Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NMMR => Topic started by: Cloner on April 18, 2011, 08:18:58 AM

Title: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on April 18, 2011, 08:18:58 AM
...he ran his first race EVER yesterday and he WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed ran in SMRI's comepetitive Historic Vintage Lightweight class yesterday after taking the licensing class only two weeks ago.  He competed on a Yamaha SR 500 (a two valve per cylinder air cooled single).  He ran second most of the race, but when bike 124 (Troy Runck on a heavily modified CB 350 twin) retired due to a failed battery Ed was left lapping alone WAYYYYYYYYYYYY out in first place and he took the checkers by a healthy half lap!

Good on ya, Ed!   [thumbsup]  I think, traditionally, you have to buy the  [drink] at the next Ducnight.   ;D

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on April 18, 2011, 10:13:01 AM
Awesome! I came all the way to Coors area but couldnt make it to the race...darn missed it! Ed- we should celebrate next weekend! [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Duck-Stew on April 18, 2011, 10:19:50 AM

You Rawk!  [thumbsup]  [moto]  [drink]  [beer]  [clap]  [popcorn]  [bacon]  [bow_down]

--Stu 8)

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: NinjaHarHar on April 18, 2011, 11:51:22 AM
I was there, it was a great race!  All of them were!

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: DucDog on April 18, 2011, 01:04:31 PM
Thanks Scott for the good words, past advice and for your work as Corner Marshall!   [thumbsup]

It was a great race and it surprised me as much as anyone.   The wind and blowing dust were awful.  At one point I could barely see the rider in front of me in the turn before the grandstands.  Uglllly....!   [bang]     But....it was also an opportunity to pass, as that rider slowed for the dust devil..... So, I can't complain too much. 

As I recall, it was you who planted the idea nearly a year ago of a torquey single as a race bike in the Vintage lightweight class.  You and Stu described the main concepts of such a bike over beer and food on the back of a napkin.     [beer]

I'm sure the next race will be interesting.  The "Cheater Honda" group has two more 50-55 hp Honda 350's with really good riders that they can throw into the race.  I'm sure they will demonstrate the fast way around the track.   ....So, I will try to learn from them and perhaps the old Yamaha will find a way....    [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on April 18, 2011, 01:33:00 PM
I don't think the "cheater Hondas" are quite 50-55 hp, but I wouldn't doubt 40 or a little more.  They're quite strong for 350 twins, and they're light to boot.  Regardless of their presence or absence, a win is a win! 

Now you all have a chance to come out and support the class points leader for Historic Vintage Lightweight in his 2011 campaign!

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on April 18, 2011, 05:07:56 PM
You are my hero....enjoyed watching you tear it up during practice day [thumbsup]
This might be a good place to post or link this year's schedule so we can watch the both of you ;)

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: nicrosato on April 22, 2011, 06:20:46 AM
Congratulations, Ed. It says a lot when an older gentleman has success at a new endeavor.

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on April 22, 2011, 06:26:54 AM
Congratulations, Ed. It says a lot when an older gentleman has success at a new endeavor.
Oho! You do not want to say "Older Gentleman"!!! especially to Mr. Ed. The last this happened was in Ouray 2010...I saw something red go by me at 160mph...Someone was on fire to prove a point... [thumbsup]  :P

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on April 22, 2011, 07:05:31 AM
This might be a good place to post or link this year's schedule so we can watch the both of you ;)

You can go to http://www.smri-racing.org/season/view.php (http://www.smri-racing.org/season/view.php) to view the season's comings and goings, both races and trackdays.  There is a column there to tell you which configuration will be run, too, in case you want to do a Sandia track day in the new configuration.  All events will be run in the clockwise direction.

Come on out!  If anyone is interested in licensing, there is a school scheduled for April 30th (just over a week away) and there aren't enough entrants to hold the school.  If you're interested in becoming a licensed racer you should call or email Troy Runck to reserve a spot.  JJ is registered and I'm sure he'd love some company.   [moto]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: NFJ79 on April 22, 2011, 01:00:44 PM
Awesome Ed!  Congrats!

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on April 22, 2011, 04:54:22 PM
You can go to http://www.smri-racing.org/season/view.php (http://www.smri-racing.org/season/view.php) to view the season's comings and goings, both races and trackdays.  There is a column there to tell you which configuration will be run, too, in case you want to do a Sandia track day in the new configuration.  All events will be run in the clockwise direction.

Come on out!  If anyone is interested in licensing, there is a school scheduled for April 30th (just over a week away) and there aren't enough entrants to hold the school.  If you're interested in becoming a licensed racer you should call or email Troy Runck to reserve a spot.  JJ is registered and I'm sure he'd love some company.   [moto]
Are there any dates towards the end of May or the beginning June.... also, is this a onetime or annual requirement?

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on April 23, 2011, 06:15:24 AM
There are no other licensing schools on the schedule, currently.  I'm sure there will be at least one more near the end of the season.  The school is a one-time requirement, so once is all you need unless you let you license lapse for a long period....I think 3 or 5 years.

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on May 23, 2011, 06:29:55 PM
Now backed up by a second in class this past weekend.

Keep up the modesty, Ed, and we'll think you're just plain shy.   :o

Still #1 in the HVLW class points chase!!!!

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on May 23, 2011, 07:23:46 PM
 [thumbsup] Congrats Ed! I missed one more...but no more travel till Sept...now time to focus on track and racing and riding... [moto]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on May 23, 2011, 07:25:17 PM
[thumbsup] Congrats Ed! I missed one more...but no more travel till Sept...now time to focus on track and racing and riding... [moto]
He is still my hero [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on July 31, 2011, 01:21:04 PM
After shedding some rubber on the Crest road with JJ, I had the pleasure of watching Ed
on the race track. He took first place in his class again and decided to chase some of the
the bikes twice his bike's size:


He was giving the youngen on the 999 a run for his money and had a couple of
great opportunities to get past him:


Great show Ed [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: cb_abq on July 31, 2011, 06:26:28 PM
Wow, Ed! Congratulations. That's impressive.

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on August 01, 2011, 08:17:16 AM
 [bow_down] Ed is now an inspiration...Cant stop talking about him and the race!!! [thumbsup] Here's more for memories Ed...& AWESOME RACING- YOU D MAN!

Ed's bike-THE MACHINE...They say a race is won as a package (Machine and Rider) always...He builds the package and races it himself!

Ed's group of bikes...The fierce competition all hungry to win!

He keeps his prime rival in sight...(different class though, but still anyone ahead is worth a fight!)

Ed inches closer and closer each lap...in process, keeping all the vintage bikes wondering..."Where the hell did he go!" Well, HE WINS! [bow_down] [thumbsup] [Dolph]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on August 29, 2011, 05:26:43 PM
Rumor has it that you placed first yet again. 'fess up buddy and give us the inside scoop ;D

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: DucDog on August 31, 2011, 05:13:52 PM
Karl, your rumor is correct. I was able to eek out wins in Vintage Lightweight and Middleweight classes.  

The old Yamaha single is running very well and its old rider is slowly learning how to ride this bobbing, weaving bronco for the 8 or 10 laps required.   [Dolph]   Jeremy Ragsdale was there with a very nice Honda and he was ready to pounce, but I got a good start and the old Yamaha pulled strongly off the corners.  I was able to stay ahead of him and most of the modern 600's.  I finished in first place for Vintage Lightweight and second overall for the grid.  

The second race was even more exciting.  I got another good start and was able to zing up behind a modern M/C rider who was running second overall.  I chomped on his tail for quite a while.  Then, he made a braking mistake in Turn 5 (end of the double apex).  His bike responded by high-siding him on the inside of the curve and just to my right.    [popcorn]  His sliding and bouncing bike came whizzing over at me like a demon bowling ball.  It nearly took me off the track.  I moved to the outside to avoid it, but there was only a few feet of track left to ride on.  Luckily it whizzed behind my rear wheel as I rode through the only piece of track left.  The downed rider was not so lucky and got an ambulance ride and a few broken bones.  

Just when I thought that all the excitement was over, my shift linkage fell off with 1/4 of the last lap to go.  [bang]  Fortunately, I was in third gear and limped across the finish line to get first place in Vintage Middleweight and again second place overall for that grid.  ....As the old saying goes... "Luck is just as good as skill"!   [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on August 31, 2011, 05:22:59 PM
You rock Ed [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on August 31, 2011, 05:49:55 PM
Wow! Impressive!  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: gratefulduc on August 31, 2011, 05:55:30 PM

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Axel on August 31, 2011, 06:31:01 PM
Very nice! Congrats  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Duc L'Smart on September 01, 2011, 03:51:12 AM
....As the old saying goes... "Luck is just as good as skill"!   [thumbsup]

I know I enjoy getting lucky... ;D

Congratz Ed!!!!!!!!!! [thumbsup] [Dolph]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Duck-Stew on September 01, 2011, 07:49:25 PM
DucDog is one bad motha...


Just talkin' 'bout DucDog, Baby!

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: nicrosato on September 02, 2011, 04:51:10 AM
Inspirational.  Congratulations, Ed.

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on September 12, 2011, 11:14:39 PM
Ed won the lightweight race again, Sunday, and placed second in the middleweight race behind Steve Parrish.  Pretty nice showing, all told, Ed!  I think this probably means Ed will win his class championship, too!

I told ya those SR500s were a rulebook breaker, Ed!  Most of the LW guys are really whining about the SR now that someone who can ride one is doing so.   ;) 

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on September 13, 2011, 05:20:01 AM
Congrats again Ed!  [thumbsup] What are you getting when you win the championship or what are we getting...new bikes for all NMMR? ;D

My weekend ride time management called for track visit sacrifice at the expense of two Crest rides...I took the latter as I'll be on business travel next weekend. I did wish teh best for Ed and Scott remotely! The Crest ride was worth it and a good moral boost...All through this year, felt my skills dwindled away, but last weekend set me right. I look forward to restoring my vintage bike and getting there with Ed and others... [Dolph]

Scott-Did you race? If you are not going to race that beast, you have a young win hungry jockey available...! [cheeky]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on September 13, 2011, 07:18:13 AM
Fourth in ULW.  If I can suck ten more pounds I think I can reel in Graves and work on third!   ;)

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on September 13, 2011, 07:59:35 AM
Fourth in ULW.  If I can suck ten more pounds I think I can reel in Graves and work on third!   ;)

Darn, I missed it!!!  [bang] I really want to see a ULW race!!! CONGRATS SCOTT! That is good...!  [thumbsup] Is there a ball park HP to the first three ULW bikes? As they say "A package wins, not the rider"...so what do I need to get on my bike apart from NOT bringing the fear of DEATH? ???

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Cloner on September 13, 2011, 11:41:00 AM
Graves ran a half second per lap faster than I did on his modified Honda single.  I'm faster in the turns, so if I can get a little more umph, either in the form of more power or less weight, I think I have something for him.  The other two guys, one on a VERY heavily massaged Ducati 250 and the other on an even more heavily massaged Yamaha DT 175 two smoke, run four seconds a lap quicker.  That translates to another five to seven horses, I think, or another hundred pounds.  I can't suck that much weight, so I think a little mechanical wizardry is in order.

To force an Aermacchi to make the horsepower necessary to compete well at Sandia is an expensive proposition.  I've found a CRS motor that I've been gathering parts for over the last year, and I'm getting close.  That engine should hold a 10 hp advantage over my current street motor.  The last time I saw a complete, running CR/CRS/CRTT motor it was about $7000, I think.  They're also very competitive in AHRMA's 200 Grand Prix class, which is where I was hoping to run the bike at AHRMA events....if I ever get to go to one.

I got this motor via eternal vigilance at ebay.  A guy posted an Aermacchi motor but didn't know what he had.  It was pretty mangled up, and was missing much of the clutch assembly (which was a bear to find and expensive), but it's mine now.  For reference, there's a pair of bare CASES for a CR motor on ebay right now for over $1000! 

I think all I'm missing are a piston, cam, followers, valves, valve springs, and clutch plates...all of which are easy to find except the clutch plates....and I have a lead on those.  I might also want to increase the carb size, but I'll want to chew on that a bit.

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: JJ on September 13, 2011, 01:38:08 PM
Thanks Scott! That was the information I was looking for! It helps me understand racing better...! I can think beyond an Aermacchi at some point, for this one, I would perhaps start like you with a 33size Mikuni and run few sessions to modify to perhaps a FCR 37 (extreme manifold convergence nozzle from 26mm?!) and a fat air filter. I can also perhaps make aerodynamics do few tricks, working on this! More down force at leans-means more corner speed, there is only so much motor can do, the rest air needs to carve out!

Ed, sorry jacking this thread...but, perhaps you got a tip or two! :) ??? [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on September 14, 2011, 06:04:36 PM
Congratulations to both Ed and Scott, you guys kick ass [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Zaster on October 23, 2011, 02:18:25 PM
And you did it again today [thumbsup] Had a blast watching both you and Scott tearing up the track today. [clap]
Having good company didn't hurt...thanks Caleb, Marco and Bjorn ;)

Title: Re: Since Ed's Too Modest To Tell You........
Post by: Axel on October 23, 2011, 04:13:47 PM
Some great racing today... enjoyed seeing you guys out there.  [thumbsup]

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