Title: Italian Bike Night in Arcadia? Anyone interested? Post by: NorDog on March 24, 2011, 11:11:10 AM I just can't see getting off work at 5:30 in Montebello, and then riding out to Santa Monica for bike night. I would love to go, but the ride, at that time of day, just ain't in the cards for me. Generally, I try not to driver or ride to the Westside if I can help it.
So how about a bike night out in Arcadia? I was thinking about putting something together, maybe on Thursday nights. There is bound to be Ducati/Italian bike folks out this way. Anyone interested? Thursday nights, 6:30? Maybe at B.J.'s Pub (400 E. Huntington Ave., Arcadia, CA)? Title: Re: Italian Bike Night in Arcadia? Anyone interested? Post by: erkishhorde on March 24, 2011, 11:31:38 AM Definitely in if you start this.
Title: Re: Italian Bike Night in Arcadia? Anyone interested? Post by: Privateer on March 24, 2011, 06:02:25 PM I'd show up once in a great while, depending on weather and work/kid's school schedule.