Title: Help out a SoCal DMFer? Post by: GregP on June 13, 2008, 05:17:53 AM I'm considering an SV650 located in Santa Cruz and Speeddog suggested I hit up the MOB for a possible inspection.
Anyone in Santa Cruz able to get an eye on this for me? There might be a small tab at your local pub in it for you. [drink] And I do mean small! [laugh] Title: Re: Help out a SoCal DMFer? Post by: mostrobelle on June 13, 2008, 08:40:32 AM Normally I'd jump on the chance to vicariously motorcycle shop, but I'm a little over-committed these days. Besides, a South Bayer is a more logical choice here. [drink]
Title: Re: Help out a SoCal DMFer? Post by: velocess on June 13, 2008, 08:49:19 AM Im here on the Westside of Santa Cruz. PM me with details...