Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NMMR => Topic started by: ducanarchy on April 24, 2011, 11:56:41 AM

Title: lane splitting in NM
Post by: ducanarchy on April 24, 2011, 11:56:41 AM
Anyone here know the NM laws concerning lane splitting?  I understand there are not any laws specifically outlawing this, but I figured they could always slap you with reckless driving or something else if they wanted.  Has anyone received a ticket for splitting?  Do you do this regularly?

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Zaster on April 24, 2011, 01:46:38 PM
New Mexico Motorcycle Laws
Motorcycle Helmet
Required by law under age of 18, reflectorization required, required under age 18
State Funded Rider Ed
Available for all eligible applicants-required under age 18
Eye Protection
66-7-355. Riding on motorcycles. B. Any person operating a motorcycle not having a fixed windshield of a type approved by regulation of the secretary shall wear an eye protective device which may be a face shield attached to a safety helmet, goggles or safety eyeglasses. All eye protective devices shall be of a type approved by regulations promulgated by the director.
Daytime Use of Headlight
Modulating headlight permitted
Passenger Seat
Required if carrying a passenger
Passenger Footrest
Required if carrying a passenger
Passenger Age Restriction
Helmet Speakers
No Restrictions
Periodic Safety Inspection
Required by law-random
Mirror Left(L) Right(R)
One required by law
Radar Detector
No Restriction
Turn Signals
Required by law
No acoustical criteria.
Maximum Sound Level
No acoustical criteria.
State Insurance Requirements
Compulsory Liability (Minimum Limits)(25/50/10)
Handlebar Height
No Restrictions
Rider-Education Waiver
Skill & Knowledge Test
Accept Motorcycle Endorsement From Other States
Motorcycles operating two abreast in same lane
Not referenced in Administrative Code or Statutes
Lane Splitting
Not referenced in Administrative Code or Statutes

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Zaster on April 24, 2011, 01:52:53 PM
I personally don't do it and would not recommend it especially in ABQ...we have some of the worst (cage) drivers I've seen...for that matter,
I try to stay out of the city when I go riding
Oh...and welcome to the NMMR forum [thumbsup]

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Duck-Stew on April 24, 2011, 09:07:08 PM
Wait...  Really?!?  NOT referenced in administrative code or statutes?!?

You mean...  I can...  I can...  LANESPLIT IN NM?!?!?!?!?


It's the one thing I miss from CA...    (admittedly not that there's much need for it here)

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: nicrosato on April 25, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
Even if it's not specifically outlawed, does it really make sense to place your exposed self between two multi-ton metal boxes operated by your distracted fellow citizen?

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: gratefulduc on April 25, 2011, 05:38:03 AM
My only experience lane splitting in NM was a guy opening his door and threatening me for cutting to the head of the line at the traffic light

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: crat996 on April 25, 2011, 08:03:17 AM
I miss it too. When I went to Laguna last year I rode up to SF. I followed a guy on a Tuono out of town. We were just rolling thru traffic. It was nice. Here..... Idk if I would do it here. Maybe, and I say maybe at some stop lights if I was fairly close to the front anyways. But to ride thru while traffic was moving, you couldn't pay me to do that. These idiots here are such aggressive drivers, I'm sure somebody would run you over just because you are getting ahead of them.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Duck-Stew on April 25, 2011, 09:20:45 AM
I've only done it once here.  There was an accident on the hwy and ALL traffic stopped and had been for a long time.  I just eased in and moved up as nothing was moving.  Had no issues, but I also have VERY little cause to do it here versus in CA.  [roll]

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Cloner on April 25, 2011, 09:35:31 AM
Typically lane splitting has to be specifically authorized by law or it is illegal.  States typically have restrictions on passing, and lane splitting is prosecuted as a lane sharing violation or as illegal passing.  I'll bet if you look into NM State laws concerning passing you'll find something delineating who can be in what lane, etc. during an overtaking maneuver.

Just my 2 cents.

Welcome to NM, Ducanarchy.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Plumbers Crack on April 25, 2011, 11:33:12 AM
Anarchy.. Are you on a 900 black coming off Wyoming and central last Saturday evening?

There was a 900 or 750 with a dry clutch that split a group of 15 plus cars. And my mouth was just dropped open. I couldn't believe it.

I then followed this ducati on to the freeway where it happened again.. I haven't seen it before.. I thought it was crazy as new mexico drivers will take your ass out just cause they can.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: JJ on April 25, 2011, 01:33:54 PM
Anarchy.. Are you on a 900 black coming off Wyoming and central last Saturday evening?

There was a 900 or 750 with a dry clutch that split a group of 15 plus cars. And my mouth was just dropped open. I couldn't believe it.

I then followed this ducati on to the freeway where it happened again.. I haven't seen it before.. I thought it was crazy as new mexico drivers will take your ass out just cause they can.
OR SHOOT YOU!!!  ???

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Duck-Stew on April 25, 2011, 03:33:05 PM
Yeah...  I had a few unfriendly ppl try to stop me from splitting even in CA.

Out there, it's a MUST.  Here, I just dont see the need:..  But, that's just me.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on April 27, 2011, 07:14:31 AM
OR SHOOT YOU!!!  ???

i believe the correct term isbusta cap n you ass  [laugh]

and i would not recommend lane splitting as its not that bad traffic out here and people are crazy ass drivers...the only time i have ever really lane splitted is when i was at a complete stop on the freeway and im a air cooled moto, so i just got on the median and weaved in n out til i can get off....

and welcome [beer]

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: ducanarchy on April 27, 2011, 04:52:43 PM
Anarchy.. Are you on a 900 black coming off Wyoming and central last Saturday evening?

There was a 900 or 750 with a dry clutch that split a group of 15 plus cars. And my mouth was just dropped open. I couldn't believe it.

I then followed this ducati on to the freeway where it happened again.. I haven't seen it before.. I thought it was crazy as new mexico drivers will take your ass out just cause they can.

This wasnt me.  I'm on an 06 s2r dark.
I've only split a couple of times when traffic was completely stopped and I proceeded with extreme caution.  I probably wont make a habit of it - mostly just curious.

Thanks for the welcome  :)

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: NFJ79 on April 28, 2011, 07:45:19 AM
By any chance do you live around Taylor Ranch? I always see a S2R dark in that area.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: NinjaHarHar on April 29, 2011, 05:16:51 AM
The problem with lane splitting anywhere other than California is that it's not socially acceptable.  I don't mean this in a "the fashion police are going to arrest you" kind of way, I mean it in a "people will get so angry with you they will threaten to or actually DO physical harm to you" kind of way. 

In CA, everyone is used to it.  It's somewhat expected.  Yes there is the occasional assmunch somewhere but far and wide you won't have any problems with anyone. 

Try that here, and people will open doors in front of you, honk at you, threaten you, try to knock you over, throw stuff at you, etc.  People take amazing offense at the fact that you might get somewhere before they will (even if this assumption is totally false).  The only way lanesplitting here could be feasible is if there were a huge PSA campaign directed towards the general public informing them that it's ok and legal for motorcycles to do this!  Cops are not the problem since they aren't everywhere.  Aggressive, mentally unstable whack jobs in cages are the problem -- and they ARE everywhere. 

I 'split' once here in ABQ, and it was for about a mile to get off the interstate after traffic COMPLETELY stopped.  I wasn't even going to do it in the first place, but then four bikes buzzed past doing just that while I was sitting there watching my coolant temp skyrocket.  Even during that mile I had one turdburgler swerve his truck at me.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: nicrosato on April 29, 2011, 07:23:49 AM
The only way lanesplitting here could be feasible is if there were a huge PSA campaign directed towards the general public informing them that it's ok and legal for motorcycles to do this!

How's the huge PSA campaign dealing with DWI working out?

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: ducanarchy on April 29, 2011, 03:02:33 PM
How's the huge PSA campaign dealing with DWI working out?

I tend to favor a more organic emergence (Hayekian) approach.  As more and more bikers split lanes the more it is understood and accepted.  Which is probably why it is not as accepted in less congested places like ABQ where riders rarely have the need to split.  The laws in California, making it explicitly legal, probably followed the trend rather than led it, just a guess.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: ducanarchy on April 29, 2011, 03:07:55 PM
By any chance do you live around Taylor Ranch? I always see a S2R dark in that area.

I live close to Rio Rancho, but it could be me. 

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: DonJuanDucati on September 29, 2011, 11:36:21 AM
Sorry to bring up an old topic, but this is something I wanted to discuss since I may have started splitting occasionally.  :-X

I'll admit, I lane split when traffic is really bad, but only when it's standing still. When it starts to move, I blend back into traffic. I have seen police bikes split traffic before and they weren't in a rush to get anywhere, just moving through traffic at a pretty slow pace. Anyway, I feel it's safer to put myself between two metal boxes that are next to each other, than between a stationary metal box, and another that still needs to stop, especially in stop and go traffic, where so many NM drivers will not even look at the traffic in front of them to see where they need to stop. This is why even if I'm not splitting traffic, I stay as close to between two lanes as possible so if the idiot behind me doesn't stop, I can try and shoot in between the traffic in front of me, or at the worst, only get sideswiped instead of completely run over or crushed between two cars.

Title: Re: lane splitting in NM
Post by: Axel on October 01, 2011, 05:43:48 PM
Sometimes I pass on the right of a line of stopped cars at a light when making a right turn. Even then, there's usually some asswipe who honks their horn or tries to move into my path. It's like a personal insult to them that I can get past them. Homicidal assholes... f&%k em.

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