Title: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: desmoquattro on June 30, 2011, 09:04:58 AM http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20110629/articles/110629393&tc=yahoo?p=1&tc=pg (http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20110629/articles/110629393&tc=yahoo?p=1&tc=pg)
A ridiculously unfair and biased article, but you get the point: the CHP is stepping up "enforcement" on Skaggs, and we all know what that probably entails. Stay away for a while. As for the article, I encourage everyone here to write the reporter and copy her editor to complain about her very poor journalism. It's unfair to portray all motorcyclists as racers/squids, especially when you don't interview or cite a single one of them. randi.rossmann@pressdemocrat.com (the reporter) greg.retsinas@pressdemocrat.com (the editor) Title: Re: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: mostrobelle on June 30, 2011, 09:11:31 AM What if I am a racer/squid? [coffee]
(j/k man...see you tonight.) [beer] Title: Re: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: avizpls on June 30, 2011, 09:20:50 AM Quote County public works crews plan to install “rumble strips” on sections of the road. The glued-down strips include low bumps that shouldn't effect car drivers but are designed to slow down motorcyclists, Mota said. While reducing the risk of serious crashes is a priority, reducing the noise from the roaring vehicles and litter from the bridge area also are goals. so....adding booby traps is designed to reduce the risk of crashing? wow. Title: Re: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: avizpls on June 30, 2011, 09:21:58 AM It's unfair to portray all motorcyclists as racers/squids, especially when you don't interview or cite a single one of them. to be fair, she doesnt portray ALL motorcyclists as hell raisers. "this isnt the harley crowd" Title: Re: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: desmoquattro on June 30, 2011, 09:35:44 AM (j/k man...see you tonight.) [beer] Maybe. Don't know yet if I can make it. Title: Re: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: MendoDave on June 30, 2011, 04:10:41 PM Maybe. Don't know yet if I can make it. You gotta go and pour beer on Warrens head. [laugh] Title: Re: Stay Off Skaggs Springs Rd for a While Post by: MendoDave on July 01, 2011, 10:00:16 AM They interviewed "Mark Honig, 44, a Santa Rosa resident and sport bike rider." in the article.
I actually thought the article was spot on. I've been out there several times myself. There are often some squids using it for a race track. And I've seen some aggressive locals in their cages moving over on Bikes. They didn't mention that in the article... The residents get tired of it in West Marin and up on Skyline too. It will settle down after a while... |