Title: OCDC Italian Bike Night - Wed June 15 - 7pm Post by: Privateer on June 13, 2011, 06:25:01 PM I know most people are outside OC, but if you care to make the drive...
OC/DC Italian Bike Night (IBN) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2011 at 07.00p: IBN is Held the First and Third Wednesday of the Month unless noted otherwise and weather permitting. IBN FEATURES + Large concentration of Italian Exotics + Reserved Parking for all Italian Motorcycles + Heated Patio (weather appropriate) + Sertinos Gourmet Menu and IBN Discount Specials + Raffles featuring quality prizes, courtesy of our valued partners. + Special Promotions and FREE give-aways + ...and more ! Sertinos Coffee Cafe on the Strand is located at: 150 Fifth Street | Huntington Beach, CA 92648 | tel: 714/969.4888 IBN is brought to you in part by Oakley. Please support them by visiting www.oakley.com (http://) Title: Re: OCDC Italian Bike Night - Wed June 15 - 7pm Post by: NorDog on June 16, 2011, 03:40:37 PM So, how did it go last night?
Title: Re: OCDC Italian Bike Night - Wed June 15 - 7pm Post by: Privateer on June 19, 2011, 07:25:42 PM I didn't go, Wednesday bike nights conflict with my fencing class.
From the people I know that did go it was about average for that location. Bunch of bikes. Guys standing around. An e-quaintance just got a Diavel and his comment was "The two Diavels had smaller chicken strips than every other bike." |