Title: seat upholstery?? Post by: uglyducky on June 09, 2011, 12:26:25 PM i had my stock seat recovered at a "professional" auto upholstery shop in bev hills. looked like a 9 year old drunken retard had his way with it when it was done. soooooo, back to the drawing board . . . any of you have a good shop or know of someone that can make my seat look presentable?
Title: Re: seat upholstery?? Post by: Staggerlee on June 09, 2011, 12:49:33 PM How do you feel about sending it across state lines? I can't say enough about Ginger @ New Church here in Portland.
http://newchurchmoto.com/ (http://newchurchmoto.com/) The S2R seat on her website belongs to a member on here. Title: Re: seat upholstery?? Post by: aprilmaybe on June 09, 2011, 01:16:02 PM Try
Angelo's Upholstery 6123 Vineland Avenue CA 91606 (818) 985-3453 He came highly recommended from SoCalSVriders.com. There are a lot of girls that went there for lower seats--he recovered and used denser foam so he knows his way around a motorcycle seat. He did our SV about 3 years ago and it still looks great. I think he also did the F4i before it was sold off. Title: Re: seat upholstery?? Post by: mendoje on June 13, 2011, 05:24:51 PM Cee Baileys in Montebello. Everyone knows them for windshields, but they also do seats, and very well!
www.ceebaileys.com (http://) Title: Re: seat upholstery?? Post by: Scotzman on June 13, 2011, 07:11:29 PM There's a guy I work with in Oceanside that does all types of leather work and repair. The seats I've seen have been really nice and will do with memory foam or just recover for pretty cheap.
Title: Re: seat upholstery?? Post by: arai_speed on June 13, 2011, 09:56:55 PM My sarget seat cover took like an hour to install. Tools needed: 1 big as staple gun. Why don't you go that route?
Title: Re: seat upholstery?? Post by: Embyr on July 09, 2011, 05:54:09 PM Guy in the South Bay (Redondo) does GREAT work... he shaved my sargent seat down for me so I could nearly flat-foot, and the work looks phenomenal. However, I can't remember which place it was... (I know it was on PCH)... I'd call both Southbay Auto Upholstery and Trim-Line & European Upholstery... pretty sure it was the latter but I'd call to be sure, ask about Italian motorcycle seats. Whomever it was has a ton on display and does great work.