Title: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: CajunR on April 21, 2011, 05:30:11 PM So... I think it's time to get some of the crud off my ride. I think I remember someone recommending rubbing alcohol or WD40... Any other tips?
(http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg16/CajunR/dirty/2011-04-19-DIRTYfront.jpg) (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg16/CajunR/dirty/2011-04-19-DIRTYside.jpg) (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg16/CajunR/dirty/2011-04-19-DIRTYengine.jpg) (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg16/CajunR/dirty/2011-04-19-DIRTYwheel.jpg) Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Jester on April 21, 2011, 05:44:33 PM Yeah my bike looked like that just sitting out in the rain parked. Usually the rain isn't as dirty, but it was simply nasty this go around. I wipe my entire bike with plexus before each ride. If the dirt is that heavy, you might want to rinse the bike first, then hit it with plexus and microfiber.
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: caffeinejunkee on April 21, 2011, 06:38:05 PM S100 [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Pinocchio on April 21, 2011, 06:52:23 PM +1 - S100, and soon. Due to the fact that they ran out of Mag salts this past winter, I wouldn't bet against there being some NaCl in that dried slurry coating your bike. The zinc-dip on the bolts of our Ducs is pretty thin, so get that stuff off pronto.
I blow all the water I can away from the fasteners with compressed air after a wash, and I'm looking into a rust preventer I can spray on the bolt heads. Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: jweave on April 21, 2011, 07:20:06 PM Na. Its a Motard. Suppose to be dirty. :P
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: muskrat on April 21, 2011, 08:07:42 PM I hate S100. Soap and water, nothing else but then again it's been about a year since you've washed your bike. I'd say carry a bottle of simple green and before your commute home spray her down. We did that to a buddy of ours who had over 180,000 on his Roadstar. It had been at least 5 years since he washed the thing too.
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Pinocchio on April 22, 2011, 03:43:43 AM To each his own, but Simple Green is a powerful surfactant. I keep it away from painted and other coated surfaces due to past sad experiences.
If you really want to start a donnybrook among motorcyclists, ask about the best way to maintain a chain. Listeners have been known to run to the safety of the nearest BMW dealer. Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: webspoke on April 22, 2011, 06:27:55 AM Soap and water for round 1, then follow up with some alcohol or autozone brake cleaner (2 cans for $5 right now) for any greasy bits left. I wd40 the fork sliders, and dry the rest of the nooks and crannies with a paper towel or 6. My hyper was pretty good about not rusting it's fasteners, and so seems the 848.
Now the burning question is how grime'd did you get after those rides :o Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: CajunR on April 22, 2011, 06:45:03 AM Now the burning question is how grime'd did you get after those rides :o [laugh] My helmet and backpack look worse than the bike! Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Duc L'Smart on April 22, 2011, 07:24:59 AM Any other tips? Just drop off the bike & a coupla 6 packs at Cher's [thumbsup] ;D Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: zach (Slag) on April 22, 2011, 07:38:27 AM Car wash on a motorcycle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v5lGSJMr4k#normal)
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: muskrat on April 22, 2011, 02:06:25 PM Webspoke is right. Cheap rubbing alcohol for the wheels and engine casing. That Autozone stuff works great too but DO NOT get it on the paint, although I did and so far no tragedy.
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Cher on April 22, 2011, 06:07:45 PM Just drop off the bike & a coupla 6 packs at Cher's [thumbsup] ;D Ha! Couple of six packs?! It's gone up to two cases - "global market down-turn" you know... [roll] I have a 16 oz spray bottle with 1/3 S100 and 2/3 water. I'll start with the motor then work outwards. Wheels are last. Once the S100 has had a chance to soak in, use a bottle brush to clean all the nooks and crannies (Q-Tips and/or toothbrush is up to your discretion [laugh] ). For really dirty wheels I'll use WD40 and paper towels, one spoke area at a time. Takes forever and a friggin' day but the results are worth it. One-Step spray wax and shine product very last on all the painted surfaces. Good night and good luck ;D Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: UnionJill on April 22, 2011, 06:23:11 PM Ha! Couple of six packs?! It's gone up to two cases - "global market down-turn" you know... [roll] I have a 16 oz spray bottle with 1/3 S100 and 2/3 water. I'll start with the motor then work outwards. Wheels are last. Once the S100 has had a chance to soak in, use a bottle brush to clean all the nooks and crannies (Q-Tips and/or toothbrush is up to your discretion [laugh] ). For really dirty wheels I'll use WD40 and paper towels, one spoke area at a time. Takes forever and a friggin' day but the results are worth it. One-Step spray wax and shine product very last on all the painted surfaces. Good night and good luck ;D I think it would be helpful to all if we had a full demonstration... You can use the 675 as your model for the demonstration... [cheeky] Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Cher on April 22, 2011, 06:25:36 PM I think it would be helpful to all if we had a full demonstration... You can use the 675 as your model for the demonstration... [cheeky] [laugh] Why not - haven't worked on a 675. Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: CajunR on April 22, 2011, 06:40:00 PM Whoa, whoa, whoa!! I think the Hyper was in line first, thank you very much! [cheeky]
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: Cher on April 22, 2011, 07:11:18 PM THe air-cooled bikes are less time-consuming and a bit easier than the ones with full fairings. If my M620 got really dirty I didn't have any problems using a water hose and a bucket of soapy water and soft bristled brush (don't try it on a hot sunny day because you can't get the water off fast enough without it leaving spots). Same is true now with the Speedamaster. Water hose, bucket, Dawn liquid dish washing soap and plenty of microfiber towels. A fresh coat of quality wax and you're good to go [thumbsup] Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: greenohawk69 on April 24, 2011, 05:19:39 PM For a quick clean...I use Lemon Pledge...'cause it smells Lemonny.
Title: Re: Time to clean (riding in Dallas rain SUCKS) Post by: hiero on April 29, 2011, 06:32:57 AM a sonic toothbrush works wonders.... just sayin'...