Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: bunnyman666 on March 20, 2011, 05:41:12 PM

Title: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 20, 2011, 05:41:12 PM
Your friends are envious. You are proud as hell having her in your midst. You feel good being around her. You pinch yourself every time you see that she is in your house. And she is FUN as hell!!!!

However- she also demands a LOT of money. She typically makes you look like a fool when she breaks down. If you don't baby her, she will make you pay.

After all- once she's happy again, you forget all of the trouble she brings you.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: fastwin on March 20, 2011, 06:59:28 PM
Sounds like a hooker not a stripper. [laugh] Either way, the bike is cheaper. [thumbsup] [moto] And besides, bikes don't ever get jealous. ;D

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 20, 2011, 07:35:35 PM
Neither do strippers!!!

I had to hoof my lovely Monster home 3 makes with two backsing miles in full gear in 85 degree makes with two backsing weather due to a ***still*** unknown fuel starvation problem. I hate that make with two backsing bike!!!! I also love her, too. [bang]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: NFJ79 on March 20, 2011, 09:37:36 PM
...minus the Herpes ;D

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Twizted on March 21, 2011, 01:11:03 AM
Sometimes you have to be a bouncer -

"Look but don't touch!" (http://gstwins.com/gsboard/Smileys/New_Smile/nono.gif)

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 21, 2011, 02:28:14 AM
I have also bankrolled some nice jewellery and plastic surgery, as well. I AM dating a stripper, in essence. :-[

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: akmnstr on March 21, 2011, 05:01:10 AM
I dated a stripper back in the days when I was young and still good looking.  What you say is true but my relationship with ducati has lasted longer.  Any time I want to relive it I just have to go out to the shop and turn the key.  On the other hand the relationship with the stripper was way too short, there was no way to keep her to myself, and it ended with the drips.  Not that my Duc doesn't drip every now and then. 

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 21, 2011, 08:26:11 AM
Does it count that I had a boil in a not-so-nice place from me sitting on the seat whilst pushing the bike for 3 miles?

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: swampduc on March 21, 2011, 02:36:57 PM
And besides, bikes don't ever get jealous. ;D
oh yes they do. Just ask El Matador. My 996 broke his foot they day he sold her to me  ;D
She was not pleased.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: jerryz on March 21, 2011, 02:51:36 PM
My wife says I have a wife and 4 mistresses one of the mistresses is female and a gogo dancer the other 3 are ducatis ,  she says i can ride a woman for half an hor then fall off and sleep while i can ride a ducati for hours and hours  and then cuddle it in the garage for another few hours ....she reckons women are cheaper .....I dont know i love em all.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: tilt on March 21, 2011, 05:24:32 PM
And if you get caught beating them, you go to jail.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: DoubleEagle on March 22, 2011, 12:41:39 AM
Another difference , the Ducati won't take care of you when you're sick as hell......

Dolph     :(     

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: akmnstr on March 22, 2011, 06:28:00 AM
Dolph and others, I just want to remind you we are talking about strippers here.  Not the good kind of woman you take home to mom!  Back when I was dating my stripper there was only one thing we had in common and we worked on that with the greatest possible gusto.  Were I sick and not up to the task, many others were there to take my place.  Sort of like football, when your injured you go to the bench or the locker-room, someone else takes your place, and you get to watch the action. 

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 23, 2011, 04:04:07 AM
Yes- akmnster is CORRECT on ALL accounts!!!!

I won't elaborate on my experiences that I may or may not have had. But you're right on all accounts.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: SacDuc on March 23, 2011, 12:28:53 PM

How over extending a metaphor is like creating an excuse to tell everyone I dated a stripper . . .


Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Monster Dave on March 23, 2011, 12:33:14 PM

How over extending a metaphor is like creating an excuse to tell everyone I dated a stripper . . .


Oh snap!!  [laugh]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: speedknot on March 23, 2011, 04:52:57 PM
Like dating a stripper?  I can see that.  My Ducati is one pregnant dog I like to mount and ride her for hours. [evil]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: OBNOXS on March 23, 2011, 06:16:40 PM
..and you wouldn't want to go down on them.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: KRJ on March 23, 2011, 07:47:23 PM

  And You don't pay to play in $20.00 bills, just throw out the $100.00s and go to town..Yeah, I never dated a Stripper, I found much worse...And enjoyed all I had...

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: MadDuck on March 23, 2011, 07:50:34 PM

How over extending a metaphor is like creating an excuse to tell everyone I dated a stripper . . .


 [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: akmnstr on March 24, 2011, 05:30:23 AM

How over extending a metaphor is like creating an excuse to tell everyone I dated a stripper . . .


I think someone is missing out on an important life experience [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Monster Dave on March 24, 2011, 09:09:07 AM
I think someone is missing out on an important life experience [laugh] [laugh]


Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: SacDuc on March 24, 2011, 10:09:19 AM
I think someone is missing out on an important life experience [laugh] [laugh]

You mean dating a crazy skank filled with hate and daddy issues? Been there. Most of us have. That girl just happened to be the daughter of a guy that owned a few strip clubs, not a stripper herself. Not all that great really. And not much at all like riding a particular brand of motorcycle. Except they are both things people spend a lot more time talking about doing than actually doing. But whatever floats your boat.


Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: muskrat on March 24, 2011, 12:45:22 PM
they both take debit cards.  :-X  I still say my Ducs are more expensive.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 25, 2011, 04:38:57 AM
they both take debit cards.  :-X  I still say my Ducs are more expensive.

Ding ding ding!!!!

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: poseur on March 29, 2011, 09:23:23 PM
I dated a stripper. I don't think owning a Ducati is anything like it at all.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: akmnstr on March 30, 2011, 04:14:00 AM
I dated a stripper. I don't think owning a Ducati is anything like it at all.

That just goes to show that all strippers are not the same.  Strippers are people too. ;) ;)

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: jc.cyberdemon on March 30, 2011, 07:39:16 AM
either way you gotta love naked bikes and naked females

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on March 30, 2011, 06:48:15 PM
either way you gotta love naked bikes and naked females

ding! ding! ding!!!

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Jarvicious on April 02, 2011, 07:17:10 AM
If you ride either with the front end up too long you'll get oil all over your leg?

I don't understand this thread

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on April 03, 2011, 06:38:11 AM
Your friends are envious. You are proud as hell having her in your midst. You feel good being around her. You pinch yourself every time you see that she is in your house. And she is FUN as hell!!!!

However- she also demands a LOT of money. She typically makes you look like a fool when she breaks down. If you don't baby her, she will make you pay.

After all- once she's happy again, you forget all of the trouble she brings you.

Expensive and unreliable? That's not something to brag about.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Rawr01 on April 03, 2011, 08:45:09 AM
i thought this thread was called How owning a Ducati may increase your chances of dating a stripper. lmfao.

i've dated a stripper and the only thing she liked more than attention was competition (well, there was one other thing ;P). as much attention as we give our bikes i bet she'd be losing her fn mind trying find ways to steal some of it back. it could work out pretty good. for awhile.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 03, 2011, 04:33:41 PM
Expensive and unreliable? That's not something to brag about.

You brag until they become unreliable and cost you money.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 03, 2011, 04:34:30 PM
i thought this thread was called How owning a Ducati may increase your chances of dating a stripper. lmfao.

i've dated a stripper and the only thing she liked more than attention was competition (well, there was one other thing ;P). as much attention as we give our bikes i bet she'd be losing her fn mind trying find ways to steal some of it back. it could work out pretty good. for awhile.

ding ding ding!!!!!

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on April 03, 2011, 08:56:27 PM

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: MadDuck on April 03, 2011, 11:08:25 PM
Can't it just be locked and made to go away?

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 04, 2011, 11:51:24 AM
Let me state for the record that I have two Ducatis and have no plans of getting rid of EITHER of them.

This thread was started out of humour because my current Monster has played with gremlins (i.e. hoofing it home three miles). She has caused me a fair bit of headaches and cost me more than a few $$$, but I love her the same. She has been frustrating, but I don't want to get rid of her. Obviously, some people don't find this thread particularly humourous and even possibly offensive.

I did not mean offense to anyone with this thread.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Monster Dave on April 04, 2011, 12:00:30 PM

What's wrong with that dude's face??

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: SacDuc on April 04, 2011, 12:15:13 PM

Did bunnyman666 mention that he put his penis in the vagina of an exotic dancer? Because he did.


Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Monster Dave on April 04, 2011, 12:17:25 PM
This thread just got more interesting.



Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: sbrguy on April 04, 2011, 12:33:38 PM
this thread is funny.

but i haven't dated a stripper so i can't say how it compares to a motorcycle

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: swampduc on April 04, 2011, 12:56:25 PM

Did bunnyman666 mention that he put his penis in the vagina of an exotic dancer? Because he did.


K. I don't disagree. So post elsewhere. Now wasn't that easy?  [roll]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: SacDuc on April 04, 2011, 01:05:25 PM
K. I don't disagree. So post elsewhere. Now wasn't that easy?  [roll]

That's not good enough. You see, Mr. I's wife and my wife are both moto riding members of this board. And we don't want misogynistic bullshit like this to become the norm like it is on so many other moto forums. So when someone acts like a misogynistic douche canoe we like to jump and point it out in an attempt to nip that bullshit in the bud. Not that I speak for Mr. I, but I think generally the notion is to keep the place from getting too douched up. The moderators do a damn good job of it, but sometimes its best when people police themselves.



Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: ducpainter on April 04, 2011, 02:53:34 PM
That's not good enough. You see, Mr. I's wife and my wife are both moto riding members of this board. And we don't want misogynistic bullshit like this to become the norm like it is on so many other moto forums. So when someone acts like a misogynistic douche canoe we like to jump and point it out in an attempt to nip that bullshit in the bud. Not that I speak for Mr. I, but I think generally the notion is to keep the place from getting too douched up. The moderators do a damn good job of it, but sometimes its best when people police themselves.


There is nothing in the guidelines of this board that remotely suggest that the members police themselves or anyone else.

If any of you have an issue with any post use the RTM button.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Betty on April 04, 2011, 03:41:04 PM
Before the thread was locked and unlocked I was going to post that I thought it was interesting to note the person trying to defend the sensitivities of females was the one to start announcing misogynist attitudes (that's just the way it read to me).

One of the things that I like about the board is that most of the time we are not too PC ... and we can allow ourselves to laugh at the odd thoughts that enter our (somewhat twisted) minds.

In saying that ... are male strippers high maintenance as well? If you looked at the thread that way ... there can't be any compaints about misogynistic behaviour [cheeky]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: muskrat on April 04, 2011, 03:43:21 PM
call me crazy but I thought this thread was funny.  It didn't seem offensive to me but if it were I'd simply NOT look at this thread.  Kinda like Skinemax (don't subscribe), which I like.  [evil]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 04, 2011, 04:22:36 PM
Before the thread was locked and unlocked I was going to post that I thought it was interesting to note the person trying to defend the sensitivities of females was the one to start announcing misogynist attitudes (that's just the way it read to me).

One of the things that I like about the board is that most of the time we are not too PC ... and we can allow ourselves to laugh at the odd thoughts that enter our (somewhat twisted) minds.

In saying that ... are male strippers high maintenance as well? If you looked at the thread that way ... there can't be any compaints about misogynistic behaviour [cheeky]

I work in an industry where I work with literally EVERY walk of life. Some of my best friends are exotic dancers of BOTH genders. One was laughing her butt off over my commentary on Ducati ownership (she owns one). We have lunch about three times per month in a professional capacity, as I am her hair dresser.

I am a married man now, and my wife is NOT a stripper. I never really said that I had dated an exotic dancer.

And yes, male strippers are as high IF NOT HIGHER maintenance than their female counterparts.

Thanks for getting the gist (and humour) of the initial message.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 04, 2011, 04:23:39 PM
call me crazy but I thought this thread was funny.  It didn't seem offensive to me but if it were I'd simply NOT look at this thread.  Kinda like Skinemax (don't subscribe), which I like.  [evil]

Thank you very much.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: poseur on April 04, 2011, 06:50:57 PM
male strippers are as high IF NOT HIGHER maintenance than their female counterparts.

I would have to agree with that.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: akmnstr on April 05, 2011, 03:47:27 AM
How did this get so serious  :( What ever happened to our sense of humor.  Geesh.  We can't even have fun with stereotypes of strippers and expensive high maintenance motos!  In my life I've been close to 3 strippers.  One was my GF briefly and the other two were very close friends.  I'd say that all of them were very different and none of them fit a stripper stereotype.  The GF made no demands on me and expected no expensive gifts. The other two did to some degree fit the stereo type of the resourceful Alaskan tough woman.  Attractive and strong, able to charm, at home in carhartts, and experts at cleaning salmon.  My old monster however, does fit the stereotype.  It was always breaking down.  It was expensive to keep running.  It got me lots of attention including greater interest from the woman that later became my wife. 

So, can we get back to having fun.  If your not interested in a  [laugh] this may not be the thread for you. 

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 05, 2011, 04:04:38 AM
Thank you.

Yes, the girls I know don't generally fit the stereotype; however- they know a few who definitely fit the stereotype and tell me many stories!!!!

Yes, my bike DEFINITELY fits the stereotype, unfortunately...

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Punx Clever on April 05, 2011, 04:24:28 AM
Damn, something must be wrong with my bike... it's more like one of them wild Alaskan bush women... reliable, doesn't need much attention, and is perfectly happy with having the shit flogged out of it.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Goat_Herder on April 05, 2011, 04:30:48 AM
Damn, something must be wrong with my bike... it's more like one of them wild Alaskan bush women... reliable, doesn't need much attention, and is perfectly happy with having the shit flogged out of it.

How dare you speak of Alaskan women in this fashion!  I used to date several Alaskan husky busy bushy women and they were nothing like what you have described...  

J/K  ;D :P

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 05, 2011, 04:43:14 AM
How dare you speak of Alaskan women in this fashion!  I used to date several Alaskan husky busy women and they were nothing like what you have described...  

J/K  ;D :P

Now- it's the Alaskan husky busy women you have to look out for  [laugh]

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 05, 2011, 05:06:10 AM
But let's talk about the gifts and plastic surgery- My Monster has had a tail tuck, and has several new pieces of jewellery; and I did NOT mind spending ONE penny on her.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Artful on April 05, 2011, 05:15:18 AM
My Monster is just working its way through college, don't you dare judge it.

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: bunnyman666 on April 05, 2011, 05:27:26 AM
IS she going through Medical or Law school? How many apartment building could have paid for with the money you spent on her? How many does she own?

Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: SacDuc on April 05, 2011, 07:38:53 AM
There is nothing in the guidelines of this board that remotely suggest that the members police themselves or anyone else.

If any of you have an issue with any post use the RTM button.

You know, you're right. I was under the mistaken impression that when someone posts something intended to be funny but you find slightly objectionable that you should throw a little hissy fit (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=43338.msg866956#msg866956) about it. But I was wrong.

I don't much care for the Mommy and Daddy Button, but I see the error of my ways. I apologize for interrupting such a hilarious and informative thread. So let's see, where were we . . .

Damn, something must be wrong with my bike... it's more like one of them wild Alaskan bush women... reliable, doesn't need much attention, and is perfectly happy with having the shit flogged out of it.

Hahahahahahahaha . . .   [laugh]  Too funny!  Hahahahahaha . . .  [laugh]   [laugh]  That's awesome! Now I see the humor! I think perhaps it was all just going over my head. A bit too highbrow for me and I'm none too bright sometimes. But I wanna play too! Let's see, um . . .

How is riding a Ducati like dating a stripper?

when I'm not using her I keep her locked in the garage.   [laugh]

Sometimes when she doesn't perform properly I have to stick a screw driver in her.   [laugh]

Thanks for straightening me out Nate. These newly acceptable abusing women/motorcycles jokes are going to be a great addition to the DMF. You were right, this is just all in good fun!   [thumbsup]


Title: Re: How owning a Ducati is like dating a stripper
Post by: Speeddog on April 05, 2011, 07:50:05 AM

Perhaps we'll let this sit still for a bit.


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