Title: DesmoCiao Post by: zeroxzero on April 19, 2011, 04:54:57 AM Hi all,
I'm from North Italy 34 yrs. My bike is a M1100s actually full carbon and HP Exhaust and other small CNC things ... [moto] Title: Re: DesmoCiao Post by: bikepilot on April 26, 2011, 04:28:59 AM Welcome! I bet it is particularly special to be able to ride a Ducati around its home country [clap]
Title: Re: DesmoCiao Post by: 671M900 on April 26, 2011, 05:36:17 AM Welcome! I bet it is particularly special to be able to ride a Ducati around its home country [clap] I dunno. it's probably like driving a dodge/caddy in detroit... Mercedes in Germany (taxis)... But it's special anyways because it's a monster, regardless of where it is... haha. |