Title: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: metroplex on May 31, 2011, 06:42:29 AM I saw that my 696 got up to 4 bars, and my data analyer showed the peak temperature to be 306F. Is this normal? I realize it is an air cooled engine, but I just want to confirm that it is running at over 300 degrees!
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: corey on May 31, 2011, 07:38:38 AM Don't know how the temp gauge stuff works on the 696, but 300°F is definitely running WAY hot.
I suspect this may end up in the Tech section. Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: metroplex on May 31, 2011, 07:43:22 AM The temperature bar graph seems to correspond with the value in the data analyzer. It peaked at 152C, and the owner's manual shows that 4 bars = 136C-160C
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: Veloce-Fino on May 31, 2011, 07:49:57 AM In cold weather (< 50F) I'm always on 2 bars. Anything above 50F combined with spirited riding and I'm usually at 3 bars. If it's an 80F > day I'll peak into 4 bars sitting at a light or cruising in traffic.
Read the manual. 4 bars is fine, I believe 5 or 6 is danger zone. Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: ducatiz on May 31, 2011, 07:56:54 AM How new is the bike?
When my S2R was new, it was staying around 300 during the summer. Now it rarely gets over 260-270. Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: Veloce-Fino on May 31, 2011, 07:57:34 AM Pages 23-25 in manual.
-1 Bar - if the temperature is between -40 °C and +80 °C, the display shows “STATUS 2”; -2 Bar - if the temperature is between +81 °C and +110 °C, the display shows “STATUS 3”; -3 Bar - if the temperature is between +111 °C and +135 °C, the display shows “STATUS 4”; -4 Bar - if the temperature is between +136 °C and +160 °C, the display shows “STATUS 5”; -5 Bar - if the temperature is between +161 °C and +175 °C, the display shows “STATUS 6”; -6 Bar - if the temperature is between +176 °C and +190 °C, the display shows “STATUS 7”; -7 Bar - if the temperature is between +191 °C and +200 °C, the display shows “STATUS 8”; -8 Bar - if the temperature is ≥ 201 °C the display shows “STATUS 9” with the series of dashes flashing; I'd start to worry at 6 or 7 bars. Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: metroplex on May 31, 2011, 08:08:07 AM I bought it new, and it only has about 34 miles. Yesterday was about 80F ambient, so it looks like 4 bars is OK. That is pretty taxing on the engine oil. Makes me wonder if Rotella T6 5W-40 synthetic would be up for the job (it still has the factory fill right now).
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: Veloce-Fino on May 31, 2011, 08:12:23 AM I use off the shelf Mobil 1 MX4T 10-40.
The max temp you can be in the 4 bar range is 320F and the low end is 276F. 10-40 Seems to work well enough. Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: ducatiz on May 31, 2011, 08:18:32 AM I bought it new, and it only has about 34 miles. Yesterday was about 80F ambient, so it looks like 4 bars is OK. That is pretty taxing on the engine oil. Makes me wonder if Rotella T6 5W-40 synthetic would be up for the job (it still has the factory fill right now). I would not even worry about it until you have finished the break-in period. Read your manual? Tolerances are closer which means less shedding and more friction. It's nothing. Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: sgollapalle on May 31, 2011, 10:57:25 AM I just bought a 696 a couple of months ago. I think its pretty normal to get to 4 bars in slow speed (under 50 mph) rides. Essentially you will only be in 3rd/ 4th gear max, and the stop and go adds to it. If I'm on the highway, it gets to 3 bars.. Like the others said, I wouldn't worry until it gets to 6 bars or over.
Have 500 miles now. Hope it starts to run cooler, coz my legs and crotch are burning [drink] Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: ducatiz on May 31, 2011, 11:39:04 AM Hot crotch is a normal effect on a Ducati
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: 696DCRider on May 31, 2011, 12:31:31 PM I regularly go into 5 bars riding around town in stop and go traffic. I was a little worried when I first got my bike too. Now I know it's fine. My buddy's 1100 stays a bar cooler than mine though. Now the main thing that bothers me is the blow torch effect under my leg. Hopefully, I will be reducing that my ceramic coating my pipes when I get the chance.
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: Howie on May 31, 2011, 03:55:02 PM The temperature sensor is in the cylinder casting, so you are reading a combination of cylinder temperature and oil temperature. As sgollapalle said, worry at 6 bars. Even then just worry. Panic at 8!
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: ChrisH on June 01, 2011, 05:49:10 AM During break in on my 696 last year in the summer heat I saw 6 bars a couple of times, but it hasn't gotten that high since break in. The hottest I have seen it since was 5 bars, and that was last week after I had ridden 60 miles of very curvy roads with lots of on and off the throttle sections, and it only ot to 5 when i got stick at a light, immediately went to 4 once cruising again. don't worry about it, or consider an oil cooler if it bothers you.
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: Kev M on June 01, 2011, 07:21:28 AM We're 400 miles or so into the break-in on a new M696 and are seeing 4 bars pretty regularly.
Title: Re: Engine operating temperature - normal or not? Post by: sgollapalle on June 04, 2011, 04:03:30 AM talking of burning crotch... Has anyone had their pipes heat wrapped? How much does it help?
I had a friend suggest it so the purple pipes don't spoil the looks of the bike.. God did he know of the other problems than the purpleing... When I look at the pipes, they go down under the engine, mate with the 2nd pipe behind the engine and come out from the side of the seat. If I did want to wrap them, would it be a DIY project or am I better of taking it to a shop to do it? |