is such a happy thread :-[ Na, Don't worry. Its a brave new world! Its up to us to shake things up. Help out new riders, stop buying disposable crap, shop local produce, live near work, let GM go the f' out of business, and ride our bikes everywhere! I'm saving up for solar panels. ;) Check out the home made electric bike I saw! (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3279/2575712589_05728a5822_b.jpg) Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: x136 on June 13, 2008, 04:08:53 PM But I think this country has been living with cheap energy for so long that we're going to have trouble adjusting. We're really going to get bitten in the ass by poor city layouts, lack of useful public transportation, general consumerism, and over-reliance on/worship of the automobile. Hey, I love cars, and I love driving, but even I recognized years ago how ridiculous it all is. I remember when gas hit a buck a gallon, and people were running around like chickens with their heads removed. Nothing (or at least very little) ended up changing. Same thing when it hit $2. Then again when it hit three. Now people are just slack-jawed as it continues to shoot up. Even so, people are doing little, aside from maybe bragging about the 28MPG that their small SUV gets, as if that's an impressive number. Remember Los Angeles California had the most advanced train system in the world when they ripped it out and put in freeways. (They being private auto industry companies who bought it from the state.) In 1921 there were 813 rail cars in LA. [laugh]. More than SF now! It wasn't just LA, either. Every once in a while, they'll tear up a road in downtown Sacramento to repave it or whatever, and find a set of old trolley tracks. It'll get a blip in the newspaper, people will oooh and ahh, talk about how nice a trolley system would be, then the old tracks get ripped out and the road gets repaved. :-\ Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: sonofabike on June 13, 2008, 05:33:51 PM just imagine what it is in Malibu or Big Sur right now :o I was just in those parts earlier this week, riding back from LA. Strangely, Malibu station prices aren't far off from the rest of the LA area, even the Valley. Big Sur though... ouch. That's why I always gas up in Cambria or Seaside (Monterey).BTW, you don't have to buy premium gas to pay $5 a gulp. Check it, as seen in Bradley CA: (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3053/2563987862_d9f6c438da.jpg) Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: BikerGoddess on June 13, 2008, 06:10:05 PM The gas price increases hurt small business owners like myself the most. I am a gardener and am reliant on my car to haul tools, plants, etc. to and from clients' homes. Until I can afford to buy a hybrid vehicle (a used one at that), I'm stuck. I'll have to raise my rates eventually, and that's never popular during a recession. To save fuel, I only take clients within SF, shop for supplies in SF only (with a few exceptions), and use the car Monday-Friday only. The scooter is my main form of transport on weekends and evenings. Last month, gas for the car cost about $55, and for the scooter, about $12. Let's hear it for two-wheeled transport! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: krif on June 13, 2008, 06:20:14 PM It was just in the news in Germany: Last month, people there have consumed almost 8% less gas and 3.5% less Diesel than in May last year. Gas in Germany right now is at about 1.53 € per liter, that's almost $9 per gallon.
Since Diesel in Germany is cheaper though, consumption went a little up in the last three months since people might have switched to Diesel cars. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Zee on June 13, 2008, 09:32:18 PM Premium is about $7 a gallon here in Sydney right now. I wish we were paying th eprices you guys are...
Z... Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: desmoquattro on June 14, 2008, 06:59:35 AM Premium is about $7 a gallon here in Sydney right now. I wish we were paying th eprices you guys are... Z... ...and I wish we had your coffee ;D Big was IMing me from Mecca last night and I was jealous. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: somegirl on June 14, 2008, 09:13:37 AM ...and I wish we had your coffee ;D +1, my favorite place for coffee is Melbourne. ;D Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: MendoDave on June 18, 2008, 04:28:36 PM Say good buy to light bulbs btw. Next year they will stop making them altogether. Only 10% of their energy goes to light, 90% goes to making heat. CFL's and LED's will be made instead. I haven't read the wording on that Law but I don't like the way it sounds. If it is a blanket law No light bulbs How am I gonna replace headlight, dash light, Tail light, and dome light bulbs? Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Drunken Monkey on June 18, 2008, 09:56:54 PM Dood: Now you can finally get that HID and LED lights you've been dreaming of ;D
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Desmostro on June 18, 2008, 10:10:35 PM I haven't read the wording on that Law but I don't like the way it sounds. If it is a blanket law No light bulbs How am I gonna replace headlight, dash light, Tail light, and dome light bulbs? Just use candles. No, they're getting phased out of manufacturing and replaced by WAY better bulbs like DM just listed. LED's etc. There will be replacements. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: MendoDave on June 20, 2008, 07:58:02 AM Like Candles?
I guess they are going to have to change all the streetlight bulbs too. No more HPS lights on the block. Those little LED's will light the hood very well. Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: mbalmer on June 21, 2008, 12:58:24 PM Yesterday (Friday) I was riding in Yosemite. In El Portal gas was $5.33 for the regular unleaded. I didn't stop to take a picture because it was 108 degrees. 108 degrees in full leathers, stopping for the 140 detour is not a special, fun, good time. In Mariposa I dunked my head in water. Anyway. $5.33/gal. I'm glad I averaged 60 mpg.
Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Delmar on June 29, 2008, 08:46:48 PM Hey Desmo!
I finally made it! I signed up and I'm liking it LOL. Btw, I met you yesterday at Motostrano and you encouraged me to sign up. Anyway, I didn't know they were going to stop making incandescent light bulbs! That's crazy! I've grown to love them but I understand that they waste to much energy. What about the alternatives though? Will we have to change all the lights in our homes? I live in an old house (1914 Craftsman) and if I have to replace one more thing... LOL Thank you for letting me know about the new site. Delmar Title: Re: Gas at $5.00+/gallon Post by: Desmostro on June 29, 2008, 08:50:09 PM I don't think anyone is going to make you change the bulbs but the way energy prices are going, you'll probably want to!
Glad you sign up! We'll get in a ride one of these days! [thumbsup] Hey Desmo! I finally made it! I signed up and I'm liking it LOL. Btw, I met you yesterday at Motostrano and you encouraged me to sign up. Anyway, I didn't know they were going to stop making incandescent light bulbs! That's crazy! I've grown to love them but I understand that they waste to much energy. What about the alternatives though? Will we have to change all the lights in our homes? I live in an old house (1914 Craftsman) and if I have to replace one more thing... LOL Thank you for letting me know about the new site. Delmar |