Looking to upgrade the rear shock spring to fit me and the wife for two up. When using the racetech shock spring rate calculator, I should add both of our weights together, correct? Or just budget for my own (unless there's a magic number, like 1 + 1/2 my weight. Will it still be adequate for regular street riding? No trackdays here, not a very aggressive rider either.
Thanks! [beer]
im planning on the same thing. Current spring is great (or seems great) alone. Im about 200 lbs. But witht eh wife, waaaaay to soft. So im going to Boulder motorsports this may to get a new spring. They are ohlins certified. They do springs all the time. Im guessing its not the two of your weights together. More like a 30 or 40% increase. Just guessing though
oh, im on a 696 fwiw
For best results you should get the right spring for solo riding and increase the preload for each two up ride.
If you get a spring made for two - it'll be way too stiff for solo.
But then again, if you get a solo spring that's a little bit on the stiff side - you'll most probably be fine riding with a medium sized passenger.
(not perfect, but fine)
Quote from: stopintime on April 16, 2011, 08:53:19 AM
For best results you should get the right spring for solo riding and increase the preload for each two up ride.
If you get a spring made for two - it'll be way too stiff for solo.
But then again, if you get a solo spring that's a little bit on the stiff side - you'll most probably be fine riding with a medium sized passenger.
(not perfect, but fine)
exactly, we have to crank the spring now, if i got a better spring for me where the preload rests somewhere in the middle setting, we could up it for two. I like that idea.