Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: hydra on June 13, 2008, 11:02:33 AM

Title: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: hydra on June 13, 2008, 11:02:33 AM
hey folks,

looking into getting a motorcycle video cam.

what's are the best ones out there? i'll spend the money on a really good one.
helmet cam or mounted to the bike cam?

post some video's of some of your video's from you cam...please


Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Kaveh on June 14, 2008, 02:44:05 AM
I have a tank mount cam bracket from sportbikecam.com  It's alright, the angle you get is pretty good, the gauges are in the frame and it keeps the camera pretty steady, not very shaky at all.  The downside is that you have part of the mount always on your bike.  I really don't have that much footage since I no longer have a camcorder.  The up side to a helmet cam is you get different angels while shooting, the downside is that it tends to be a bit shakier.

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Munch on June 15, 2008, 04:55:49 AM
I liked the viosport, and unless it was mounted to my helmet, the Monster had way too many vibrations for my taste. The new viosport stuff if uber nice, but has a matching price.

I'm looking at the vholdr from twenty20 - zero cables, and no need for external recording device.

Hit google video.goole.com for some of mine. Search Munchdog Productions

This is one mounted on the headlamp area...

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1757788132450640209&q=munchdog&ei=3g9VSJucNYjkqgPb2KTgDg (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1757788132450640209&q=munchdog&ei=3g9VSJucNYjkqgPb2KTgDg) this is one moutnted on the headlamp area...

Here's one mounted to my helmet...

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9108144764842238596&q=munchdog&ei=mhBVSP3bFoGOqAPnpP3vDg (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9108144764842238596&q=munchdog&ei=mhBVSP3bFoGOqAPnpP3vDg)

In both, the video resolution is 480 lines of resolution. Web hosting degrades the quality significantly. On my pc, the picture is great.

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: BastrdHK on June 15, 2008, 07:30:49 AM
Munch....looks like you have some fun areas to ride, and a capable crew.  I thought both cams performed well.  I would definitely like to hear more of the bike.  You transitioned the music well, especially the 2nd vid.  I thought you were fading the beat into the rumble of the twin, but the wind noise probably would've muddled that up.  Nice to see you finally stretch the legs on that machine.  14min is a little long, and I would like to be a little closer to the other riders.  Short and sweet.


Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Airborne on June 16, 2008, 04:57:30 PM

check that out. someone in nymmc just posted up a track day vid made using that camera i think. I may purchase one soon.

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on June 30, 2008, 08:26:25 AM
bumpity bump bump  [coffee]

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Airborne on June 30, 2008, 03:35:04 PM
Thanks for bumping, I almost forgot to post.

I did indeed pick up the GoPro Hero 3 at circuit city for 180 bucks. I bought the motorsports kit, it comes with plenty of useful mounts. I've only tried it out once on the bike so far. I used the suction cup mount on the tank and it is pretty solid. I do seem to be getting some interference though. I believe it may be coming from it being very close to the gauges. I'm going to experiment a little more when I get the time.

I'll post up a boring vid I shot of me riding around my town to test it out. One word of advice though, once you turn it on, just let it roll, refrain from messing with it. Even though I told myself I wasnt going to F*** with it while I was riding, I still ended up fiddling with some buttons. I'm just going to set it and forget it for now or else it just becomes a deadly distraction. Oh yeah and people look at me funny now with a camera on a pole suctioned to my tank  :o

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: dbran1949 on June 30, 2008, 03:54:57 PM
I do seem to be getting some interference though. I believe it may be coming from it being very close to the gauges. I'm going to experiment a little more when I get the time.

Is the "interference" audio only? I use a little Vivitar DVR-530. I was hearing what sounded like static in the audio. It turned out to be the button you press to start recording. Hold the camera in your hand and shake, if you hear anything rattling even the slightest, put a small piece of blue 3M painters tape over the offending item. Any tiny rattle you can create by hand turns into a high frequency buzz by the vibrations coming from the bike. The built in microphone picks it up

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Airborne on June 30, 2008, 06:40:12 PM
Here is what I slapped together and uploaded. The raw file that the camera shoots is much better quality than this version which gets compressed when I used windows movie maker and again when I uploaded it to youtube. When you watch the raw file its actually plays very well in full screen mode, I would say its similar to analogue cable tv.

The duc ride starts at 1:30


For some reason the interference isnt showing up anymore, maybe my video card was playing tricks on me before?

Oh and I have the cameras microphone was set to motorsport which makes it less sensitive thus giving less wind noise. I wasnt going very fast so the result is you can't really hear anything. Both vehicles have quite a bark though.

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on June 30, 2008, 07:10:51 PM
thanks for posting Hooligan!

not bad for $180!

Title: Re: motorcycle cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Big T on July 01, 2008, 04:07:38 AM
Have just mounted my video on a tank mount. I use a Sony CX7 as it records to memory stick so no moving parts (as in tape and HD).

This shows the mount.


And here is my first clip from the weekend ride. Still working on the focus and resolution to record at. Youtube compression has reduced the pic quality. Much better on the Mac.


Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 03, 2009, 06:01:20 PM
bumpity bump bump  [coffee]

hey guys,

anyone else out there maybe with the vholdr which shoots at 640x480
http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/HC-2020-VHOLDR.html (http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/HC-2020-VHOLDR.html)

or the pov.1 which shoots at 720x 480
http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/HC-VIO-POV100.html (http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/HC-VIO-POV100.html)

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your
Post by: El Matador on February 03, 2009, 06:11:04 PM
bumpity bump bump  [coffee]

hey guys,

or the pov.1 which shoots at 720x 480
http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/HC-VIO-POV100.html (http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/HC-VIO-POV100.html)

God how I lust over the Pov1 with the wide angle lens.  You see the price and think it's too much, until you see the sheer quality of the footage.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 03, 2009, 06:21:08 PM
yeah the price is whats keeping me from getting that one.

that's why i'm hoping some one on here own's one and post a little review with video for us.... [popcorn]

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: mookieo2 on February 03, 2009, 07:50:27 PM
A few guys I know use the Flip cam`s. They now have the Flip HD. It has the best image stabilization out of all the small cam`s available for only $220. That is the one I`ll be getting.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Chchadder on February 03, 2009, 08:08:08 PM
Really diggin this mount.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/THE-BEST-MOTORCYCLE-CAMERA-MOUNT-THAT-MONEY-CAN-BUY_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ34284QQihZ017QQitemZ270225639348QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/THE-BEST-MOTORCYCLE-CAMERA-MOUNT-THAT-MONEY-CAN-BUY_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ34284QQihZ017QQitemZ270225639348QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V)

I bought a Canon FS100 for a trip to South Africa (reason given to the significant other) with intention to use it for this riding season (real reason).  Of course it performed beautifully in SA, and was very glad to have it there, but...

Might be a bit pricy at $250-300, but super tiny, great video and sound, and is flash based.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: El Matador on February 03, 2009, 08:37:54 PM
yeah the price is whats keeping me from getting that one.

that's why i'm hoping some one on here own's one and post a little review with video for us.... [popcorn]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrLFb47QHi0&feature=PlayList&p=24A637767DAF12B1&index=8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrLFb47QHi0&feature=PlayList&p=24A637767DAF12B1&index=8)

That is after shitty youtube compression. It cuts the quality of the video exponentially.

My friend has it. It is as simple as putting in the memory card and hitting record. Very little/no editing is needed afterward.

It is extremely user friendly. and the battery life is pretty good too.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 04, 2009, 12:11:00 AM
A few guys I know use the Flip cam`s. They now have the Flip HD. It has the best image stabilization out of all the small cam`s available for only $220. That is the one I`ll be getting.
i just checked out the flip cam. looks cool.
would it possible to post up one of their vid...please?

and what kind of mount are they using with it?

but looking at that made me go and look at some real HD camcorders for more money. there's a canon vixia HF100 that's real small (about the size of a beer can) and they're going for under $500. that's under the price you'd pay for a pov.1 package. but i guess the drawback is they're not built as rugged...

http://reviews.cnet.com/digital-camcorders/canon-vixia-hf100/4505-6500_7-32786395.html (http://reviews.cnet.com/digital-camcorders/canon-vixia-hf100/4505-6500_7-32786395.html)

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 04, 2009, 12:28:45 AM
Really diggin this mount.
I bought a Canon FS100 for a trip to South Africa (reason given to the significant other) with intention to use it for this riding season (real reason).  Of course it performed beautifully in SA, and was very glad to have it there, but...

Might be a bit pricy at $250-300, but super tiny, great video and sound, and is flash based.
could you please post a pic with the cam mounted on your bike?
a vid aould be nice too  [popcorn]

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Bizzarrini on February 04, 2009, 12:38:21 AM
Hi Guys!

Any experience with these products?
http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/browse.asp?cid=6&scid=14 (http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/browse.asp?cid=6&scid=14)

A friend of mine used one for snowboarding vids, quality seems to be good, sound is a little crappy. No idea how they perform on a bike...


Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Sleeper_I on February 04, 2009, 12:57:05 AM
The best price I can find for the POV.1 is $550 at
http://www.tahoemountainsports.com/store/vio-pov1-helmet-cam.shtml?gdftrk=gdfV2276_a_7c322_a_7c857_a_7c2002 (http://www.tahoemountainsports.com/store/vio-pov1-helmet-cam.shtml?gdftrk=gdfV2276_a_7c322_a_7c857_a_7c2002)

Can anyone find a better deal? I'll justify one if it is under $500 shipped

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: fasterblkduc on February 04, 2009, 04:03:45 AM
A few guys I know use the Flip cam`s. They now have the Flip HD. It has the best image stabilization out of all the small cam`s available for only $220. That is the one I`ll be getting.

I just got the Flip HD for Christmas. I plan to use it for racing this year. I've seen videos from them and they seem great. I'll be able to give a review and post video after May. [beer]

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your
Post by: El Matador on February 04, 2009, 07:32:13 AM
Hi Guys!

Any experience with these products?
http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/browse.asp?cid=6&scid=14 (http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/browse.asp?cid=6&scid=14)

A friend of mine used one for snowboarding vids, quality seems to be good, sound is a little crappy. No idea how they perform on a bike...


It's  pretty mediocre. It'll do in a pinch, and for 100 buck, It's not bad. You can find them used for a lot less on ebay, something like 40 bucks. But of course, the quality is pretty shitty

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your
Post by: El Matador on February 04, 2009, 07:34:20 AM
The best price I can find for the POV.1 is $550 at
http://www.tahoemountainsports.com/store/vio-pov1-helmet-cam.shtml?gdftrk=gdfV2276_a_7c322_a_7c857_a_7c2002 (http://www.tahoemountainsports.com/store/vio-pov1-helmet-cam.shtml?gdftrk=gdfV2276_a_7c322_a_7c857_a_7c2002)

Can anyone find a better deal? I'll justify one if it is under $500 shipped

Damn, I might have to jump on that. That is a very good price. You wont believe how rugged this thing is. 550 shipped is definitely a bargain.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 04, 2009, 08:23:01 AM
thanks for posting the video elmatador  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: ghosthound on February 04, 2009, 08:51:28 AM
yeah those new mini HD camcorders like the flip are a very interesting products... my only concern is where to mount it.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Sleeper_I on February 04, 2009, 11:05:11 AM
Damn, I might have to jump on that. That is a very good price. You wont believe how rugged this thing is. 550 shipped is definitely a bargain.

I know, I'm a cheap bastard! ;D

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Chchadder on February 04, 2009, 11:55:23 AM
could you please post a pic with the cam mounted on your bike?
a vid aould be nice too  [popcorn]

Haven't actually picked it up yet, just diggin on it...  I plan to have it by riding season though.  The only problem with the FS100 is that the flip screen needs to be opened in order for it to record since there's no eyepiece.  Maybe there's a way around that little issue that I just haven't found yet.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 04, 2009, 06:57:23 PM
i just found this video shot with the pov.1 in an F-16 cockpit.
he does a triple roll at around 3:40 which looks pretty cool  :D

here's where i found the original link
http://www.kbvp.com/photo/vio-pov.1-aerobatic-cockpit-video-camera-mount-method-instructions-f-16 (http://www.kbvp.com/photo/vio-pov.1-aerobatic-cockpit-video-camera-mount-method-instructions-f-16)

here's the vid
http://www.kbvp.com/extreme-videos/f-16-Viper-West-airshow-cockpit-video (http://www.kbvp.com/extreme-videos/f-16-Viper-West-airshow-cockpit-video)

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: jdubbs32584 on February 04, 2009, 07:02:25 PM
Here are some that xLr8er took of us on the Gap, they looked really good before they uploaded to youtube:

http://youtube.com/watch?v=h2rN0K_TrII (http://youtube.com/watch?v=h2rN0K_TrII)

http://youtube.com/watch?v=7cxaYq3wgP4 (http://youtube.com/watch?v=7cxaYq3wgP4)

http://youtube.com/watch?v=Q5fjUdI1mag (http://youtube.com/watch?v=Q5fjUdI1mag)

Like I said, they looked really good before youtube. If you PM him, he can give you info on the camera he used.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: BK_856er on February 04, 2009, 09:46:58 PM
The best price I can find for the POV.1 is $550 at
http://www.tahoemountainsports.com/store/vio-pov1-helmet-cam.shtml?gdftrk=gdfV2276_a_7c322_a_7c857_a_7c2002 (http://www.tahoemountainsports.com/store/vio-pov1-helmet-cam.shtml?gdftrk=gdfV2276_a_7c322_a_7c857_a_7c2002)

Can anyone find a better deal? I'll justify one if it is under $500 shipped

Sponsor Matrix Motorsports has them for $550 shipped.  Maybe they'd knock a few bucks off if the DMF could gather a few orders??


Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: El Matador on February 04, 2009, 09:54:11 PM
Sponsor Matrix Motorsports has them for $550 shipped.  Maybe they'd knock a few bucks off if the DMF could gather a few orders??


Send them an email. I'd be down for a group buy.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: BK_856er on February 05, 2009, 09:05:57 AM
Send them an email. I'd be down for a group buy.

I heard back from Matrix.  Apparently VIO will be changing to a factory-direct sales model in the near future, so what you are seeing out there now is inventory reduction by the various dealers.  Matrix only has one possible unit on hand and might not be able to get more.  Some accessories are still available from them.  They are a big fan of the VIO system.  Good folks there at Matrix.


Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Mojo S2R on February 06, 2009, 08:23:20 PM
If you can get the VIO POV1 for $550 you might want to grab it.

I just went to the VIO website and their $700 there.

http://www.vio-pov.com/products.php?xid=e158eee4a8c81a1e74ae8339222cd7b9&ct=di&login=&mem=&gr= (http://www.vio-pov.com/products.php?xid=e158eee4a8c81a1e74ae8339222cd7b9&ct=di&login=&mem=&gr=)

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: Drunken Monkey on February 08, 2009, 11:27:09 AM
I got the flip HD for xmass. It's not the best cam out there, but it's cheap ($250) and tiny.

And the video quality is good. At that price point it's awesome.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your
Post by: DucatiTorrey on February 09, 2009, 10:16:01 AM
If you can get the VIO POV1 for $550 you might want to grab it.

I just went to the VIO website and their $700 there.

http://www.vio-pov.com/products.php?xid=e158eee4a8c81a1e74ae8339222cd7b9&ct=di&login=&mem=&gr= (http://www.vio-pov.com/products.php?xid=e158eee4a8c81a1e74ae8339222cd7b9&ct=di&login=&mem=&gr=)

My wife worked for VIO in Marquette, MI (headquarters). They are a great company, the owners knows his stuff, and everyone there is uber nice. Once i get my machine on the road i am considering the POV 1,  probably helmet mount. I have used the older products with a minidv camcorder attached a few years ago skiing, what a blast.

great company though

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 12, 2009, 10:05:46 AM
my pov.1 came in the mail the other day  ;D

the camera is a lot smaller than i thought it would be. but it seems like it's pretty rugged and well made.


i took a quick test vid when the weather finally cleared just before i had to leave for the bahamas  ;D
but the island i'm staying at has really weak internet service so i haven't been able to get it uploaded onto youtube until today. it took about 3 hrs to upload this.

video looks good but you need good lighting for best picture. i actually came out to the island for work so i really haven't had time to experiment and play around with it except for this little vid and a couple more i shot today as the sun was setting. i'll try and upload them in the next couple of days so you can see the different lighting scenarios.

so as i said, this was a quick test so it was also a quick mounting job as well. but i wanted to get at least one video of it mounted on my bike before i went away. i mounted it to the left radiator elbow tube. not exactly sure what that part is called but it's at the bottm of the radiator and the hoses clamp to it. not a bad angle to film but the camera was not pointing exactly where i wanted. the wide angle is a bit forgiving as it looks okay but it could be better.

looking forward to experimenting with mounting from different angles. the camera in this vid was pointed slightly inward and down toward the wheel. the day had no sun as it was drizzling and it had rained for 2 days. it cleared long enough for me to do a quick ride.

youtube compression really takes the quality down but you can tell the video is not that bad. on my com in fullscreen mode it looks pretty good even with the poor lighting that day. to me, the quality could be better but it's good enough. for the price i wish it had more recording options like zoom in/out and exposure.

here it is. clicking on the screen will take you to a bigger video on the youtube site if you care to see it's full youtube glory. turn your sound down halfway as it's mostly wind noise until i get on the throttle. need to find a better place to mount the mic.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDye_MJNuLI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDye_MJNuLI)

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: BK_856er on February 13, 2009, 12:12:50 PM
Thanks for posting that, hydra.  Looks great!  Now I'm certain that I want one.  Looks like the POV1.5 will be out next week (same basic thing, smaller camera with fixed cable, still $$).


Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: w7ck7d on February 13, 2009, 06:01:31 PM
nice video..would consider getting one of this .when i get some extra $$

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on February 14, 2009, 09:07:49 AM
Thanks for posting that, hydra.  Looks great!  Now I'm certain that I want one.  Looks like the POV1.5 will be out next week (same basic thing, smaller camera with fixed cable, still $$).

you're welcome BK,
quality's pretty good. i just noticed youtube has a feature where you can watch in "high quality". looks better with less artifacts but it's a bit more jumpy. i think i'm going to order the 73 degree lens. it comes with the wider 110 lens which gives it a bit of a fisheye effect. i think i'd prefer a more realistic, less distorted view. it's hard to tell the sense of speed as well as distance and the angle of a turn with the 110 lens.

the video is saved as an AVI file. the software that comes with the pov doesn't work on mac so i had to get software to be able to convert videos to MPG4 for youtube. there's a blog on the VIO site where they recommended some free software called MPEG Streamclip. works great and it's free but it takes some time to convert files.

mounting options included with the camera are minimal so you have to buy better ones. i ordered the "pov mount kit" for $70. which comes with all the different mounts they offer in one package.

http://www.vio-pov.com/product_information/vio_mount_info/ (http://www.vio-pov.com/product_information/vio_mount_info/)
3 – Camera Clamps
1 – Goggle Mount
1 – Pipe Mount
1 – Tripod Plate
1 – Star Mount
1 – Mini Rail
4 – Cable Guides

 a pricey little package but, for me, it's worth it. and yes, the pov 1.5 is coming out. main difference, it's a more compact lens and it also comes with the 12v adapter and more mounting options. but otherwise same video quality. i'd be pissed if they up'd the quality to HD and i was stuck with the lower res package.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: nfwb11 on February 14, 2009, 05:23:30 PM
After dropping $600+ on the top of the line from helmetcamera.com I'm now using an old school Sony Mini-DV with a gas tank mount ($30 on ebay) and couldn't be happier with the quality.



Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: BK_856er on February 14, 2009, 08:02:44 PM
Big cam = better video = cumbersome attachment.

I like the idea of a stealthy bullet type camera and an integrated solution.  I just ordered a POV1.5 MOTO version.

Here's another option, but much further up the food chain:

http://www.axialvideo.com/complete-systems/bullet-dvr-solo-full-race-kit/prod_4.html (http://www.axialvideo.com/complete-systems/bullet-dvr-solo-full-race-kit/prod_4.html)


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: Mojo S2R on February 15, 2009, 09:47:14 AM
Ouch! That Bullet DVR Solo aint cheap.

These guys have several lower priced alternatives that aren't too big.

http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/ (http://shop.helmetcameracentral.com/)

The VholdR and ATC 3K/5K seem decent.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: hydra on February 16, 2009, 11:38:58 AM
yes i agree with BK. i researched the sh*t out of many cams. i was looking at the canon HF100 HD flash cam but decided to go for the smaller, more rugged and weatherproof camera.

my brother got the oregon scientific ATC3k which shoots in 640x480 and only goes for $140! but it's not as compact and it doesn't come with a viewer so he said it was hard to know what angle he was shooting. only time he could see it was when it was downloaded to his com.  so i think the viewer is essential for those times where you're mounting in weird places.

here's the video from my hotel when the sun was setting. you can see when i'm in the shadows how dark the image gets and better when ther's good lighting.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlIr4u4Zu44 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlIr4u4Zu44)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: BK_856er on February 16, 2009, 11:52:37 AM
here's the video from my hotel when the sun was setting.

This was for work, right?  I now hate my job even more  [laugh]


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: hydra on February 16, 2009, 12:15:07 PM
This was for work, right?  I now hate my job even more  [laugh]

LOL, yes i'm here for work but it's not for video and that's the hotel i'm staying at.
i'm a producer and engineer of music and my client has his studio here. i can't say who it is but he's obviously sold a bunch of albums  ;D

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: BK_856er on March 08, 2009, 12:07:27 AM
Thanks for posting that, hydra.  Looks great!  Now I'm certain that I want one.  Looks like the POV1.5 will be out next week (same basic thing, smaller camera with fixed cable, still $$).

Here's a test video with my new POV.  This is fun stuff.  The video clip is just a few minutes of about 1.5hrs, and it's a tight downhill section towards the end of the ride (one of my favorite roads for the monster - Page Mill Road).  I had the integrated microphone/cable on the right side, so whenever I hung off a little on that side the wind noise really took over.  I definitely need to figure out a more ideal arrangement for the audio.   The video quality is unimpressive on youtube, far better on a local computer and really fantastic played directly from the recorder to a flatscreen TV.


PMR downhill (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ortih908Gd0#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: Mash on March 08, 2009, 04:56:24 PM
Wow, that's a great way to watch the suspension work.  If I knew how to tune suspension systems, I'd probably like to see the travel like that.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: what's the best options: post your video's
Post by: dutchy73 on March 08, 2009, 06:20:25 PM
Anyone running this set up? Plugs right into the camcorder or you can buy it with a DVR.

http://www.sportzshot.com/helmet-camera-pvs1.php (http://www.sportzshot.com/helmet-camera-pvs1.php)

I'm thinking about picking this one up. Thoughts?

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: hydra on March 09, 2009, 05:00:43 AM
Here's a test video with my new POV.  This is fun stuff.  The video clip is just a few minutes of about 1.5hrs, and it's a tight downhill section towards the end of the ride (one of my favorite roads for the monster - Page Mill Road).  I had the integrated microphone/cable on the right side, so whenever I hung off a little on that side the wind noise really took over.  I definitely need to figure out a more ideal arrangement for the audio.   The video quality is unimpressive on youtube, far better on a local computer and really fantastic played directly from the recorder to a flatscreen TV.

nice vid BK! BTW, where is page mill rd?
so you ended up sticking with the pov.1.5 afterall. i think you made a good choice.
i'm quite happy with my pov.1 although i haven't had time to do any shooting since that first test video.
i like the fact that it uses standard AA's so you can be anywhere and you won't need to worry about having access to AC to recharge your cam.

and i think i'm going to buy an external mic so i can place it wherever i want it. having it connected to the same cable as the cam really limits where you can place the mic.

the only other thing is i wish you could adjust your own exposure...

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: Mojo S2R on March 09, 2009, 09:33:20 AM
Great vid BK.  [thumbsup] Thanks for posting that.

Title: Re: motorcycle video cams: what's are the best options: post your vids from your cam
Post by: BK_856er on March 09, 2009, 11:13:35 AM
nice vid BK! BTW, where is page mill rd?
so you ended up sticking with the pov.1.5 afterall. i think you made a good choice.
i'm quite happy with my pov.1 although i haven't had time to do any shooting since that first test video.
i like the fact that it uses standard AA's so you can be anywhere and you won't need to worry about having access to AC to recharge your cam.

and i think i'm going to buy an external mic so i can place it wherever i want it. having it connected to the same cable as the cam really limits where you can place the mic.

the only other thing is i wish you could adjust your own exposure...

Yes, this is from the POV1.5.  It has a few quirks, but so far so good.  Let me know what you figure out for the mic.  Proper audio is a must!  The "new" Vio tactical line has exposure adjustment, so maybe that will find its way into a future firmware version.

Page Mill Road is north of San Jose and connects the valley to the coastal ridge.  Very twisty and somewhat goaty.  Zero margin for error and often many surprises.  Fun stuff and great views.  I hate it on the SBK, but the Monster eats it up!  Lots of great riding here in the Bay Area and now finally some dry weather.


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on March 10, 2009, 08:06:48 AM
Great vid BK.  [thumbsup] Thanks for posting that.

Thanks!  Here's another.  Same day, different roads - more open.  This is my first attempt at creating and merging clips.  Tried to include some roll-ons so the exhaust would come through.  I have a new respect for the time/effort/space involved in performing even the most rudimentary video tasks!


84W 35S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR141Hui08Y#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: dbran1949 on March 10, 2009, 08:15:42 AM
A cheap fix for wind noise is to put a piece of blue painter's masking tape right over the mic, it blocks the wind but still lets the low frequency engine sound through

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on March 10, 2009, 09:45:53 AM
A cheap fix for wind noise is to put a piece of blue painter's masking tape right over the mic, it blocks the wind but still lets the low frequency engine sound through

I had several wraps of black electrical tape over the mic.  Is painters masking tape preferred?  I'll definitley try it.


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: dbran1949 on March 10, 2009, 10:30:13 AM
I had several wraps of black electrical tape over the mic.  Is painters masking tape preferred?  I'll definitley try it.


Don't know about preferred, but it has worked in the past for me. I used it initially because I could get it removed without residue. If you already tried electrical tape maybe it won't be any better. The point is it has to be applied in such a manner so it won't vibrate otherwise it just transmits the wind noise.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on May 09, 2009, 06:06:13 PM
Some updates on my POV1.5M setup...

I rigged up the bike power lead, so no more worries about running down the AA batts, although basic AAs were giving about 4-6hrs of runtime.

Bought an 8GB SDHC card for literally hours of video storage.

Picked up the vio mount kit and case and found a good place to stick the recorder.  It's convenient to stick it in a jacket pocket, but I really disliked being tethered to the recorder.

Got an Audio Technica MT-830 subminiature omni mic for more placement options.

Here are some pics and a new video that covers the same stretch as my first video.  The audio is much better with the remote mic.   I still need to experiment with mic placement - I think I'm getting too much induction noise with the mic behind the cluster.  I'll try under the seat next.  The mic is super nice.  The recorder wedges in securely and attaches using the elastic straps of the case - it's stealthier than it looks in the pic.




pmr 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEkFoT6Ck5Q#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Added this clip of the same section going uphill for more throttle:

pmr 4 new mic uphill (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybxsY7PLA7k#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

(If you get an error on playback, select a lower HQ setting along the bottom of the video)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: Pink on May 10, 2009, 06:20:33 PM
Wow, this stuff is very cool. Definitely got me interested in the POV.1 to document my ascent to reasonably proficient motorcycling!

I think the mic placement sounds perfect on that last one BK.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on May 11, 2009, 08:40:57 PM
Wow, this stuff is very cool. Definitely got me interested in the POV.1 to document my ascent to reasonably proficient motorcycling!

I think the mic placement sounds perfect on that last one BK.

I moved the mic under the seat, clipped to the wiring sheath just behind the voltage regulator.  Good wind protection.  Better and more "motor" sound as the RPM changes.  Nice driveline whine on deceleration.  More exhaust note.  Sounds like a serious dry clutch at idle!  On the negative side, the induction growl is almost totally gone and the shifting clunks are very pronounced.  I think behind the cluster is the better overall compromise.  Realistically you probably need more than one mic to capture all the mechanical goodness, but I'm drawing the line at just one.  I'll keep experimenting with placement.  All the clips sound pretty mean from decent speakers and a subwoofer!


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: MsTek on May 12, 2009, 07:39:41 AM
Hahah.. you know I was thinking about this lately but not for the same reasons.

I've been wanting to record some of the conversations I am having with myself on my motorcycle and post them. Usually in response to some jackass in Chicago traffic.  I come up with some colorful stuff sometimes and just wish I could post it.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on May 18, 2009, 11:47:34 PM
I moved the mic under the seat, clipped to the wiring sheath just behind the voltage regulator.  Good wind protection.  Better and more "motor" sound as the RPM changes.  Nice driveline whine on deceleration.  More exhaust note.  Sounds like a serious dry clutch at idle!  On the negative side, the induction growl is almost totally gone and the shifting clunks are very pronounced.  I think behind the cluster is the better overall compromise.  Realistically you probably need more than one mic to capture all the mechanical goodness, but I'm drawing the line at just one.  I'll keep experimenting with placement.  All the clips sound pretty mean from decent speakers and a subwoofer!


Here is a different perspective with the mic at the rear.  Love watching that penske shock work its magic on a rough road!  This clip is almost synced with the previous one (which for some reason gives an error when you try to play the video, unless you first select a lower Aeva HQ setting).


pmr penske 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBjjPhP7xBs#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: grandpa nate on May 21, 2009, 08:25:34 AM
Reverse Angle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeKckbJWEfo#lq-hq-vhq)

go pro hero...youtube videos suck ass...looks wayyyyy better on the mac

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on May 22, 2009, 05:47:31 PM

go pro hero...youtube videos suck ass...looks wayyyyy better on the mac

Looking good!  [thumbsup]

I think I'll try that camera angle next.  Post up the monster vids guys  [moto]


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on June 09, 2009, 10:07:09 PM
More fun with POV1.5 camera angles  ;D

These are all the same stretch of road, different days, different camera mounting.  Nothing crazy, just some weekend therapy in the twisties.  I'm grateful that I have miles and miles of this stuff in my backyard...

From the rear:

84E rear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ayi41ZcjaQ#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

To the rear:

84E back (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cspjpX8O9bo#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Cockpit view:

84E cockpit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym_huOj2kj0#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

As always, the HD or HQ+ options look best.  Enjoy!


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: rgury on June 10, 2009, 02:41:27 PM
30 mins of HD in NYC.

311 MBs.  And yes, very hooligan. 


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: Raux on June 11, 2009, 01:10:42 AM
More fun with POV1.5 camera angles  ;D

These are all the same stretch of road, different days, different camera mounting.  Nothing crazy, just some weekend therapy in the twisties.  I'm grateful that I have miles and miles of this stuff in my backyard...

From the rear:

84E rear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ayi41ZcjaQ#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

To the rear:

84E back (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cspjpX8O9bo#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Cockpit view:

84E cockpit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym_huOj2kj0#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

As always, the HD or HQ+ options look best.  Enjoy!


you're crossed up aren't you.. your butt moves down but your head is up.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on June 11, 2009, 10:35:59 AM
you're crossed up aren't you.. your butt moves down but your head is up.

Crossed up? I suppose so to a certain degree.  But this is the street and it’s a monster with the standard goofy tank and wide bars.  It’s a body positioning that works for me in that context.  I find more extreme positioning not so helpful in the really tight stuff and I also like to keep a good view of potential road hazards up ahead, which frequently means a slightly higher vantage in addition to a late apex.  Open, sweeping flat stuff I ride a bit differently while still trying to keep a low profile for the LEO rounding the turn in the opposite direction.  My SBK on the track is a totally different machine and context and I put a lot of effort into achieving “correct” form there.  But….video and images are great tools for recording and analyzing technique.  [beer]


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: Raux on June 11, 2009, 01:37:09 PM
Crossed up? I suppose so to a certain degree.  But this is the street and it’s a monster with the standard goofy tank and wide bars.  It’s a body positioning that works for me in that context.  I find more extreme positioning not so helpful in the really tight stuff and I also like to keep a good view of potential road hazards up ahead, which frequently means a slightly higher vantage in addition to a late apex.  Open, sweeping flat stuff I ride a bit differently while still trying to keep a low profile for the LEO rounding the turn in the opposite direction.  My SBK on the track is a totally different machine and context and I put a lot of effort into achieving “correct” form there.  But….video and images are great tools for recording and analyzing technique.  [beer]


cool thanks for the feedback and not taking it as a critique but as it was meant a question.

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on June 13, 2009, 10:23:19 PM
Here's another test video.  Moved the mic forward to under the tank and put the camera on the side of the tank to capture some throttle and brake lever action.  Killed a bug at 0:50.


84E throttle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC_WR1lyVN0#lq-lq2-hq-vhq)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: Jarvicious on June 15, 2009, 10:46:52 AM
Out of all the vids you've posted so far, i think this one has the best audio quality. There was one other (under the seat behind the regulator I think) that sounded pretty good, but the sound had a tendency to drop out when your motor hit certain rpm ranges (namely when you were at 5/6k and dropped off the throttle suddently.  I agree, at least two if not three mics would be ideal.  Nice set of videos though.  A couple of local guys here have gopros and I think yours has a touch better quality. 

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on June 16, 2009, 10:35:00 PM
Out of all the vids you've posted so far, i think this one has the best audio quality. There was one other (under the seat behind the regulator I think) that sounded pretty good, but the sound had a tendency to drop out when your motor hit certain rpm ranges (namely when you were at 5/6k and dropped off the throttle suddently.  I agree, at least two if not three mics would be ideal.  Nice set of videos though.  A couple of local guys here have gopros and I think yours has a touch better quality. 

Thanks for the feedback!  I also prefer the audio in the most recent clip (mic under the tank).  It has an entertaining quality to it.

I think the other one you liked was with the mic behind the cluster so that it picks up mainly the sinister induction noise from the open airbox with throttle roll-on.  Steady throttle or closing throttle produces essentially no induction noise, so the sound drops off as you noticed.  I didn't actually post any clips with the mic behind the regulator (just described it).

I promised myself that I'd keep the scope of the project to a single mic, but I've already started to piece together a second mic. It's a slippery slope thing.  I really need to capture some of that deep induction growl and blend it with the motor and exhaust note from the last clip.

It looks like Vholder has a new true HD helmet cam out, and Axial Video also has a new high-end cam available.  Gopro has unmatched bang for buck.  Lots of good options out there.


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: grandpa nate on September 22, 2009, 11:46:09 AM
Ridin to Bartlett Lake (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U40rVYor7g#ws-normal)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: grandpa nate on September 22, 2009, 11:48:18 AM
Ridin Outta Bartlett Lake (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y9Ks7bh42o#ws-normal)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: BK_856er on September 22, 2009, 04:53:35 PM

 [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Very entertaining.

This thread was long overdue for an update....


Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: grandpa nate on October 15, 2009, 01:19:52 PM
i am such a f**king dork... ;D

Up Da Mountain...and yes I am a f**king dork!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdPS4SixKlc#ws-normal)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: grandpa nate on November 03, 2009, 02:33:44 PM
yes i need a life or maybe just a job...
Tortilla Flats (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5hpXlMsqD8#normal)

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: DucLeone on November 03, 2009, 03:46:55 PM
is it just me or is the rear Chainguard Flopping allover the place?

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: grandpa nate on November 03, 2009, 07:36:05 PM
is it just me or is the rear Chainguard Flopping allover the place?

yeah...i've checked it several times and have no cracks....freakin sucks.  plastic blows

Title: Re: motorcycle cameras: options and reviews: post your riding video's
Post by: Bun-bun on November 06, 2009, 02:54:10 PM
ANyone have any FHE with the VholdR contour series of HD cameras?
Look lightweight and versatile, just not sure about the picture quality.

SimplePortal 2.1.1