Ducati Monster Forum

Introductions => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: aced on May 06, 2008, 05:59:51 PM

Title: Greetings and salutations
Post by: aced on May 06, 2008, 05:59:51 PM
I hate public speaking so this will be quick
My Name..... Allan Ace......yes Ace is my middle name....as for my last name ??????????
Location...... Peoria Il
Bike............ 2000 M750......YELLOW  8)
I rode for years back in the.......well......when I was younger  ;D
Bought the Monster in March of last year and have since
logged over 5,000 miles on the beast. mo:t:  Still suffering from "Perma-Grin"
I'd have even more miles on her if'in I didn't have to spend time
at work, with the family, eating, sleeping....
you know what I meen?  ;D ;D ;D
If you all don't mind....I might just hang around awhile and have a  dr:: (Captain and Diet Pepsi)
BTW.......a BIG "Thanks"  to the "CREATORS"

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