Title: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: AJ on May 13, 2011, 08:53:28 AM BUON COMPLEANNO TIGRE!!!!!!!!
May you have a great year of competition mauling, lady killing (perhaps a la Vegas & that bachlorette party you charmed several years ago?[evil] ) and Tiger training (I've said it before and I'll say it again - TigerBike is a symphony of orange & black & grrrrrrrrrrrrr, truly a marvel to behold!) Bolduc, Schanker, Schlechter and I will be drinking to you here in Boston!!! AUGURI!!!! [beer] Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: Spidey on May 13, 2011, 09:25:34 AM Weird, I was just in the midst of composing a happy b-day post for our boy. Here ya go, Tigre. Courtesy of google. NSFW (Not porn, but there are skantily-clad tiger chicks in there.) [thumbsup]
http://scribblingdame.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/she-tigre.jpg (http://scribblingdame.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/she-tigre.jpg) http://imgs.sfgate.com/g/pictures/2003/10/20/tiger.jpg (http://imgs.sfgate.com/g/pictures/2003/10/20/tiger.jpg) http://go.webassistant.com/wa/upload/users/u1000169/15b.jpg (http://go.webassistant.com/wa/upload/users/u1000169/15b.jpg) http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2375/2238660309_1c1f4fe833.jpg (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2375/2238660309_1c1f4fe833.jpg) Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: mostrobelle on May 13, 2011, 09:32:27 AM felice 1.000 ° compleanno, fooker vecchio! [wine]
(and thanks for helping Enzo with the 748. Looking forward to Memorial Day weekend track fun!) Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: desmoquattro on May 13, 2011, 10:47:27 AM Happy Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qnug5_h6DJQ#normal)!
Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: DanTheMan on May 13, 2011, 11:04:41 AM Happy birthday
Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: tigre on May 13, 2011, 11:47:41 AM Thanks, peeps!
Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: Goodbrush on May 14, 2011, 04:13:13 PM Sealab 2021 Hesh Birthday Rap (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIPR4OSElEs#normal)
Title: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGRE! Post by: GEEZER on May 14, 2011, 09:32:54 PM Feliz Cumple Anos Steve! [beer]