Title: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: Ferrell75002 on June 13, 2008, 04:36:15 PM Well, its 8.30 and tomorrow will make 2 months since my hypermotard got stolen. The insurance finally paid me and last week went to Albany and picked up another one. I just walked outside, and there was a shady looking guy double parked right outside my building with his flashers on just sitting. I watched him write something down and about 3 minutes later drove away. He was in a older mini-van tan/light brown with medal sides, no windows in the back, so no one could see in and like a little smoke stack thing coming out of the roof.
Now, I could be paranoid as I now do not like the looks of vans, but something tells me he was making a note for a future theft. So, if you see a van like that and the first three letter of his NY plates were BVD make note. I now keep the bike with 2 kryptonite locks, cover, and a alarm, so I doubt it could get stolen without me noticing, but anything is possible. Look out everyone, as it really suck to have a bike stolen. F- PS I note the time of 8.30 because the last bike was stolen at 7.30. Title: Re: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: Cru Jones on June 13, 2008, 05:15:07 PM You live in BK, right? Do yourself a favor & park it at Victor's Garage. His rates are very affordable & the garage has a watchdog & 24hr access.
Title: Re: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: Ferrell75002 on June 13, 2008, 05:51:11 PM Where;s Victors ??? I am in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill.
F- Title: Re: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: He Man on June 13, 2008, 06:51:31 PM Where are you usually parked?
Thats some shit man. Time to put up a security camera to set on your bike. Title: Re: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: dizzle on June 13, 2008, 07:12:46 PM Where;s Victors ??? I am in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill. F- Washington Ave between Park and Flushing... you're lucky, you're a lot closer than I am. When you're there, say hi to my blue Triumph. It's lonely now that I park it there--I don't get to commute on it anymore. Title: Re: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: He Man on June 14, 2008, 03:21:25 PM A friend JUST got his bike stolen this morning. CBR1000, parked in front of his house, Church ave, right around the cemetary.
Wtf is this shit. Yea im getting an electric veil over my bike. Title: Re: Bike Getting Scouting Again, Maybe Post by: univox on June 16, 2008, 04:18:50 AM Damn man, I lost the stomach to park my bike outside a long while ago and I'm in the suburbs. :-\
Don't know how you manage. |