Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => Ducati MOB => Topic started by: PhoenixS4R on May 04, 2011, 04:10:18 PM

Title: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: PhoenixS4R on May 04, 2011, 04:10:18 PM
I don't know if I'm even allowed to post this in a non classifieds sections, so apologies if i'm overstepping my bounds

I have a pair of Apex no Rise clip ons:

http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/APEX1/Bars-Mirrors/APEX1.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/APEX1/Bars-Mirrors/APEX1.html)

I wanted to sell them, and put my stock bars back on, the only problem is I can't seem to find the damn risers/clamp for the stock handle bar.

Figured I'd ask if anyone wants to trade me their riser/clamp + a case of beer for my clip ons?

Need the risers/clamp to fit an S4R.

I have biffed it once with these clip on's - on the bike -  but they are still straight and functional with no problems. I just want to mention that so there aren't any surprises.

Anywho, lemme know, if not I'll just sell them and buy the risers.


Title: Re: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: mostrobelle on May 04, 2011, 09:15:01 PM
We'll take a looky in the garage, but I think we've already given that part away to someone else.  I know we had an extra at one point because Enzo got a new one from Desmoquattro as part of the "pay it forward" act of 200X. 

Title: Re: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: PhoenixS4R on May 05, 2011, 06:17:12 AM
I actually just need the top clamp. I have the risers, bolts, etc. But apparenlty I lost only the top clamp.

No idea how one can pull off such a feat, but alas, that's me.


Title: Re: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: seanster on March 28, 2012, 07:31:00 AM
hey i know this is old, but if you still need the whole set up (bar, risers, top clamp) let me know...I can ship it to you.  Just PM me.


Title: Re: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: PhoenixS4R on March 29, 2012, 06:41:57 AM
I'm covered, thanks!

Title: Re: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: seanster on March 29, 2012, 06:51:10 AM
do you still have the clip ons? I'm interested in buying if you wanting to get rid of them.

thanks.  PM me

Title: Re: 50mm no rise Clip-ons, Trade for your old handle bar risers + case of beer?
Post by: PhoenixS4R on March 29, 2012, 10:10:44 AM
I do not.

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