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Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: Mhanis on April 26, 2011, 05:54:22 AM

Title: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Mhanis on April 26, 2011, 05:54:22 AM
http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/Video-shows-motorcycle-wreck-on-tollway-120670869.html (http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/Video-shows-motorcycle-wreck-on-tollway-120670869.html)

The rider survived with a few broken bones.

Scary. Nothing scares me more than having to slow down unexpectedly on the road.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: duccarlos on April 26, 2011, 06:02:36 AM
The worst luck, asshole that hit him had no license or insurance  [bang]

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: thought on April 26, 2011, 06:09:20 AM
that is hands down one of my biggest fears about riding on any highway...

my first instinct is to brake hard, but i gotta get used to looking to change lanes right away instead.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: muskrat on April 26, 2011, 06:57:11 AM
The dallas north tollway is dangerous as hell.  I regularly run 80+ jus to keep up with flow and often see cars at 90 to 100 mph - every now and then I feel the need to keep up  [evil].  I never ride that thing during rush hour.  I would have been jailed after getting the driver.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Slide Panda on April 26, 2011, 07:21:05 AM
Eeesh.. man (relatively speaking) he's lucky he got tossed up and landed on that clear side. If he'd not gotten tossed up he might have ended up crushed between the two auto.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: spolic on April 26, 2011, 08:03:59 AM
The worst luck, @$$hole that hit him had no license or insurance 

I wonder what else the driver didn't have.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: corey on April 26, 2011, 09:00:25 AM
I wonder what else the driver didn't have.

an attention span, for one.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: NorDog on April 26, 2011, 09:07:18 AM
Seeing things like this are another reason I'm so glad I can lane split here in LA.  Right or wrong, my instinct is to always get out in front and put distance behind me.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: spolic on April 26, 2011, 09:38:02 AM
Perez (the rider) is upset that he (the driver) wasn't arrested.

"It just baffles me…I think he should have got arrested," he said.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: ODrides on April 26, 2011, 10:46:10 AM
Anytime I have to brake short I glance in my mirror and stear towards the space next to the car in front of me.  We're small enough to pull out of harm's way. 

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Meerkat on April 26, 2011, 01:23:18 PM
I just hate it when they show it over and over. I feel like I have to watch it every time, especially when they slow-mo it. Glad the guy is recovering.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: speedknot on April 26, 2011, 01:35:57 PM
Inattentive drivers are one of those things we have little control over.  We can defensively drive our best but we don't have eyes in back of our heads.  I wonder if he had a chance to get a glimpse of this guy barreling down on him or did he even know what hit him.  Videos like that and the ones where the cyclist gets t-boned by the asshole running a light or stop sign makes me cringe.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: scduc on April 26, 2011, 01:46:40 PM
When ever I have to brake hard, I always try and get out of line. His best bet would have been to pull right. But hide site is 20/20.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Mhanis on April 26, 2011, 01:59:39 PM
When ever I have to brake hard, I always try and get out of line. His best bet would have been to pull right. But hide site "hind sight" is 20/20.

Fixed it.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Greg on April 26, 2011, 04:43:14 PM
Was the road wet or did he have the rear locked up? Looked like smoke coming from the back tire.

Watching this made me cringe and is one of the reasons I don't like riding in town anymore.

I also believe the driver should have been arrested, as he was driving with no license or insurance. His car should have been impounded and then sold to help pay for the riders medical bills.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Slide Panda on April 26, 2011, 05:00:32 PM
Was the road wet or did he have the rear locked up? Looked like smoke coming from the back tire.

Looks to me like he locked up a bit.

So that made the local news all the way over here in DC. Rider had to have his spleen removed in addition to his broken bones which included 4 vertebra. 

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: kopfjäger on April 26, 2011, 05:47:41 PM
Looks to me like he locked up a bit.

So that made the local news all the way over here in DC. Rider had to have his spleen removed in addition to his broken bones which included 4 vertebra. 

Definitely locked up the rear. Hard to say, but looks like the left lane was moving fast, cars in front of him checked up he had more stopping power than the car behind him.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: DoubleEagle on April 26, 2011, 06:04:42 PM
That sucks so bad I can feel it all the way here.

I once again thank my lucky stars that I don't live near a city , nor have to ride in a city.

His situational awareness could have been better, then perhaps he might have had an escape route to his right.

Dolph     :)   

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: ab on April 26, 2011, 06:40:24 PM
That's just awful.  Glad he made it out.  Scary stuff for sure.

I am really trying to always look behind especially at traffic stops for the car behind and make sure it stops.  I try to be a bit on edge so if rear end don't smack in between (God forbid) and be in gear.  The downside being they may not see shit.  I have heard a few stories of being rear ended. 

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: Howie on April 26, 2011, 08:44:35 PM
I wonder what else the driver didn't have.

Perhaps a brain. 

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: IZ on April 26, 2011, 08:51:59 PM
I also believe the driver should have been arrested, as he was driving with no license or insurance. His car should have been impounded and then sold to help pay for the riders medical bills.


Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: monster monkey on April 26, 2011, 10:26:53 PM
Seeing things like this are another reason I'm so glad I can lane split here in LA.  Right or wrong, my instinct is to always get out in front and put distance behind me.

I think he focused so much on stopping that if he saw the car behind him, it was already too late.
He is still alive, which we can all be thankful for

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: ducatiz on April 27, 2011, 07:16:00 AM
This is a job for the TAILBLAZER..

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: ab on April 27, 2011, 07:55:10 AM
Seeing things like this are another reason I'm so glad I can lane split here in LA.  Right or wrong, my instinct is to always get out in front and put distance behind me.

I agree that I always want to be ahead of cagers pack and avoid this but in this situation in a stopped traffic where is he gonna go ahead?  In rush hour type of traffic, a friend of mind witness a car rear-ending another car in the next lane with all the glass shit shatter on her.  How do you avoid that ?  It's a crap shoot.
The bit of defense I try is to be on the outside of the car in front (sides) and so if I am rear ended (God forbid), they won't squeesh me in between.  Like I said, the catch is they may not see me at all if I am stopped on the side as opposed to right behind.... [bang]

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: strat10 on April 27, 2011, 09:31:07 AM
Just another reason for lanesplitting.....

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: NorDog on April 27, 2011, 09:42:12 AM
I agree that I always want to be ahead of cagers pack and avoid this but in this situation in a stopped traffic where is he gonna go ahead?  

Like I said, lanesplitting; he could split the lane ahead instead of trying to slow down behind a car.

In rush hour type of traffic, a friend of mind witness a car rear-ending another car in the next lane with all the glass shit shatter on her.  How do you avoid that ? 

The other thing I said is to always try to get out in front and put distance behind.  Never be in a static position relative to the flow of traffic.

The bit of defense I try is to be on the outside of the car in front (sides) and so if I am rear ended (God forbid), they won't squeesh me in between.  Like I said, the catch is they may not see me at all if I am stopped on the side as opposed to right behind.... [bang]

The point is, don't stop on the side or right behind.  Keep going and get outta there.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: ab on April 27, 2011, 09:59:24 AM
Like I said, lanesplitting; he could split the lane ahead instead of trying to slow down behind a car.

The other thing I said is to always try to get out in front and put distance behind.  Never be in a static position relative to the flow of traffic.

The point is, don't stop on the side or right behind.  Keep going and get outta there.

Got you on the lane split.  Unfortunately, illegal lots of places.

But in a stopped situation at a light, there is no place to go.  I was saying that i dont stop right behind the car, rather i am on the outer edge so that if i get hit, I dont smack into the front car rather to the side of it.  (hard to explain).

yes in moving traffic, get as much distance from cagers and packs of cagers.   that's why u zoom past them  :-)

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: sejman on April 27, 2011, 11:29:28 AM
When on busy and fast moving highways like that I try to stay in the right lane so I have an escape to the right - there's usually a breakdown lane or decent shoulder and worst case there's often grass or gravel.  The left lane is often lined with jersey barriers or guardrail - no where to go.

I actually worry more about stop lights on highways (we have many of those here in the Austin area) - you're going 65-70 and then come up on an intersection.  I was almost run over by a big 4X4 pickup recently after stopping at a light - saw him in my rear view (thankfully I was looking) and could see he had not started braking. I was in left lane but this road which had a middle turn lane so I started pulling into turn lane just in time to see him swerve to the right and blow right through the red light - I don't think he touched his brakes. And this was in my cage.

Title: Re: Wreck on tape.........
Post by: akmnstr on April 27, 2011, 12:55:12 PM
This reinforces my rule to never ride the interstate through a city.  If I'm on a long trip I'll take extra hours to do back country roads around a city.  Early on a Sunday morning is the only safe time. 

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