Title: How to crate & move with Monster Post by: IZ on May 12, 2011, 06:06:59 PM I've moved across country multiple times over the past 5 years. Prior to my initial move, I had a crate built by my mechanic. His family used to own the Ducati shop here in Mesa so he's crated and uncrated many bikes. I imagine this crate was built to near factory dimensions. Since it is currently buried in the garage, I'll post dimensions at a later date. I'm moving again in mid-June so sit tight if those are what you're waiting for!
I'm going to mainly post pics in this thread to begin with and add steps & answer any questions as I go along. Please keep in mind, I'm starting off with the very basics for those who have never done this before. If I'm forgetting anything though, please feel free to post up and I'll add to the OP. *First, build or have crate built. I didn't have the time or tools to make one. It cost me about $100 IIRC? Maybe less? *Rent moving truck. Make sure it has a ramp. I believe these are the 15' trucks and larger. I haven't used a truck with a lift and not sure of the weight restrictions but I'm sure it would accommodate a Monster. *Prepare crate in the truck, i.e.: lean sides, front and back against walls of truck to keep them out of way..but still within arms reach. Also, have tie downs ready just in case you're doing this alone. I've done it solo a few times and it's no fun when the ties are still in the garage. *Be sure to park on level ground. *Ride bike up ramp. Do it quick and obviously without stopping while on the the ramp! I'm sure there are a few youtube clips of people who didn't adhere to this rule. *Once in the truck, ride onto crate while lining wheel up with space between 2x4s. These keep front & rear tires in place. *Tie down left & right front and same in rear. Secure tiedowns tightly to the trellis. *If you have the same crate with these dimensions..which is narrow.. you'll have to remove the headlight and handlebars so the bike fits in the crate. Wrap them in a towel or blanket so you don't scratch the hell out of anything. The headlight fits perfect in a bucket. Keep it close so you can install it to start bike again and ride out of the truck after unpacking. TripleJ can back me up on this one since I misplaced headlight after moving to Seattle. [cheeky] *Screw in the front, rear, sides and top of crate. Notice where paint lines up in pics. It'll save time later too if you mark the sides..left/right/front/back. *As seen in the pics, I slide the crate perpendicular and up against the cab. Stack boxes, etc. on top and crate to secure it in place. If you do this though..notice there is space under the craate. I wrap a rope under the crate and over the top in front and back so I can pull the crate away from the wall when I'm unpacking. It can be difficult to pull it away if you don't do this. *Repeat steps in reverse order when you arrive at your location. BTW..the crate was made in AZ prior to moving to FL, then WA, TX, MI and back to AZ. It's still holding up! [thumbsup] (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0479.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0484.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0259.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0274.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0276.jpg) Always have a helper.. (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0483.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0486.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0487.jpg) (http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss158/izaac10_album/IMG_0485.jpg) Video..originally intended for exhaust note but you can see more of the crate. Packing up the Ducati (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ekb2KbE4k9Y#normal) You'll notice, the pics are from 2 seperate moves. Like I said, questions and/or comments are welcome. Except from you Randimus..and Herm..and MrIncredible..and Lethe..and.. .. .. [cheeky] Title: Re: How to crate & move with Monster Post by: Buckethead on May 12, 2011, 06:11:43 PM Thanks, IZ!
This'll come in seriously handy next month. [beer] Title: Re: How to crate & move with Monster Post by: IZ on May 12, 2011, 06:14:55 PM Sure. More to add when I get back from dinner. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: How to crate & move with Monster Post by: The Bearded Duc on May 12, 2011, 07:09:19 PM I might be in need of this in a few months as well.
Some exact measurements of the crate would be awesome, in case I were interested in doing it myself. Thanks. [thumbsup] Title: Re: How to crate & move with Monster Post by: IZ on May 12, 2011, 07:31:25 PM Will do Duc!