Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => Ducati MOB => Topic started by: ntula on May 05, 2011, 02:27:31 PM

Title: SF mechanic needed that does house calls.
Post by: ntula on May 05, 2011, 02:27:31 PM
so, it's that time of year, and need some work done...

i am asking here cos the local shops have not been responsive to doing the work, i guess they are too busy or i am supposed to buy a new one and pretend the bike is disposable as furniture made by ikea - they don't call back .. etc or sound annoyed by it..

well, i still need the my ignition pickup changed, one completely no longer works.... trying to get the part.. more annoyance from the dealers and lack of follow up...

so i'll pay you full sf shop labour rates for your time. if you are a mechanic and work at one of these shops, well you get it all.

i have a full workshop with all tools, yes finally.

i thought about nicols as well, are they too busy as well... any tips on good dealers for the part online.

Title: Re: SF mechanic needed that does house calls.
Post by: desmoquattro on May 05, 2011, 02:28:59 PM
You might be better off bringing the bike to Desmotosport. Someone here might be able to help you with that.

Title: Re: SF mechanic needed that does house calls.
Post by: mostrobelle on May 05, 2011, 09:21:45 PM
Where's Dan--the Vanderkitten guy?  Does he still work on bikes? 

Title: Re: SF mechanic needed that does house calls.
Post by: desmoquattro on May 06, 2011, 05:59:14 AM
Where's Dan--the Vanderkitten guy?  Does he still work on bikes? 

Only push bikes :)

Title: Re: SF mechanic needed that does house calls.
Post by: ntula on May 10, 2011, 03:43:22 PM
i have a plan now.. after speaking to nicols, it appears to put an aluminum flywheel they have to take that exact part out temporally in the process anyway and the labour is the same... so i might as well have a new flywheel put in at the same time....

the bad is it could take 3 weeks or more to get the part.... me thinks that is why i have not got any call backs from the sf shops.. they don't want my bike taking up their limited shop space waiting for the part.

now to get it there..... i might have a ride there via my friends truck... but he is pretty busy mon - sat  and it may take a while to schedule ... i have 2 other motos so i am not in any huge rush, would like to do it by june... .... anyone with a truck that is free some day when nicols is open (mon - fri 8 - 5) and (sat 9 - 1) i will cover your gas and buy you lots of food and drinks.

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