Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: dropstharockalot on June 17, 2008, 04:55:34 AM

Title: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dropstharockalot on June 17, 2008, 04:55:34 AM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dropstharockalot on June 17, 2008, 05:01:17 AM
Oops, guess I should answer...
Where are you located? Indianapolis, IN
Distance? 32 mi one-way, mostly highway... "reverse commuting" against the main rush hour flow.
Weather-dependant? Right now, yes.  Until I get better rain gear.
What accomodations has your employer made?  None yet.  Working on getting covered parking for myself and several other cycle-riding co-workers.
What extra hassle does it add?  Not much... have to bring in the change of clothes in the backpack 'cuz I'm too cheap to pop for an Aerostitch oversuit.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Keep extra dress shoes in the bottom desk drawer so you don't have to haul them in everyday.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: corey on June 17, 2008, 05:03:03 AM
Yep. But not every day. It's still cheaper to carpool because of parking...
Location: Pittsburgh, PA.
Distance: Only about 4-5 miles.
Weather-dependant? Yes. I don't like her sitting outside in the rain. If there's more than 30% chance of precipitation, i don't ride in.
Employer makes no accomodations, but as a designer, i can wear whatever i want. so it's easier for me than most i would assume...
Hassle? Not much.
Tips? Be careful. People here are assholes to begin with, let alone when their stuck in rushhour traffic on the way to their jobs they hate.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Smiling End on June 17, 2008, 05:48:18 AM

Where are you located?  Chatham, NJ
Distance?  13 miles one way
Weather-dependant?  Yup, totally.  I don't like the rain.  I worked outside in it way too much.
What accomodations has your employer made?  None.
What extra hassle does it add?  I wear a backpack to carry a thermos of coffee and a change of shoes but that's not really a hassle. 
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Like Corey said, people are the most difficult part of commuting.  I think it's even worse riding during the morning commute as people are still half asleep and not paying attention.  Be careful and make sure you always leave yourself a way out of the situation.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: NuTTs on June 17, 2008, 06:00:12 AM

Where are you located?      Madrid, Spain

Distance?                          45km more or less, depends on route

Weather-dependant?          Nope

What accomodations has your employer made?                            None really, I do park right next to the office front door under a security camera

What extra hassle does it add?                                                    Being knocked off my bike about once a year  >:(

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?           Be wary, nothing can prepare you for dumbass car drivers. Be visible (aim your headlight a touch high), be heard (a loud pipe), use a good,
                                                                                               aggressive riding style to make sure no one bully´s you.


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: lawbreaker on June 17, 2008, 06:05:28 AM
Where are you located?- So Cal..... Whittier area
Distance? around 26 miles
Weather-dependant?I cage it only if its raining
What accomodations has your employer made?Not a one!!
What extra hassle does it add?hauling lots of work gear sux
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?heads up and have fun!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Desmo Demon on June 17, 2008, 06:08:08 AM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

1) Greenville, SC
2) 26 miles into work and anywhere from 26-150 miles home   ;)  ...I usually commute around 9000 miles a year by bike.
3) I generally will not ride in if it is raining on my way into work. I don't care if I get wet on the way home, unless it is below 50-degrees (I don't own any rain gear). I tend to draw the line at 32-degrees so i don't run across any "black ice".
4) We have a motorcycle-only parking area. It is not uncommon to see 10-25 bikes in that area.
5) Only hassel is that I am limited to what I can carry to-and-from work, so if I need to ship something via UPS/FedEx, I tend to take the car.
6) I always check the doppler on the Weather Channel before leaving work if I am anticipating rain. I can plan my route to avoid the builk of it. Also, if caught in heavy downpours, stay away from the interstate.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: myfirstduc on June 17, 2008, 06:13:35 AM
Where are you located? Washington DC area
Distance? 30ish miles each way
Weather-dependant? yes, if there is more than a 30% chance of rain I cage it.
What accomodations has your employer made? none really, i just park in the garage in a side area.
What extra hassle does it add? none really, actually makes the commute more enjoyable.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? leave early to avoid some cagers, take HOV  [thumbsup] if you have it, ride like you are invisible  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: cdnrcr on June 17, 2008, 06:34:33 AM
Where are you located? Orange County, CA
Distance? 15 miles miles each way
Weather-dependant? yes, I will generally take my old 240Z if it is going to rain - been caught in the rain twice though
What accomodations has your employer made? none - I j iust park it in a stall close to my office.
What extra hassle does it add? none - very enjoyable and in California we can lane split and use the HOV, so makes my commute quicker too.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work... I have only been riding two months so probably don't have any good tips other than I am very defensive, follow 12-second rule and always cover clutch/brake at inetrsections etc

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: the_Journeyman on June 17, 2008, 06:49:51 AM

Where are you located?  Western NC
Distance?  7ish miles
Weather-dependant?  Only when slick out
What accomodations has your employer made?  None
What extra hassle does it add?  Gear up time before leaving, gear down time upon arriving
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Good waterproof gear & boots


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: professor_pro on June 17, 2008, 06:51:41 AM
Where are you located?    Seattle, WA

Distance?                        Trip is about 12 miles each way. There's a more direct route, but the motorcycle commute is 12 miles

Weather-dependant?        As long as there's no ice. Once in a great great while I'll take the car, but it's pretty rare.

What accomodations has your employer made?    Hmmm.. I'm the boss so I've made it work for me!

What extra hassle does it add?               The only hassle is when I have something large to bring home or to work. I'll usually just drive the car over on the weekend to do my hauling. Aside from that, riding to and from work is a treat. I come home inspired instead of burnt from sitting in a cage through crummy traffic. I take a longer but more pleasant route on the motorcycle, so it is a nice unwind after work.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?    Get good gear! If it rains where you live a nice waterproof setup makes a big difference; mesh for the summer, whatever you need you should go get. Oh yeah, if it rains a lot where you live, spring for the good tires too!! I opted for an alternate commuter bike because of the constant wetness in our area. For commuter duty, I ride a DRZ400SM which is cheap to maintain & a real fun ride in the city. I recommend leaving some street clothes at work, such as shoes, a jacket, maybe a long sleeve Tshirt. Stuff that you might want, but you might not have stuffed into your bag. I try to go without backpack maybe 3 times a week if I can.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Bigbore4 on June 17, 2008, 06:53:39 AM
Where are you located?  Greater Minneapolis MN area
Distance?  17 miles one way
Weather-dependant?  Spring summer and fall.  Unless I have a bunch of crap to carry, my rule is as long as it isn't raining or likely to rain   before I get to work.  I do have Aerostich, it just is no good getting to work in the rain.  Or I am soft, your call.
What accomodations has your employer made?  Dedicated close in motorcycle parking.  On concrete, not covered.
What extra hassle does it add?  The unknown, unplanned business lunch where I might need a cage.  Carrying crap.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  The right sort of back pack or bag really simplifies the hauling of the aforementioned crap.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: monstah on June 17, 2008, 07:29:36 AM
Where are you located? Chicago, IL
Distance? 1 mile  ;D
Weather-dependant? Very much cos I park out-side and Chicago weather is highly unpredictable
What accomodations has your employer made? None parking in dowtown in expeeensive
What extra hassle does it add? Always scared that somebody might scratch it or worse tamper with it
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...? Check weather everyday and even few hours  :-\

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Ontario_Monster on June 17, 2008, 07:58:34 AM
Every day

Where are you located?        Toronto, On, Canada, Moved to Mount Hope ON still work in Toronto
Distance?                             About 10 miles 18Km, 100miles, 180km round trip
Weather-dependant?            Not really rain or shine ... just no snow - Same
What accomodations has your employer made?   None, they just like to laugh when I come to work soaking wet.  However the city allows you to park for free at meters in town so that makes it a lot cheaper than even public transpo for the month - trip is much cheaper now, with gas and GO Train in , it was $20 a day now $10.00
What extra hassle does it add?  I have to change for work, shirt and tie and dress pants on the bike looks way to funny.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  pick your route ahead of time, consider (in town at least) lights, bus routes, traffic patterns, construction, and if you have the choice choose roads that won't rattle your teeth.  I now only have two choices to get in now.  Expressway or Lake Shore Blvd, the blvd at 6:30am is dead an is only an extra 10 min of travel time with the lights.

'07 S2R 800

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: VisceralReaction on June 17, 2008, 08:43:03 AM

Where are you located?  Potlatch, Idaho
Distance?  30 miles one way to Pullman Washington
Weather-dependant? As long as it isn't snowing like freaking last week
What accomodations has your employer made? None
What extra hassle does it add? Just minor stuff like the wife wanting me to pick up groceries
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? My commute is all rural highway so it's so easy i get lax

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: bryant8 on June 17, 2008, 08:58:22 AM
Where are you located?
Dallas, Texas

~ 20miles 1 way ( I commute on the bike 3 times a week and 2 time in my truck)

It's pretty much riding season most of the year, but it does get really hot

What accomodations has your employer made?
Nada, but it is a family business

What extra hassle does it add?  Juggling around supply run schedules

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
I have a weeks worth of office clothes in my office along with stuff to smell better than a gym sock

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Triple J on June 17, 2008, 09:07:05 AM
Where are you located?
Seattle, WA

Currently about 10 miles each way, previously about 20 when I was at the job site.

I ride as long as there isn't any ice...about 2 weeks per year total I can't ride.

What accomodations has your employer made?
They don't hassle me when I wear jeans at work.  I can commute in khakis, and do if I have a meeting, but jeans are easier.  I still wear overpants either way though.

What extra hassle does it add?
Carrying your gear.  This is more than offset by being able to use the HOV lanes though.  I'm also in a better mood when I ride.  ;D

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Main tip is get good gear for your weather conditions.  Around here there is a lot of rain...I probably ride more on wet roads than dry.  I ponied up and got some Aerostitch overpants and jacket (both Darien model).  I also have a heated liner and heated grips, and waterproof riding boots.  Being dry and warm makes a HUGE difference.  On nice days I just wear the 'stitch pants and a leather jacket.

Getting a bike with panniers helps also.  I sold my Monster and got a Multistrada because it is a much better commuting rig.  Being able to easily carry things is very nice...the upright seating position is also nice when you get stuck in traffic.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: KnightofNi on June 17, 2008, 09:29:05 AM
Where are you located?
Conshohocken, PA (just outside of Philly)

around 40 mi round trip

only if i feel like using snow/ice as an excuse to not go to work

What accomodations has your employer made?
they alredy have moto parking

What extra hassle does it add?
more stupid questions when it rains/snows/is cold/is hot/is sunny or when people jsut want to ask the stupid questions. cna't carry much with me so i have had an overloaded bag quite a few times. if you get a flat you're boned.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? plan ahead, get used to checking the weather a few days ahead and keeping on top of any developments so you can dress appropriately or carry your rain gear. get good rain gear, it's worth it. watch out for what the other person is going to do because they are late for work. eating breakfast, on a conference call, trying to figure out how they can get out of going to work that day, ect...

i've been bike only for about 3.5 years now and have found the only time i am really aggitated in traffic is when i am driving a car or when some jackass tries to kill me.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ODrides on June 17, 2008, 09:34:08 AM
Where are you located? Richmond, VA
Distance? Less than 4 miles
Weather-dependant?  Yes.  If it's not too cold and not too wet.
What accomodations has your employer made?  None.
What extra hassle does it add?  A little extra time to throw on the helmet and gloves = minimal
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Keep the shiny side up.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dbran1949 on June 17, 2008, 09:42:05 AM
Where are you located?  San Diego, CA
Distance?  22 miles one way to Sorrento Valley
Weather-Dependant? As long as it isn't raining
What accommodations has your employer made? None
What extra hassle does it add? Keep extra shoes at work, can't ride when I have big shots visiting
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully motto to work...? drivers on cell phones in SUVs (I know it sounds predjudicial but it is factual - I've been keeping count) and lane splitting - It's going to be worse starting July 1st when everyone has to be hands free. Then it will be hard to tell who is on the phone

oh .. just noticed how easy it is to change text color

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Porsche Monkey on June 17, 2008, 09:45:40 AM
Where are you located?San Antonio, TX
Distance?10 miles to work, 10 - 200+ miles home
Weather-dependant? sometimes
What accomodations has your employer made?  I work as a tech in a dealership.  I am allowed to keep my bike inside in front of my work bays.
What extra hassle does it add? not any
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Keep a change of clothes at work in case it rains

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: NvrSummer on June 17, 2008, 09:47:54 AM

Where are you located?     Denver, CO
Distance?      25 Miles round trip
Weather-dependant?   Oh yeah!!
What accomodations has your employer made?   Ha ha, none!
What extra hassle does it add?   Gotta be awake and alert at 6 am!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?   Spend all day smiling knowing that you get to ride home instead of drive!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Ashmon on June 17, 2008, 10:06:51 AM
Where are you located      Orange County, CA
Distance?      6 Miles
Weather-dependant?      Thankfully it doesn't rain here much, but I pretty much ride through anything, and I don't have any special weather gear.
What accomodations has your employer made?      None, but we have commandiered two full parking spots for our 16 bikes to fit in. Also it is covered parking / with surveillance so we feel very pampered.
What extra hassle does it add?      Not owning a car, you just get used to it, but shopping, and having packages delivered to work can be a bit of a pain in the ass.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?      While it can be hard some days, make sure you are riding in good spirits every day. I notice that my riding style tends to reflect my mood so do everything you can to keep your head high. and like everyone else has said just think of every car out there as if they are out to take you down.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: DCXCV on June 17, 2008, 10:11:12 AM
Where are you located?     Tucson, AZ
Distance?      15 to work; 20+ home
Weather-dependant?   I avoid riding on likely monsoon days
What accomodations has your employer made?   nada
What extra hassle does it add?   wrinkles, mostly
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  I have to carry house plans fairly often (1"-8" diameter rolls that are 24" long)- it's not a problem with a bungee net and/or backpack and a little thought.  Of course, backpack plus 110 degrees = a bit of sweat.  Try to do everything out of the office early/on the way to work. 
Good gear for the climate is the most important and a way to carry stuff.
A way to get home via backroads is always fun, but it can help leave a bad day somewhere between the office door and your house.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: hay13 on June 17, 2008, 10:12:38 AM
Seattle area traffic stinks!!!  [bang]

Where are you located?  I live in Federal Way and ride / drive into Everett
Distance?  50 miles each way
Weather-dependant?  yes, We're finally getting sun.
What accomodations has your employer made?  We've got a pretty tight parking lot but the shop manager will let us bring the bikes in the shop if it rains.
What extra hassle does it add? Just dealing with the traffic when the car pool lanes end around Seattle.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  If you're leaving Seattle heading North watch out of the State Patrol car parked facing the freeway arounnd Shoreline.  He pulled me over yesterday and something incredible happened...he let me off with a warning.  He must have liked the bike [moto]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: fwtcc on June 17, 2008, 10:42:27 AM

Where are you located?  Cincinnati, OH
Distance? 6 miles
Weather-dependant? Yes, I don't like working while wet
What accomodations has your employer made? None, I park in a non designated spot and the garage company doesn't mind
What extra hassle does it add?  Gearing up in the morning, Having gear around the desk, changing shoes, asked "Did you ride in to day?"
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Watch everyone, my commute is through city streets and people are dumb, especially in OH.  I had both wrecks during commuting.  Never came close to an issue not commuting.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Fritzkrieg on June 17, 2008, 11:42:40 AM
Where are you located? Seattle area - Live in Edmonds, work in Kirkland
Distance? 17 miles
Weather-dependant? I ride even when it's snowing. . . no choice though! I don't do cars.
What accomodations has your employer made? Moto parking right next to the rear entrance :D
What extra hassle does it add? None, unless the Duc breaks down at work!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Don't let the cagers slow you down!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: TiAvenger on June 17, 2008, 12:00:45 PM
Where are you located? Visalia CA
Distance? 8 miles one way
Weather-dependant? nope, I commute in 110 summers, and in 17 degree winters (rain included)
What accomodations has your employer made? None really, but I ride my scooter into, and park in my office.
What extra hassle does it add? The hassle of having a much fuller bank account and no idea where to spend it.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? 

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: DEVO! on June 17, 2008, 12:01:25 PM
Los angeles to sun valley.
39 mile total rain or shine! ( i do not own a car) I wear a orange safety vest at all times, cut traffic at no more that 15 MPH than current traffic conditions. I have a headlight modulator and a LED tail light. Always wear full gear boots gloves leather. my opinion is the louder and brighter you are,, you stand a much better chance of making it home in on piece! number one tip is to have a good attitude that goes a long way....

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: somegirl on June 17, 2008, 12:23:03 PM
Where are you located?
SF Bay Area

Currently 16 miles one way, although it will soon be 26 miles one way (office is moving).  I also commute to customer sites on it so that can really vary.

No, I ride rain or shine, even in bad storms.  But sometimes I take the bicycle instead (25 miles one way, I have to take a different bridge).

What accomodations has your employer made?
None, although it is not a problem to park in the lot.  Luckily I was able to pass up on having a company car (Ford Explorer) in favor of a car allowance.  I even managed to get away with expensing a rental motorcycle (instead of rental car) in Germany last summer. ;D (Although after the last acquisition and new corporate policies I don't think I can do that again.)

What extra hassle does it add?
The time to put on and take off the gear.  It is offset by saving on bridge tolls, being able to lane share and take the carpool lane. 
I also cannot take customers out to lunch on it obviously, but that seems to be offset by the "cool" points that I get instead. 8)
Having to plan more as far as how to carry things...between a large backpack and a tailbag I can manage most of what I need.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Just do it!  (Although if I had a short commute like some here, I would be walking and/or bicycling everyday instead.)
Oh, and if you ride in the rain, find a good spot in your office to let your gear hang to dry out during the day.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Mumbles on June 17, 2008, 12:31:00 PM
I live in Huntingt Beach CA  [cheeky] and drive  [moto] North to Seal Beach down Pacific Coast Highway about 9 miles to work.
I try and ride a least three days a week. We have pretty good motorcycle parking.
Weather isn't really an issue here its mostly perfect all year. ;D
The only thing I would recommend is ride like every car is going to hit you.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Stangman on June 17, 2008, 01:53:36 PM
Where are you located?     Western Wisconsin
Distance?      5 miles taking the scenic route  ;D
Weather-dependant?  I avoid riding when it's rainy
What accomodations has your employer made?   none
What extra hassle does it add?   A few extra minutes to put my gear on
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Backpack when needed, I have a coffee maker at work so I can get my coffee fix without having to bring it with me on the bike in a thermos or something.
Vented gear really helps when its hot out.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: oregunduc on June 17, 2008, 02:27:39 PM
Where are you located? Portland, OR
Distance? 7 miles or 20 miles (one way) depending on if i am working 2nd job that day
Weather-dependant? No
What accomodations has your employer made? None
What extra hassle does it add? more time to get prepared to leave for work, and when it rains I have to find a place to hang all my rain gear up.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  take it easy, have good rain/cold weather gear (I have a one piece suit), and watch out for all the jack asses on the road... and a good weather proof pack is a must

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Ducatiloo on June 17, 2008, 03:05:51 PM
Where are you located? Waterloo WI
Distance? 20.3 miles
Weather-dependant? I Don't take my bike if the precipitation chance is 30% or greater
What accommodations has your employer made? None, Zippo, zero
What extra hassle does it add?  Besides Jeans Friday I have to bring my Dress Clothes
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?  Check my bike over the night before, so I won't do it when I'm rushed in the morning, causing me to miss an issue.  Watch out for angry commuters Jealous that you’re enjoying your ride to work.   And use the horn early and often... when needed  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: northerncalguy on June 17, 2008, 03:13:48 PM
Where are you located?  San Jose, CA
Distance? 26 miles roundtrip
Weather-dependant?  Yep, when it rains, I take the car.
What accomodations has your employer made?   Good prime parking spots, covered and uncovered.
What extra hassle does it add?  Just need to bring along a comb to brush the hair.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Have multiple routes of travel. In CA we can lanesplit, but if anyone's seen the 101-S between Sunnyvale and S. San Jose during rush hour, they'd think twice about racing down between lanes. I take surface streets to avoid the terrible traffic and poor freeway pavement.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: SKOM on June 17, 2008, 03:22:19 PM
Where are you located? Edmonton, Alberta
Distance? 10 km
Weather-dependant? I don't care about rain. If there's snow then I'll take the cage.
What accomodations has your employer made? non
What extra hassle does it add? It's much harder to pick up a case of beer on the way home
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?Same as any ride. Nobody can see you - and if they can they will try to kill you

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: clittelm750 on June 17, 2008, 03:38:20 PM
Where are you located?Lewiston, Maine Commute to Augusta
Distance?About 70 Miles +/-
Weather-dependant?Only if greater then 40% downpours, showers are alright, and I had a headache this AM, that made me take the Subee
What accomodations has your employer made?The It Dept. provided me with a thing to put under my kick stand
What extra hassle does it add? They are all trying to kill me, all of them .. the old ladies, the highschool kids, the smokies, aghhhhhhh
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?It's all about the gear

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: aced on June 17, 2008, 04:03:39 PM
Where are you located?  Peoria Illinois
Distance?    55 miles round trip         
Weather-dependant?  I won't ride when there's a 65% or greater chance of rain
                                                               or below 40 degrees
What accomodations has your employer made?  Front corner of a parking lot (within my eyesight)  or covered deck if its rains
What extra hassle does it add?  UH...Hassles......I get to ride...There are no Hassles  ;D
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Leave early in the AM...Take the senic route, check msn.com weather for their hourly forcast....it has the chance of precip on the right listed hour to hour.   [thumbsup]
My bike is my "cup of coffee" in the am....there's only a problem if I want an extra cup! ;D
one question real quick.....the 12 second rule?   Is that where you keep everyone at least 12 seconds behind you? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Xiphias on June 17, 2008, 04:44:20 PM
Where are you located? Hot-n-humid Houston
Distance? 6 miles
Weather-dependant? No, however, I try not to ride during thunderstorms
What accomodations has your employer made? Yes - they have motorcycle only parking spaces
What extra hassle does it add? None
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Leave a set of Cruz tools at work


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: silentbob on June 17, 2008, 04:49:40 PM
Where are you located?  San Diego, CA
Distance?  22 miles one way to Sorrento Valley
Weather-Dependant? As long as it isn't raining
What accommodations has your employer made? None
What extra hassle does it add? Keep extra shoes at work, can't ride when I have big shots visiting
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully motto to work...? drivers on cell phones in SUVs (I know it sounds predjudicial but it is factual - I've been keeping count) and lane splitting - It's going to be worse starting July 1st when everyone has to be hands free. Then it will be hard to tell who is on the phone

oh .. just noticed how easy it is to change text color

Funny, you live in the same town, shop at the same motorcycle dealer, and commute to the same location.

Where are you located? San Diego, CA
Distance? 22 miles one way
Weather-dependant? No
What accomodations has your employer made? Dedicated, covered parking spot in front of my window
What extra hassle does it add? None
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Extra shoes in my desk.  Vanson 101 leather overpants that fit over dress pants or jeans.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dbran1949 on June 17, 2008, 05:08:57 PM
Funny, you live in the same town, shop at the same motorcycle dealer, and commute to the same location.

Where are you located? San Diego, CA
Distance? 22 miles one way
Weather-dependant? No
What accomodations has your employer made? Dedicated, covered parking spot in front of my window
What extra hassle does it add? None
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Extra shoes in my desk.  Vanson 101 leather overpants that fit over dress pants or jeans.

And evidently occasionally shop at the same grocery store. One of these weekends we should go for a ride. what area in Sorrento Valley, I'm right across the street (east) from the car wash - staples - mc donalds strip mall

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: silentbob on June 17, 2008, 06:22:37 PM
And evidently occasionally shop at the same grocery store. One of these weekends we should go for a ride. what area in Sorrento Valley, I'm right across the street (east) from the car wash - staples - mc donalds strip mall

I'm a block away. 

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dlearl476 on June 17, 2008, 06:26:49 PM
Where are you located?

Las Vegas


4.3 miles.  10-15 min by moto, 20-30 by car.


Yes, sometimes in the summer I pussy out and take the cage.

What accomodations has your employer made?

I get to park on the loading dock, at 50 feet from my office.

What extra hassle does it add?

Really hot, sometimes.  Gearing up, usually a nuisance.  Can't wear shorts to work (I can if I drive)

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

I take the back roads and consequently avoid most commuters, then again I go against the flow anyway.  A tank bag helps a lot for little stuff you want to take with you.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Centerline on June 17, 2008, 08:50:02 PM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Just north of DFW Airport, TX
17 miles from house to parking structure.
Will ride rain or shine, freezing precip is my limit
No special accomodations, just bag storage area.
Ride my KTM 950 Adv and strap my roll-aboard bag on it.
It is definitely a hassle.  Have to change into uniform (pilot) once at Airport.  Upon return from trip sequence, de-uniform, strap bag on bike, go.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: manni on June 17, 2008, 11:16:28 PM
Where are you located?:
From Hammond Indiana to down town Chicago Illinois.

About 40 mi.

Rain is fine but I will not ride after first snow, most days sunny days it depends on how much stuff I need to take with.

What accomodations has your employer made?:
I can park in are loading dock

What extra hassle does it add?:
Getting gear on and locking every thing up.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?:
Read A Twist of the Wrist 2, it will make your ride a lot faster and more fun. :)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ROBsS4R on June 18, 2008, 12:33:42 AM
Northern CA
140 miles once a week
30 miles everday
I have the option working from home but I will ride in all weather.

No special accomindations other than an option to work from home.

Oh I dont own a car so my motorcycle is my only mode of transportation :)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ArguZ on June 18, 2008, 12:46:15 AM
Where are you located?   Kopenhagen, Danmark
Distance?     ... two miles or less, I am just lazy  [moto]
Weather-dependant?  Soft rain or wet streets : Yes   ... Heavy downpour : The Bus
What accomodations has your employer made?  Nothing of course...just jealous looks  [cheeky]
What extra hassle does it add?  Putting on safety gear ... but yes, I do
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?   Don´t do it when you are under stress, too late, had bad sex or are still drunk

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: IZ on June 18, 2008, 01:25:18 AM
Where are you located?  Currently, in Kirkland, WA.  Austin, in 2 weeks.  I will live across the street from work there!   [thumbsup]
Distance? I work at a few locations around town..anywhere from 4-8 miles away.
Weather-dependant?  I typically don't ride since I have to take the s/o to park-n-ride.  She works in Seattle.  I don't like riding in the rain here.
What accomodations has your employer made? none
What extra hassle does it add?  traffic here sucks ballz, gas prices inflated, crap weather
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: baski696 on June 18, 2008, 04:58:06 AM
Where are you located?  Stillwater, OK, USA
Distance?    3-4 miles one way
Weather-dependant?  Yup! I avoid riding in the rain/ice/snow
What accomodations has your employer made?  Designated MC pking lots!
What extra hassle does it add?  Can't buy groceries on the way back!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?   Be sure to wake up completely, leave early, watch for every car until you park your MC. Following is for workaholics-  I am in a university town and I avoid riding when the chances of drunk people on the road is higher- like late Friday evenings, game days (yeah my job is not M-F/9-5, I prefer to work on some weekends, less interruptions!)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: myssrhl on June 18, 2008, 07:37:27 AM
I commute 54 miles each way . Total 108 per day

20 or so of country roads, 15 miles urban ,  then onto the super slab for the finish.
Doing this 3 times a week.
Why ride when you know it is going to storm.


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dcal on June 18, 2008, 08:03:51 AM
Where are you located?  Northern NJ (the unofficial traffic capital of the world).
Distance?  46 round trip
Weather-dependant? Yes, not worth the hassle of riding in rain to commute.
What accomodations has your employer made?  Zero (I park illegally in the pkg garage)
What extra hassle does it add?  None, everything is easier on the bike.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? 
    - Keep a spare set of shoes at work, not having to carry them makes the ride nicer.
    - Try to commute at slightly off peak hours to avoid the rolling 15-20 mph death march that makes choosing 1st or 2nd gear an impossibility.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: m0t0g0th on June 18, 2008, 11:33:09 AM
Where are you located?  SF Bay Area - Berkeley
Distance?  11mi
Weather-dependant?  Ja, also stress/work activity dependent.  on the day of the big meeting with running around and unpredictable schedules with multi-tasking demands and madness guaranteed, and by the way carry pounds of set-up stuff and hey, could you look professional, too = no m0t0.
What accomodations has your employer made?  none for the bike or commute, however i think i get a TON more respect; they know i'm calm under fire, practical and take action, and "do" without needlessly flipping my shit {unlike some OTHER administrative personnel i'd personally like to GUT}.  i seriously think being a broad who rides has done me miles of good at work with engineers & experimentalists, it would have otherwise taken years to get the respect and easy dealings i have.
What extra hassle does it add?  20lbs of leathers and gear to wiggle into, and pack or know that "acceptable" work clothes are there or in my bag - PITA!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  JUST DO IT.
ah, and as far as spare shoes - i've got three pairs of work shoes at work, and two "generic" outfits taking up a drawer for those "OMG, i JUST DID IT days", so you may need a wardrobe stash depending on work's dress codes.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: doulos on June 18, 2008, 12:13:40 PM
Where are you located?  Kansas City, Kansas
Distance?  32 miles one-way, mainly rural two-lane, some interstate.
Weather dependant?  Not below 35 deg, not above 105 deg. heat index (might change due to new mesh jacket)
and try to not ride in the rain.  Take the cage if it looks like rain.
What accomodations has my employer made?  Park it on the sidewalk which is covered about 15 ft. from my desk.
What extra hassle does it add?  Extra time for gear, very limited carrying capacity.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to sucessfully moto to work...?  Spare or extra clothes at work help when plans change.  The hassles are nothing compared to the benefits.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: zvezdah1 on June 18, 2008, 03:57:04 PM
Live in Georgia, work 4 days a week and commute on my bikes every day all year round, the only time I don't if it's raining heavily when I leave for work or below freezing with potential ice on the ground.

Only 5 miles to work, takes about 15 minutes with all the lights. alternate between the tuono and brutale.


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Smiling End on June 18, 2008, 04:35:55 PM

I used to drive 40 miles each way on route 80.  I did it for two years before I moved.  I wanted to shoot myself everyday.  Thankfully the one time I took my bike I did it off peak hours and it wasn't too bad.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: mxwinky on June 18, 2008, 06:40:03 PM
Every day, rain or shine, and I switch off between the Mulstistrada, Monster and 900SS.  All good commuters!  Good riding gear with removable liners that allow me to be cooler if the weather changes later in the day is mandatory.  My employer allows me to park right up close to the entrance so it's only a couple of steps inside.  Nice.  Here in Northern California lane splitting is allowed so my trip is a short easy ride, no matter what the traffic.  Plus gas costs for the week typically total only around $14.  Sweet!  I'll never go back to my car for commuting.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: hbliam on June 18, 2008, 07:01:19 PM
Where are you located? Orange County, CA
Distance? 15 miles
Weather-dependant? Cage if it rains, and about once a week got to cage to carry drycleaning
What accomodations has your employer made? Moto specific parking in the garage and dedicated moto area in the secure parking lot
What extra hassle does it add? None
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Be lucky enough to have the sun at your back on the way home so you can wear the same clear visor both ways.

-Found an in town drycleaner. No more once a week cage.
-Started wearing the tinted visor both ways. A bit blind in the AM but it sure is nice on the way home.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Scottish on June 18, 2008, 07:08:48 PM
Where are you located? Colorado Springs, CO
Distance? 8 miles one way
Weather-dependant? Nope, I have rain gear and I actually enjoy riding in the rain.
What accomodations has your employer made? Self employed
What extra hassle does it add? Getting geared up, worth it every day!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Use the time on the bike to prepare yourself mentally for the day, and use the same time to unwind before you get home.
I always say there is no better way to start and end the work day than with a ride. Sometimes it makes it hard to stay at work though when you know you have a ride sitting outside waiting for you to throw your leg over.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Klip on June 19, 2008, 12:43:14 AM
Where are you located? Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.
Distance? About 25 miles round trip.
Weather-dependant? For me, no. For the bike, yes. I don't like the bike sitting outside in the rain during my 12-hour shifts.
What accomodations has your employer made? Multiple motorcycle parking areas. None are covered, though.
What extra hassle does it add? Not much. I use a backpack to carry my work clothes and a cover for the bike in case the weather turns nasty after I've arrived.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Watch out for cagers still waking up, on the cell phone, applying makeup, etc. And don't let yourself fall into a comfortable routine riding to work. Always stay alert and keep your eyes peeled.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: mstevens on June 20, 2008, 06:02:12 PM
Location: rural New Hampshire.
Distance: 6 miles each way.
Weather-dependent: I'm in New Hampshire. Are you kidding?
Accommodations: I can't imagine any that would be needed. Nobody tells me what to do, anyway.
Hassles: If it rains, I get wet.
Tips: Leave shoes at under the desk.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Cynic on June 20, 2008, 07:19:32 PM

Where are you located?     Bay Area, CA

Distance?     55 miles round trip down the pen and back up.

Weather-dependant?     heh it's CA we don't have weather you can't ride in here!

What accomodations has your employer made?     I'm the boss, I have a nice parking space :P

What extra hassle does it add?    Extra time getting ready. It's sometimes uncomfortable at the extremes of temp.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?   Leaving work shoes at work is ace.  As well as having a over zip riding suit (I love my aerostitch) 

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: zc911 on June 20, 2008, 07:57:20 PM
Where are you located? Toronto ontario canada
Distance? 50 km round trip
Weather-dependant? As long as it is not raining in the morning i ride.  I only got soaked once in the morning last year.  Also needs to be above 10deg, and not snowing.  Did ride in freezing rain early this year.  Not fun, not fun at all
What accomodations has your employer made? I get away with jeans now :D And i can park right at the front door, under the security camera
What extra hassle does it add? More haircuts to avoid bad helmet head  8)  Gotta avoide the Krusty the Klown look lol
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? I do highway mostly.  Ride in the left lane, just a bit faster than everyone else.  Also keep ahead of everyone.  I always wriggle out of tight spots, i dn;t like bieng boxed in.  

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: blue tiger on June 20, 2008, 08:10:47 PM
Where are you located?           I'm in Indianapolis
Distance?                                I ride about 20 miles one way and I work 12 hour night shifts.
Weather-dependant?                 I generally don't ride to work if it's actively raining. I'll chance it if it might. I have good rain gear.
What accomodations has your employer made?                      None, I park in a parking garage at the hospital I work in. I park in the ambulance bay at my second job. The hospital garage has some expensive Benzez and a nice 911 that park there and I've seen security cruising it so I'm not overly concerned.
What extra hassle does it add? Packing all my stuff and then carrying it in.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?       Have luggage or buy a good tail bag. I wear gear and pack my flight suit or scrubs in my tail bag. On scrub days I pack shoes, work stuff and a couple of lunches. On flying days I ditch the shoes and wear my "flying" boots which are Doc Martens, packed lunches and work gear. The best tip is travel light and buy a tail bag or luggage that have a strap. I also never leave my helmet "locked" to the bike. It's also handy to hold my gloves as I walk in. It makes working a hell of a lot nicer. I also only have to put gas in my big truck every 10 to 14 days now!!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Mad Duc on June 21, 2008, 06:41:16 AM

Where are you located?     Pittsburgh, Pa

Distance?     30 miles round trip

Weather-dependant?     Yes, once I get a waterproof suit then not as much. 

What accomodations has your employer made?     No, but we park in a "no parking" area and no one says anything.

What extra hassle does it add?    No really. I keep an extra set of shoes at the office and I hit the bathroom when I get in to get rid of the helmet hair.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  As others have said leave extra pair of shoes at work. Overpants with armor for when things go bad and keeps junk off the khaki's/jeans. 

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: psycledelic on June 21, 2008, 08:34:18 AM
Located: Outside Charlotte, NC
Distance: Home to work - Fastest route 17 miles, Funnest route 25 miles. (one way)
Home-School-Work-Home- 61 miles (round trip)
Weather dependant: Not really.  I would still rather ride then drive
Employer Accom: Motorcycle only parking, right next to the entrance.  Perk of the Manager riding!
Extra Hassle: Only on School days.  I go from class to work.  Heavy backpack with junk for both work and school.
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  Don't sacrifice your gear (jacket, riding shoes, etc.)  It is easy to want to do.  Less crap to lug around. But after a long, frustrating day at work, the best way to vent is a good ride home But bare arms and shoe laces go against that type of therapy.

One more that was forgotten:
Gas Price Dependant: YES!  $12 a tank vs. $80 a tank.  No wonder I reached my 12K service in 11 months!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: acalles on June 21, 2008, 09:17:50 AM
Location : Santa Fe, New Mexico.
distance : 11miles each way.
Weather dependent :yes, though it rarely rains, if it does I won't ride because I live on a dirt road that turns to the consistency of 6" deep toothpaste with rocks in it. I've had a hard time making it in the golf.. I don't want to do that to my bike. Plus, I imagine as soon as I'd hit that stuff, the bike will come to a stop and I'll fly over the handle bars  [laugh], theres also this stupid winter thing we have for like 6mo in a row.

accomodations: I own the shop and have a place to park inside  ;D

Extra hassle: leaving a bit earlier to beat some of the traffic, and a bit of extra time to gear up.

Tips.. I keep to the back road and try to beat the rush of people getting the kids to school (cause that really jams things up, and they drive with there head jammed up there ass when doing so) and the back roads are more fun  [moto]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Capt baz on June 21, 2008, 09:22:17 AM
located: east lyme, ct

distance: 20 mi round trip

weather dependant: absolutly

pluses: fun & get to park inside with attendant

negatives: wish work was farther away sometimes

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Scottish on June 21, 2008, 11:33:49 AM
A helpful hint I just realized I do the other day. To be sure cages know what I'm doing and for extra visabilty, I tend to turn my signal on and then hand signal as well. I find the motion catches their eye better. I see them look at me which is reasuring.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Le Pirate on June 21, 2008, 05:35:09 PM
Where are you located? Wichita Falls, TX
Distance? 30 miles, each way
Weather-dependant? I try to avoid riding in the severe weather we can have up here, and I don't ride much in the winter due to it being so dark when I leave in the mornings (I ride 25 miles of each trip in very rural country side, which includes many deer and wild hogs)
What accomodations has your employer made? none, but they let me parking in the maintenance building (shade, out of the rain)
What extra hassle does it add? I have alot of crap I have to shove in my back pack (computer, extra clothes, field gear)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? As much as I hate to say it, avoid the tail chop...you'll just end up spraying water up your back when it rains  :-\ Mine is chopped and I regret it now.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: DosVerde on June 22, 2008, 01:21:32 AM

located: Melbourne Australia
distance: 8km one way
weather dependant: I try to ride the pushbike when its nice, otherwise motorcycle.
pluses: Quicker to get to work by "filtering" through the traffic
negatives: add bad mileage to the Ducati.
Employer Accom: We have a motorcycle only parking area in a secure car park (open air though)
Extra Hassle: Non, I have found that the commonality of motorcycle riding has bridged gaps between some people I have to deal with.
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  I keep shoes and other stuff at work, so only taking shirt and pants on a daily basis, easy!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: zedsaid on July 08, 2008, 03:32:18 PM
I can finally add to this thread.  Rode in for the first time today... don't know how regular a habit i'll make of it yet. [bacon]

located: Los Angeles
distance: 24 mi. one way
weather dependant: That's why i have a cage
pluses: start the day with an adrenaline boost!
negatives: scares the shit out of me driving in LA traffic, particularly on the slab.
Employer Accom: None... but there's a handly little spot blocked by posts where my bike fits perfectly, and finds afternoon shade.
Extra Hassle: Wouldn't know...
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  I have comfy riding boots, and keep slippers at work in case i want to wear something else (truth is, it's about the nicest thing you'll ever do for your feet to change shoes mid-day anyway)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: deepak8612 on July 08, 2008, 03:45:21 PM
Where are you located?   Chapel Hill, NC
Distance? 10 miles one way
Weather-dependant? Most def. No rain gear and the public transport is free.
What accomodations has your employer made? Great motorcycle spots right by my building and super cheap motorcycle permits
What extra hassle does it add? None... well maybe except for the fact that I have to change when I get to work.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Keep the rubber side down and you are all good

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: cmorgan47 on July 08, 2008, 03:57:03 PM
Where are you located? detroit
Distance? 8 miles
Weather-dependant? yeah, you're nuts to ride in the snow
What accomodations has your employer made?  i park on the sidewalk
What extra hassle does it add?  i can't carry a cup of coffee... switched to espresso
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  leave wingtips in the desk and keep your left thumb on the horn

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: mking on July 08, 2008, 04:03:12 PM
located: Atlanta
distance: about 5 miles, back streets, not a super exciting route
weather dependant: Yes, I only ride if it's going to be dry
pluses: fun
negatives: takes a bit longer to back my car out to get to the bike, warm up the bike, put some gear on
Employer Accom: Not sure what accomodations a person would need.  We don't have a dress code. My wife is totally cool with my motorcycling, but my boss on the other hand, he's really concerned that I'm going to get killed and he'll go out of business or something.  
Extra Hassle: Those kevlar lined jeans and chinos feel a bit like you've got a diaper on your butt.
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  Don't crash.  Don't get a speeding ticket.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: CMDRDAVE on July 08, 2008, 04:15:21 PM
located: Virginia Beach, VA
distance: 20 miles one way
weather dependant: Yes, <30% chance of rain I'm taking the bike.  30 to 50% I take a good look at the radar.  I don't mind the bike getting rained on but hate riding in it.
pluses: Better gas mileage than my truck, HOV lane is awsome!
negatives: Sometimes my outdoor garage key pad does not work and I have to shut it from the inside. 
Employer Accom:  Special motorcycle parking spot near the front door.  There is a telephone pole right in the middle of it so a cage can't use it anyway.
Extra Hassle: Couple extra minutes to gear up and down, but this is easly made up by HOV lane usage.
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  I keep a cycle cover in the bottom drawer of my desk so that if it is going to rain during the middle of the day I throw it on.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: CMDRDAVE on July 08, 2008, 04:17:20 PM
located: Virginia Beach, VA
distance: 20 miles one way
weather dependant: Yes, <30% chance of rain I'm taking the bike.  30 to 50% I take a good look at the radar.  I don't mind the bike getting rained on but hate riding in it.
pluses: Better gas mileage than my truck, HOV lane is awsome!
negatives: Sometimes my outdoor garage key pad does not work and I have to shut it from the inside. 
Employer Accom:  Special motorcycle parking spot near the front door.  There is a telephone pole right in the middle of it so a cage can't use it anyway.
Extra Hassle: Couple extra minutes to gear up and down, but this is easly made up by HOV lane usage.
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  I keep a cycle cover in the bottom drawer of my desk so that if it is going to rain during the middle of the day I throw it on.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: hyphen on July 08, 2008, 04:23:13 PM
location:  North Hollywood
Distance: About 15 miles total
Weather-dependant: Yes and no.  I ride in rain but when it gets heavy I can't because of the HUGE puddles that surround my neighborhood.
What accomodations has your employer made:  Our underground parking structure has a motorcycle only parking area.
What extra hassle does it add:  Can't smoke or drink coffee on the way here.  But other than that it creates less hassle (lane splitting ftw)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work:  Stay aware of stupid people that aren't fully awake.  There isn't much traffic on the streets I take (less known to people who take the major streets), so I just zip around the dumb asses that cruise at 20mph.  And a backpack big enough for a comfy pair of shoes and your lunch\pocket stuff is wonderful.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: monster2b on July 08, 2008, 04:32:34 PM
located: Orange County, CA
distance: 20 miles one way
weather dependant: Yes, no need to ride in the rain on the rare days thay happens
pluses: Better gas mileage than my car, car pool lane cuts 20 minutes off my commute
negatives: I don't like suiting up to go somewhere at lunch, so I usually either brown bag it or walk to the food court.
Employer Accom:  they restriped the parking lot 2 months ago and added a space just for me [moto]
Extra Hassle: Couple extra minutes to gear up and down, but this is easly made up by HOV lane usage.
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  if it's legal lane splitting on surface streets is actually probably safer. I leave shoes and a toiletry kit in my office.
I'm thinking of switching jobs, and am not sure I will commute the 55 miles each way 3 times a week on the bike. It's all carpool, so maybe I will try it and see how it works out.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: He Man on July 08, 2008, 04:57:58 PM
Where are you located? New York City
Distance?22miles, 4 miles slowspeed highway
Weather-dependant? no
What accomodations has your employer made? none
What extra hassle does it add?I can no longer kick back to reading magazines, watching videos on my Zune, or get homework done(taking the train)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Stay alive, otherwise you cant clock in

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: mmakay on July 08, 2008, 05:54:28 PM
Where are you located?
    San Jose, CA

    About 9 miles one-way

    Yes, but the weather is always great

What accomodations has your employer made?

What extra hassle does it add?
    I don't wear gloves in the car.....

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
    Keep an eye out for distracted cages

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: danaid on July 08, 2008, 06:07:12 PM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

1) Fresno, Ca.
2) 11 miles each way
3) Yes, if rain or chance of rain I dont ride
4) None, but my job has an enclosed garage I park in
5) None
6) I must leave for work extra early when I ride to beat the dangerous morning traffic.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Bick on July 08, 2008, 06:08:21 PM
Where are you located?  Boulder, CO
Distance?  26 miles direct, 51 if I take the canyons
Weather-dependent?  If it is snowing, then I drive
What accommodations has your employer made? Indoor parking, battery tenders, tools, compressor, shower,
What extra hassle does it add?  Changing between boots & shoes, helmet hair (if I had hair)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?  Good rain gear

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Brett on July 09, 2008, 05:40:17 AM
Where are you located? Atlanta
Distance? 0.5 mile, but I will go a very round-a-bout way and turn it into 5
Weather-dependant? Yes
What accomodations has your employer made? I park in the Executive spaces gore area (with prior approval from the CEO)
What extra hassle does it add? None
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Just enjoy the morning ride!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Dana on July 09, 2008, 05:56:14 AM
Where are you located? Tokyo, Japan
Distance? 24km each way.
Weather-dependant?  Never in rain or forcasted rain.
What accomodations has your employer made?  None. I actually have to wear a reflective vest.
What extra hassle does it add? If I leave before 545am, I can get to work in 30 minutes.  if I leave after 6am, it takes over an hour to go roughly 15 miles. (Yes I can mtn bike there in the same time).  Imagine doing the hour commute in summer on a superbike.  I'm roasting!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Always leave shoes at work or any other attire (dry cleaning, ties, etc).


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Dozer on July 09, 2008, 12:25:25 PM
Where are you located? Washington, DC
Distance? About 5 miles, depending on how far I want to drive up Rock Creek Parkway to play on the only 'twisties' i can get between work and home.
Weather-dependant? Nope.  I get soaked.
What accomodations has your employer made? None.  The parking garage can't decide whether to ticket me for parking in a full space, or parking in a 'not a real space' so they just do both. *angry*
What extra hassle does it add? Other than the parking garage crazies, none.  Better than Metro.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...? Don't get used to the repetitive ride - always be aware and safe.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Jetbrett on July 09, 2008, 01:15:31 PM
Where are you located?  Seattle, WA

Distance?  About 45 miles round trip...more if I detour up some mountain roads.

Weather-dependant?  It rains here all the time.  If it is raining and really cold (below 40f), I'll drive.   

What accomodations has your employer made?  Parking is cheaper.

What extra hassle does it add?  None.  I can ride in the car pool lanes which cuts about 10 min of my ride.  Riding in the city can be interesting....I think Washington has the 2nd worst drivers in the country.  Oregon's got to be #1. 

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work?  Nothing new here....Keep your head on a swivel since the folks in the cages are engrossed in a cell phone call, reading a book (I've seen this a bunch), yelling at the kids in the back seat, putting on make-up, eating, sleeping, or otherwise totally distracted.  I also keep shoes...dress and casual, and a suit coat at work.  If I've got to be in a suit, I either pack my pants in the backpack and wear jeans or wear overpants. 

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: PatoMalo on July 09, 2008, 01:27:14 PM
Where are you located....................................................Austin, TX
Distance.........................................................................6 miles one way all city streets
Weather-dependant.........................................................>=60 deg, < 40% chance of wet
What accomodations has your employer made...................Alows parking in left-over nooks and crannies w/o permit
What extra hassle does it add...........................................HOT in Texas summer goin' home in afternoon
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work......Just watch them cagers close

Have a good'un........Micky

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: mbalmer on July 09, 2008, 05:24:03 PM
Where are you located? San Jose, CA
Distance?  6 miles each way (this can mean 50+ miles on a nice day)
Weather-dependent?  rain + wind = drive my Subaru Brat
What accommodations has your employer made? None. No need.
What extra hassle does it add?  carrying a large fountain drink in my backpack (ahhh, sweet addiction).
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?  clean my helmet visor on occasion.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: venomousr1993 on July 09, 2008, 05:53:29 PM
Location?  In Atlanta metro...Gwinnett County
Distance?  23 miles to work, 26 home (stop at the gym)
Weather?  Duc S4R nice days only, 600RR most others, Ice or snow Nissan Titan
Employer accomadations?  Lets me park it on the sidewalk under the canopy
Extra hassle?  If I have my uniforms...it sucks.  extra gym gear..heavy backpack
Tips?  5pm-7pm is most dangerous around here...psycho drivers trying to pick up their kids from wherever and racing to get home.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ducfun on July 09, 2008, 07:58:20 PM
I commute often. In fact, being a newb 99% of my riding thus far it to the daily grind.

Where are you located? Baltimore
Distance?15 miles each way
Weather-dependant?No rain in the morning = ride.
What accomodations has your employer made?Cycle only parking. They even put metal plates in the spots so your kickstand doesn't sink on the really hot days
What extra hassle does it add?A little more prep time compared to cage (including route plan, time of travel, cycle/gear check
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?I'm a newb...I need the tips

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: DosVerde on July 09, 2008, 08:32:10 PM
Location?  Melbourne, Australia
Distance?  About 10km each way - inner city, so a lot of stop/start traffic.
Weather?  If it's nice I try to ride the bicycle 2-3 days a week, otherwise I ride the S4R no matter the weather, and there has been a lot of rain here recently :(
Employer Accomodations?  We have a dedicated motorcycle only parking area accessed by boom gates. No cover though.
Extra Hassle?  Not much, just the hassle of getting gear on and off, and washing the bike more frequently.
Tips?  When splitting lanes in stopped traffic, look down to see if the women in the short skirts have their foot firmly on the brake ;)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: phlipmode on July 09, 2008, 08:44:14 PM
Where are you located?  Vancouver, Wa/Portland, Or
Distance? 28 to 60 round trip depending on the route.
Weather-dependent?  I'll get wet. I don't really like to ride if it's close to freezing.
What accomodations has your employer made?  If it's wet I can park in a heated dry space.
What extra hassle does it add?  Bringing stuff to and from work, I have a limited amount of room.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  What ^^^they^^^said. Get the best gear you can afford, for all seasons. Make sure it's comfortable. Try to be visible, I have a red mohawk on my helmet.  People pointing and laughing saw me.  
If you don't have panniers get a stable and comfortable bag, I use a Chrome messenger bag that pretty much holds everything I haul, I carry a cargo net for  things that don't fit in the bag.  
Bike maintenance --DO IT!  it sux to break down on the freeway when the weather is less than desirable. Get tires oriented to commuting, A Michelin Pilot Sport may be the cats meow in the twisties but 30 miles everyday on the highway turned mine into a square.  I am moving to the Pilot Road 2's next.  
Ride aware! You have a horn, use it.  HAVE FUN!! Thats why we got these things.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: SILENTCOREY on July 09, 2008, 08:48:28 PM
I live in Spokane, WA and commute to Airway Heights, WA everyday. (north eastern WA state)
Its between 12 and 15 miles each way depending on what kinda time I've got and route.
For the most part I don't mind the rain at all. Generally don't even watch the weather report unless its still early spring or late fall time. I found out that me and the bike don't melt if we get wet.  We do get quite a bit of snow and wintery weather here in the northwest so the bike sits in the garage for months at a time during that season.  Especially this last winter and even spring, we had snow here as recent as may tenth.
The only accommodations my employer has made was an agreement to allow me to store my bike in the shop when its raining.  
The extra hassle of gearing up and down for every stop can be a bit of a pain but worth it in my opinion.
Well the obvious thing is to watch out for the others not paying attention out there, but I also find that a good set of gear like warm gloves and jacket, along with riding pants makes the commute so much nicer.  Also keeping the bike well maintained is a huge thing cause nobody likes being stuck on the side of the road, and besides the bike just looks so much better a speedin you down the road. Making sure all the ergonomics are set up for the rider, like controls,  mirrors, seat height. and suspension settings to name a few. I also like to vary my route a little bit from day to day and I always avoid road construction as much as possible.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: timmer357 on July 09, 2008, 09:36:47 PM
Where are you located?  Eugene, Or
Distance? 16.4 miles roundtrip
Weather-dependent?  Sometimes...planning on riding the xs400 once it is fixed in the rain.
What accomodations has your employer made? Free covered parking...car passes are $55 per month
What extra hassle does it add?  Bringing stuff to and from work, taking kid to daycare on way
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Where full gear no matter what.  My crash in May was in the parking lot at work with Old Navy cargos on, knee scarred forever

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: GLantern on July 10, 2008, 06:14:04 AM
Where are you located? Long Island Riverhead, NY
Distance? 33miles one way, usually longer because i like the backroads!!
Weather-dependant? Usually needs to be above 40degrees as im lacking proper winter gear, a spot of rain i don't mind but if its down pouring FORGET IT
What accomodations has your employer made? None except i keep spare shoes under my desk.
What extra hassle does it add?  Just that i have to change into my shorts or jeans when i get to work and change my shoes.  Otherwise standard parking and the 2minutes gear up and gear down time.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Make sure you have an easily removable bag or backpack.  I personally hate using a backpack. So i went with the cortech sport tailbag which can fit my laptop, lunch, and a change of clothes.  Also be extra alert in the morning or leave a tiny bit later to try to skip the rush hour traffic.  And always wear your gear rush hour is insane and you never know when you might go down.  I got out of work early and was so excited i didn't let my tires warm up and i low sided 1minute from work........

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: DucofWestwood on September 12, 2008, 02:30:40 PM
Where are you located? Los Angeles
Distance? ~ 7 miles each way
Weather-dependant? I won't ride if it rains, but that rarely happens here in So-Cal
What accomodations has your employer made? special moto parking spots in the garage; there's a gym at my office and i have a small locker to keep stuff in overnight (work shoes, dob kit, etc.)
What extra hassle does it add? carrying change of clothes is doable but obviously not as easy as with a car; getting sweaty while riding requires that i shower at the gym (at my office) when i arrive; also the sweat plus the fact that i wear full-gear limits my ability to go directly to anywhere where i couldn't shower or change clothes first (e.g. meeting people for drinks after work, a mid-day doctors appointment, etc.)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  i have a chrome messenger bag which is great - very comfortable and holds a lot of stuff; i wear full body armor with mesh-kevlar, made by cycleport ... it's not cheap, but it's worth every penny.  my ride is all city-streets and every intersection is a chance for something to go wrong ... i ride pretty conservatively and try to set it up so that every intersection i go thru, i am next to a car travelling my direction, so as to prevent people from turning into my lane from the opposite direction (i.e. i use another car as a blocker)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Henecton on September 12, 2008, 06:58:20 PM
I commute 120 miles round trip a few days a week in Northern VA. I try not to ride if there is a chance of rain but sometines I have no choice. The only real down time is getting the bike out of the shed and going over it, other than that the bike is a fast commute. I work second shift so I ride 60 miles at night through the back roads and deer are everywhere, I have had a few close calls over the last two years. The employer makes no exception but it is no big deal. I have to change pants at work because I wear arborwear pants with knee pads and swap shoes(I keep them at my desk). I have a very large tail bag on my Multi so I pull it off and walk in with it like any other bag, pretty slick. Best tip is buy rain gear and watch the weather channel if you plan on alternating between car and bike.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: moto-zen on September 12, 2008, 08:23:12 PM
Where are you located?: Florida panhandle, west of Panama City, East of Pensacola
Distance?: 10mi  :( (I need to move further away)
Weather-dependant?: No
What accomodations has your employer made?: None
What extra hassle does it add?: Gearing up when I'm running late blows. Signals don't work when it's raining.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?: 1.Don't skim on gear! I can't stress that enough.  Having quality gear makes all the difference. I have one set of gear that I wear in all seasons. Even in high humidity/triple digit temps. It wasn't cheap but is worth every penny.
2. Get a tail bag. I need one. A backpack becomes a pain, a tankbag has to be removed to fuel. Another PITA

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: HeyThatsMyBike on September 12, 2008, 08:31:21 PM
Where are you located?  Oxnard, SoCal.
Distance? 14 mile round trip, mostly city
Weather-dependent?  Don't ride in the rain
What accommodation's has your employer made? None at all!  Wish there was something coz our neighbor is a whole-seller and there are way too many slats being moved around  >:(
What extra hassle does it add?  Bringing my camera gear when I have to go on location.  Try to keep it to the minimum!
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?  Wear my Dainese Super 3 and gloves always.  'Cover' myself at intersections with a car turning the same direction.  Have my high beam on during the day, watch drivers and wheel movements of cars close to me.  Almost had a woman run into me when she didn't yield in a turn-about!!!! There was Someone watching over me!!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ellingly on September 13, 2008, 12:54:26 AM
Where are you located?
Canberra, Australia. Our nation's capital :).

30 km each way (so, about 19 miles)

I've ridden from days where the temperature was 40°C, to when it was -8°C when I left (in that case, the visor froze shut at a traffic light). I've ridden in rain, and hail, and once with a light dusting of snow (snow never settles here).

What accomodations has your employer made?
They tolerate my crap fashion.

What extra hassle does it add?
There's another minute on each end putting on and taking off gear, apart from that, none, as I can split through the traffic.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
1. Everyone in a car wants to kill you, even if they don't mean it.
2. Gear to suit all occasions. I have three different jackets (winter, leather & summer), three different sets of gloves, some very good thermal underwear... and a 1 piece rainsuit. That seems to help.
3. No matter how sucky the weather is, you'll always be happier than taking the car (at least I am).

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: redxblack on September 13, 2008, 04:33:00 AM
Where are you located?  akron, ohio
Distance?  38 miles each way
Weather-dependant?  somewhat
What accomodations has your employer made?  none
What extra hassle does it add?  just worring someone will make the beast with two backs with the bike while I'm working
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  leave before the people putting on their makeup hit the freeway every morning!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: herm on September 13, 2008, 06:18:06 AM
i was commuting from southern oregon to northern california
back roads between 50 80 miles one way
unless it snowed
no employer accommodations
there was always the possibility that the weatherman would be wrong.........for the ride home
make sure you have enough fuel if you are running back roads in the sticks

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: eichh on September 13, 2008, 06:33:13 AM
Location?  Minooka, IL

Distance?  About 20-30 miles I go somewhere differant everyday.

Weather?  I ride unless the weatherman says 80% chance of ass pounding storms are coming.

Employer Accomodations?  Sometimes theres only dirt so I have to find a smashed can to put under the kickstand. About 80% of the time theres a road or gravel.

Extra Hassle?  Just the worry someone might steal my gear when I am not around.

Tips?  In the morning I assume every car is out to kill me so I ride figuring the car in front of me and next to me will move without looking and thats gotten me out of a few jams because I expected to swerve or hit the horn.I look at it like this, riding a bike to work is not always the most relaxing way to go but everytime I do I save about $4 in gas.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: yamifixer on September 14, 2008, 05:26:31 AM
Where are you located? Coastal NC (not the twisty good end)
Distance? 22ish in 50+ home
Weather-dependant? yep hate riding in rain
What accomodations has your employer made? made a shelf for my helmet
What extra hassle does it add? can't take good coffee from home, unlikely to work OT so i can ride home (less money for mods and beer)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? leave quitly so I don't wake neighbors.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: muscle_cars_only on September 14, 2008, 05:53:41 AM
located: Lynchburg, VA
distance: 15 miles round trip
weather dependant: Yes, <30% chance of rain I'm taking the bike.  30 to 50% I take a good look at the radar.  I don't mind the bike getting rained on but hate riding in it.
pluses: 1 ton crew cab dually diesel  VS one of the bikes
negatives: Sometimes the weather sneaks up on me
Employer Accom:  20 up front car spaces have been converted to motorcycle parking only.
Extra Hassle: None really
Tips, Tech for successful ride to work:  While entering the expressway ,the idiots here tend to think a YIELD sign means STOP!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ghostface on September 14, 2008, 10:44:37 AM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Live: San Diego
Miles: 32k miles one way
Weather: SD 
Accomodations: My job is cool. I make my own hours and the CEO is letting me ride his GT without even asking me my name.
Hassles: Mad gear, tank bag, change of clothes.
Tips: Just ride and learn along the way. Common sense.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Clickjack on September 14, 2008, 11:12:24 AM
Where are you located?   Lubbock, TX
Distance?  5 miles
Weather-dependant?  If it's raining I don't.  If it's overcast, I chance it.
What accomodations has your employer made?  None
What extra hassle does it add?  A little, I have to wear my full uniform to and from work.  Can't take any of it off, cause I've got no where to carey it.  Storing the Helmet at work is a pain as well.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
  You'll like work better if you get to ride to and from it...

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: hooksem on September 15, 2008, 04:56:52 AM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Austin, TX
25 miles each way
only ride if <30% chance of rain
no accomodations needed
very little hassle.  have to warm up the bike, suit up...

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: LA on September 15, 2008, 05:34:27 AM
Where are you located?  Walhalla to Clemson, SC
Distance? 50 mi. round trip
Weather-dependant?  If its below freezing most of the day or rain other than scattered showers, Il'' prob. take a car/truck.
What accomodations has your employer made?  None
What extra hassle does it add?  Makes a better start to the day - always.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  CoreTech Sport tail pack


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: shonw on September 15, 2008, 05:44:07 AM
Where are you located? Norfolk, Va.
Distance? 5 miles each way.
Weather-dependant? I was soaked once, I check the radar every morning.
What accomodations has your employer made? None.
What extra hassle does it add? Makes me nervous leaving it in the parking lot.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? I always leave a little earlier than usual so I can get a good parking spot!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: seanster on December 20, 2011, 11:05:50 PM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Houston, TX
About 20 miles round-trip
Won't ride if there's more than 30% chance of rain
Covered parking garage with designated spots for motorcycle
Don't like the helmet hair coming to work....other than that I love riding into work
Have not been riding long so not offering any tips....just be extra careful and assume everyone driving their cars are still half asleep.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: lethe on December 21, 2011, 03:31:26 AM
Where are you located? home:Hawley, PA        work: New York City
Distance? 125 miles each way.
Weather-dependant? the two times I bothered to do it, there was a zero chance of precip
What accomodations has your employer made? office has private lot
What extra hassle does it add? at least the bike doesn't get blocked in like my car does sometimes
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? has to be an opportunity of both me being in the mood and being in the office three days in a row and not at a job site as I carry too much stuff normally

Did it once on the Duc and once on the KTM. Really a waste of tires in my opinion as it's predominately highway and the car gets just as good fuel economy,

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Goat_Herder on December 21, 2011, 05:28:07 AM
Where are you located?  Seattle area
Distance? 20 miles each way
Weather-dependant?  I check weather report each night.  If it's above freezing and free of ice, <40% rain, I will go for it
What accomodations has your employer made? Dedicated motorcycle parking right at the entrance (I get ALL the spots during the winter time).  Shower on facility for "bi"cyclists but I can use it if I want to.  The GM and senior manager all ride so I get props for riding in.
What extra hassle does it add?  Benefits out weights the little hassle (helmet hair, extra 5 minutes putting all the winter gear on)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  I have a Cortech Sport tailbag that doubles as computer/lunch bag.  I would get in and put all the gloves and misc in the bag and carry it with shoulder strap.  I also keep a pair of spare gloves in the bag for change of weather condition.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: elgallo73 on December 21, 2011, 07:40:20 AM
Where are you located?    Fort Worth, TX
Distance?     1 mile
Weather-dependant?     So long is there is no ice, I'll ride...
What accomodations has your employer made?     None really necessary, I live and work on a small military base, so theft is not that much of an issue.  There is a small cabana outside the office where I park so the bike does not get rained on...
What extra hassle does it add?     None really, a little extra warm up time, perfect transportation for around the base...
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?     A tank bag is helpful...

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: HotIce on December 21, 2011, 07:41:10 AM
Where are you located? ..................................................... San Jose, CA.
Distance? ........................................................................ ~4 miles.
Weather-dependant? ......................................................... <10% chance of rain throughout the day (which is, about 300+ days / year  ;D ).
What accomodations has your employer made? ..................... Campus is plenty of parking space, and Ducatis too. Security cameras and personnel all around.
What extra hassle does it add? ........................................... For me, difference between getting my car and motorcycle, is a leather jacket, open face helmet, and sun (mosquito, actually) glasses.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? .... Line splitting like I do in Italy is dangerous, as many people here seem to consider the blinker some sort of Christmas decoration, more than a before the turn signal..

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: webspoke on December 21, 2011, 07:57:14 AM
Where are you located?    Frisco, TX
Distance?     5 miles
Weather-dependant?    Will try to ride if over 35, and not rainy
What accomodations has your employer made?   They let bikes park in the executive underground parking, due to some previous theft issues.  Works out great, bike and gear are safe down there.
What extra hassle does it add?   Just the gear up/down time, I use overpants and jackets and keep extra shoes at work.  I don't let the bike warm up, that's what rolling out of the neighborhood is for  ;)
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?   Don't try to speed too much or 'make time'.  It is tempting but is more risky than normal at rush hour.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: bevel on December 21, 2011, 09:06:29 AM
I've had three jobs so far, but with totally different situations

Where are you located? Lowell, MA
Weather-dependant? Yes. Taking the cage if >30% chance of rain or <45 degrees, bike usually goes away for the winter in November

Destination? Waltham, MA
Distance? 25mi each way
What accomodations has your employer made? Nothing moto-specific, but plenty of room in the parking lot. Allowed to time-shift, set my own schedule
What extra hassle does it add? Not much, keep a change of shoes at my desk, space to drop my gear, throw my laptop in a backpack
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Change of shoes is the bomb. I can deal with boots all day, but just comfier to be working in shoes. If you can time shift, its totally worth it, especially during the summer. Getting to work early/leaving early or getting to work late/leaving late, while still having full daylight and less traffic is totally worth it. I try to find two routes to get to the office - the quickest (usually includes some/mostly slab) and the best (fun roads, usually 50%+ longer).

Destination? Cambridge, MA
Distance? 30mi each way
What accomodations has your employer made? Allowed to time-shift, set my own schedule
What extra hassle does it add? Same as above
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Totally sucks getting into and out of the city, during rush hour(s), but parking is super easy. Cambridge would rather let bikes/mopeds park on the sidewalk (out of the way of pedestrians) than take up parking spots. My office was across from a mall, and every day there'd be 5+ bikes backed up against the side of the building around the bike racks. Saved me $20/day in parking to take the bike.

Destination? Nashua, NH
Distance? 25mi each way
What accomodations has your employer made? Unofficial motorcycle parking next to main entrance, allowed to time-shift, set my own schedule
What extra hassle does it add? Same as above
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Quick route is ~25mins on the slab and through lights, fun route is ~50mins through a bunch of fun back roads. Quick access to longer routes home if I have extra time to add.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: lawbreaker on December 21, 2011, 09:17:59 AM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Location: Los Angeles area
Commute Distance : 30 miles
Employer Accomodations: Basically none ( but my supervisor will let me wheel my Duc into the office when it's raining)
Hassle : I'd say none other than having limited storage to lug extra crap to and fro
Tips/tricks etc : Ride like a hooligan and always be very heads up for cagers who drive HUA

I haven't owner a car personally in over 5 years and prefer it to driving... No traffic delay issues which is NICE !!!!!! [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Dellikose on December 21, 2011, 12:25:08 PM
Where are you located?
   Brimfield (Kent), Ohio

   About 6 miles

   A little rain doesn't hurt :)

What accommodations has your employer made?
   None needed

What extra hassle does it add?
   Extra time to suit up / down

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?
   There is a road that parallels the busy state route, I hop on that until it opens up!

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Rigez on December 21, 2011, 12:36:39 PM
Where are you located? San Jose, Ca.
Distance? 3-4 miles
Weather-dependant? Not really...California not much rain here so it's more if I feel like throwing on the rain suit or how I'm feeling health wise and of course if I need to transport large items.
What accomodations has your employer made? Designated parking areas close to buildings on campus for motorcycles only.
What extra hassle does it add? What hassles?! As someone mentioned early on you can lane split in California but, I only do that when in a rush and traffic sucks otherwise I drive like I'm in a car (3-4 mile commute doesn't make too much difference) Oh and the other hassle that goes away $10 fill up vs. $90 - $100: [big ol truck] tank fill up depending on current fuel prices.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
 As you should always do when riding be on the defensive always scan the area around front and back. There is always that person that doesn't see you even though you think you are in plain view. Reflective gear if possible, brighter after market blinker/turn signals to make you more visible day and night to other drivers.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Speedbag on December 21, 2011, 01:08:43 PM
Where are you located? Southern MN

Distance? ~10mi each way

Weather-dependant? Try to ride nice days only, but sometimes you come out on the short end of the forecast....

What accomodations has your employer made? MC parking row right next to the building.  8)

What extra hassle does it add? Possibility of death in the heavy traffic close to work, helmet hair

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? You are always invisible...

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: hunduc on December 21, 2011, 01:33:11 PM
nice revival of an old thread.

Where are you located? rochester ny

Distance? about 15 miles each way, a lot longer in nice weather

Weather-dependant? <30% rain, >40F i'm riding

What accomodations has your employer made? no extra sticker needed for mc, closest lots to building

What extra hassle does it add? nothing

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? minimize stuff you have to take. try changing up the route from time to time, sometimes i get inattentive when i'm riding the exact same route over and over again.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Pip on December 21, 2011, 04:07:28 PM
Where are you located? Calera, Alabama
Distance? 25 Miles one way.
Weather-dependant? Yes. If it's going to rain or under 40 degrees, I'll cage it. (I have a Miata, so I will have the top down come hell or high water.)
What accomodations has your employer made? College lets me park on the sidewalk right next to building.
What extra hassle does it add? Little bit of added gear time, and worrying about kids effing with my bike.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? TAIL BAG. Get one.  Don't get distracted by pretty little co-eds walking by ;D , and watch out for posing jackass males speeding through the parking lot showing off.  Find routes that make you think! Do not cruise on auto-pilot or you could get dead.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: teddy037.3 on December 21, 2011, 04:19:22 PM
Where are you located? hawaii

Distance? 12ish? miles one way

Weather-dependant? so far, yes. lack of rain gear hasn't completely stopped me, but nobody ever claimed I was sane. or smart.

What accomodations has your employer made? marked moto stalls nearer the gate, also cool about not ticketing bikes for parking where we shouldn't

What extra hassle does it add? gear vs. work clothes, mostly. otherwise, none

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? I'm still quite new to this. but a better gear selection is high on my list. also, luggage.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Drunken Monkey on December 21, 2011, 08:43:35 PM
Where are you located?  San FranSicko, California
Distance?  Most days it's 4 miles in and 4 miles out. Once a week I head down to Corp HQ and that's 30 miles each way.
Weather-dependant? Rain or shine for the short commute. Sunny only on the trip down to HQ.
What accomodations has your employer made? Big ass parking structure at HQ. For the short commute I pay for a monthly spot in a local garage.
What extra hassle does it add? I have an Aerostich which keeps my Douchebag corporate clothes spic and span. But each commute is way quicker via bike. For the short commute it takes 10 minutes door to door. vs. 25 in the car and 35 via public transport.
Tips and tricks? Aerostich. Also it helps that I have 3 bikes, so one is always working  ;D

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: jimboecv on December 21, 2011, 09:01:51 PM
Where are you located?  30 miles east of San FranSicko, California
Distance?  Most days it's 4 25 miles in and 4  25 miles out. Once a week I head down to Corp HQ and that's 30 miles each way. I try not to think how much I hate riding through Hayward.
Weather-dependant? Rain or shine for the short commute. Sunny only on the trip down to HQ. when John makes me a sandwinch.  Which is never.
What accomodations has your employer made? Big ass parking structure at HQ. For the short commute I pay for a monthly spot in a local garage. look on everyone's face like I'm nuts.
What extra hassle does it add? I have an Aerostich which keeps my Douchebag corporate clothes spic and span. But each commute is way quicker via bike. For the short commute it takes 10 60 minutes door to door. vs. 25 90 in the car and 35 via public transport. it beats taking the bus like a dim-wit.  Don't mention make the beast with two backs'n BART in my presence...
Tips and tricks? Aerostich. Aerostich (my idea, plus I like my Darian more) Also it helps that I have 3 bikes wives, so one is always working

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Drunken Monkey on December 21, 2011, 10:40:34 PM
Dammit Jim, you owe me a new monitor as there's beer all over mine  [laugh]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Langanobob on December 22, 2011, 02:45:35 AM
I used to ride to work regularly, one job was about 60 miles round trip, second was only 8 or so.   Only in the summer.   This was long before Monsters were invented and I rode my '66 Bonneville and never had a problem, other than wearing out tires.  Employers didn't make any concessions and didn't care one way or another how I got to work as long as I was there on time and ready to go.

The upside was getting to work with my attitude pre-adjusted and good.   I first moved to Reno right after a divorce and the daily early morning ride went a long way towards keeping me on an even keel.    Also made friends with co-workers who rode, or used to ride and I may never have known they were riders if I wasn't riding to work.

Can't think of much of a downside, other than wear and tear on the bike and tires.  Later I rode a BMW and the paint and seat got trashed from being parked in the sun all day, but that was my own fault as I could've covered it.  Once I got sent from work on an unexpected trip that ended up lasting a week and I had to leave the bike unattended in the parking lot while I was gone.  I was worried but it turned out OK.

Tips, don't go for after work drinks with your co-workers.  Alcohol and bikes do not mix.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Bishamon on December 22, 2011, 05:53:29 AM
Where are you located?  Ontario, Canada
Distance?  ~16 kms each way
Weather-dependant?  As long as it isn't raining, and the bikes are stored from December - February (or so).  I used to ride in a rain with my 250 Ninja, but I won't take the Monster or Sport 1000 out in the rain, if I can help it.  I need another all-weather bike.  :)
What accomodations has your employer made? there is a motorcycle area in the parking lot
What extra hassle does it add? I haven't been able to successfully bring a coffee to work
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  A backpack is handy.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: kahonu on December 22, 2011, 07:35:12 AM
Where are you located?  Orange County, CA
Distance? 10 miles
Weather-dependant?  I commute daily. I'll cage it if it's raining or rain is imminent. If it's dry with a slight chance of rain in the pm, I'll ride. My commute is very easy.
What accomodations has your employer made? We have several options. Employee riders are allowed to park in the valet area of the hotel I work at. It's not covered, however, it's steps from employee entrance and it's not accessible to the public.
What extra hassle does it add? None really.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Wear your gear and don't be a squid.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Bill in OKC on December 22, 2011, 10:54:47 AM
I rode the S4Rs to work on clear days last summer and one day got stuck in 110+ degree bumper to bumper rush hour traffic on my way home.  The radiator + fans could not keep the engine cool enough and scarey things started showing up on the dash.  I had to quit riding the Monster to work for several weeks until the afternoon temps had dropped below 100.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Dirty Duc on December 22, 2011, 11:15:47 AM
Where are you located?  Sierra Vista, AZ
Distance?  ~11 miles each way
Weather-dependant?  I try to be a reasonable person if there is actually ice or snow on the ground at the house... a fairly rare occurrence.
What accomodations has your employer made? there is motorcycle parking some places, and they listen to me ramble about motorcycle stuff.
What extra hassle does it add? I just broke my jacket hangar.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? For those who want to take coffee, http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=liquiseal+travel+mug&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9250443437366870649&sa=X&ei=i4DzTs3fH4eviQKO5_CiDg&ved=0CJ4BEPMCMAI (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=liquiseal+travel+mug&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9250443437366870649&sa=X&ei=i4DzTs3fH4eviQKO5_CiDg&ved=0CJ4BEPMCMAI) is actually a no-leak coffee mug and fits in many pockets.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: bikepilot on December 22, 2011, 02:19:49 PM
Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

NoVA, DC, Boston has varied from 10-40 miles each way
No, ride every day regardless of weather. It'd take years to get home in the snow in a cage with the traffic around here.
No idea what this means, I'd guess none
As compared to what?  I like riding my bike :) Just the obvious I guess, put on riding gear, take off riding gear, etc. Only annoying times for me are really hot days when its hard to arrive not-sweaty. Keep extra deodorant in the desk droor.
Ride, have fun; keep a clean and pressed suit, a few changes of close, and your pretty shoes in the office, change when you arrive if needed (I generally wear biz cas under my gear and change only if its damp, sweaty or I need to be in a suit)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: matmcd78 on December 23, 2011, 02:59:50 AM
Where are you located? NW, Arkansas
Distance? 3mi. Round trip.
Weather-dependant? I won't ride if there is a chance of ice.
What accomodations has your employer made? None. Other than letting me park next to the door and not having security harass me.
What extra hassle does it add? Just the occasional exposure to the elements. I have a rain suit that stores in my locker.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? My commute is super easy. The hardest part is staying within the posted limits through the residential areas. The local LE work the route pretty hard.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: The Mad King Pepe' on December 23, 2011, 03:06:52 PM
Where are you located?
    Washington DC area.

    17 miles each way

    Only if my butt's frozen.

What accommodations has your employer made?
    Parking spaces reserved for motorcycles.

What extra hassle does it add?
    Only changing in and out of riding gear & dealing with extreme weather.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?
    Treat cagers like zombies and get a helmet cam.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: reebok on December 24, 2011, 02:45:26 PM
Where are you located?
    Eastern Suburbs Victoria Australia

    22 klm each way

    when it suits me - ie everyday.

What accommodations has your employer made?
    You gotta be kidding me, that would mean they value me!

What extra hassle does it add?
    Only changing in and out of riding gear & dealing with extreme weather.
Lugging briefcase and other stuff.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?
    Be where the cars arent.  Look out for the po po.  treat every ride like qualifying

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: rideserotta on December 24, 2011, 06:38:20 PM
Where are you located? Spartanburg, SC
Distance? 6 miles
Weather-dependant? Nope, I ride year 'round, rain or shine. Well... when it iced last year I was off for a week.
What accomodations has your employer made? I park my bike right next to the door, under the portico, and no one complains.
What extra hassle does it add? Like BikePilot, I like riding. The extra clothes in the winter us just about it. I feel great after riding in.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Ride faster than the flow of traffic and bilp you loud pipes when things get tight.  ;D

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Tangerine Dream on December 26, 2011, 07:55:00 PM
Location - OKC OK
Distance  - 16 mile round trip
Weather-dependant - I only ride in the rain if I get caught in it
Employer accomodations? - I'm the boss
Extra hassle - Usually have to wear a back pack to carry shoes, computer, etc.
Tips - Get weather appropriate gear. Our temps range from sub zero to well over 100

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Dirty Duc on December 27, 2011, 12:39:39 PM
Tips - Get weather appropriate gear. Our temps range from sub zero to well over 100

Get "adjustable" weather appropriate gear.  It was 21 on the way in to work, and it is 67 out right now.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: the_Journeyman on December 28, 2011, 03:22:23 AM
Not sure if I've posted in this thread yet. 

I commute about 4 miles each way.  I commute in the rain, and have even returned home in the snow. 


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: AJ on December 28, 2011, 09:44:53 PM
Where are you located?
San Francisco, CA

10 miles round trip

I ride in fog and light rain, but not real rain - Californians have no idea how to drive in wet weather and I'd rather not be a casualty. 

What accommodations has your employer made?

What extra hassle does it add?
Changing in and out of gear in the bathroom. 

The benefits are:
Riding is a highlight of my day.
Time on the moto is 15 min vs. 25-30 min by car vs. 45-60 min by public transit (effing MUNI).
SF has plenty of moto parking, so there are 40 spots right outside my office entrance, and 80 more within two blocks. 
Moto meters are $0.50/hour, so it costs $4.50-$5 a day for moto parking vs. $20-25 a day for the car lots vs. $4 + my sanity + my health on public transit.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?
I ride like everyone is trying to kill me. 

Where are you located?  30 miles east of San FranSicko, California
Distance?  Most days it's 4 25 miles in and 4  25 miles out. Once a week I head down to Corp HQ and that's 30 miles each way. I try not to think how much I hate riding through Hayward.
Weather-dependant? Rain or shine for the short commute. Sunny only on the trip down to HQ. when John makes me a sandwinch.  Which is never.
What accomodations has your employer made? Big ass parking structure at HQ. For the short commute I pay for a monthly spot in a local garage. look on everyone's face like I'm nuts.
What extra hassle does it add? I have an Aerostich which keeps my Douchebag corporate clothes spic and span. But each commute is way quicker via bike. For the short commute it takes 10 60 minutes door to door. vs. 25 90 in the car and 35 via public transport. it beats taking the bus like a dim-wit.  Don't mention make the beast with two backs'n BART in my presence...
Tips and tricks? Aerostich. Aerostich (my idea, plus I like my Darian more) Also it helps that I have 3 bikes wives, so one is always working
[laugh]  [laugh]  Well played, Jim

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: showerfan on June 17, 2012, 04:26:21 PM
Where are you located? Bronxville, NY >> New York City
Distance? about 20 miles, the first 18 of which are fun
Weather-dependant? yes, if it rains or snows i drive a huge land yacht
What accomodations has your employer made? work pays for parking, [clap] supplies closet for my suits
What extra hassle does it add? i wear full leathers and boots, so have to change at work, NBD
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? make sure you have enough gas if your fuel light doesn't work

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: SDRider on June 17, 2012, 07:05:31 PM
I used to commute by bicycle about 10 miles one way.  My employer had a shower in one of the restrooms.  I made sure they kept it when they remodeled that bathroom because they were going to get rid of the shower but I lobbied for them to keep it.

I've commuted by bicycle many times throughout my life but when I worked there I did it for about 2 years straight 2-3 days a week, sometimes 4 days a week.

Now I work 30 miles away and was commuting 2-3 days a week by motorcycle but I'm racking up too many miles on my Ducati so I've gone back to the car almost exclusively because I'm not saving any money by riding.  Valve checks and tires kill the advantage of fuel economy.  Last week was the first week in probably a year that I haven't ridden to work at least day during the week.  I do carpool one day a week with a co-worker who lives near me which is cool.

My boss doesn't give me any crap about the motorcycle and the company has numerous spots designated for motorcycle parking only plus we have cameras monitoring the parking lots and onsite security so the days I do ride I don't worry at all about my bike.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: bob795 on June 18, 2012, 12:39:14 AM
Where are you located?
Jakarta, Indonesia

between 22-25 km round trip

Yes. If it's raining I take the car... that makes me a fair weather rider

What accomodations has your employer made?
Motorcycle parking lot.
What extra hassle does it add?
Putting my riding gear on an take it off when I arrive at the office. And having to change my undershirt at the office, cause it's always drench with sweat.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Don't forget to wear perfume so you don't smell like car exhaust  ;D


Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Ducatamount on June 18, 2012, 04:21:24 AM
June 18,Ride to Work Day.  [Dolph]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: JohnEE on June 18, 2012, 07:43:52 AM
Every day it's not raining is Ride to work day  ;D ;D [Dolph]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: freeclimbmtb on June 18, 2012, 08:01:58 AM
Picking mine up from the frieght company today! then hopefully riding for the rest of summer (baring any rainstorms)

(Its only 6 miles each way, but with parking, it cuts my commute to less than half...)

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: MikeZ on June 18, 2012, 08:08:28 AM
Every day it's not raining is Ride to work day  ;D ;D [Dolph]
Wasn't raining when I left this morning so rode in to work.  An hour later it's raining.  Looks like I'm getting wet on the way home.  Weathermen are clueless

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Speeddog on June 18, 2012, 08:55:31 AM
Where are you located?Ventura County, North of LA
Distance?50 miles each way... about 10k miles so far this year
Weather-dependant?Best effort to avoid the little rain we get, as AJ said, Californians drive like idiots in the rain.
What accomodations has your employer made?I'm the boss, so I get whatever I want, but I pay for it too.  :P
What extra hassle does it add?Picking up moto parts can be a hassle...
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?Ride like you're invisible

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: JohnEE on June 18, 2012, 09:12:50 AM
Wasn't raining when I left this morning so rode in to work.  An hour later it's raining.  Looks like I'm getting wet on the way home.  Weathermen are clueless

That happened to me last week. Rode home in a down pour while the sun was shinning.....silly New England weather...

Where are you located? Dracut, Mass
Distance? 18 mile round trip
Weather-dependant? Yes, that's what the truck is for.
What accomodations has your employer made? I get a spot right up front that none of the harley guys like to take.
What extra hassle does it add? Can't stop at a Dunkin Donuts for an iced coffee in the Morning   :(
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Take the longer way if it's safer....

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: PhilB on June 18, 2012, 09:14:20 AM
Where are you located?
San Diego, CA for the last 20 years; Portsmouth, NH now.

In CA, independent consulting, so it varied -- usually 20-30 miles one way, but some clients were further.
In NH, it will be 25 miles one way if I turn my current contract into a permanent job, otherwise it will still vary, but often more like 60-70 miles since a lot of my clients would likely be in or near Boston.

In CA, No.  I've been bike-only since 1988.
In NH, I biked through this past mild winter, but will get a beater car before next winter, to drive when the roads are actually icy.

What accomodations has your employer made?
As a self-employed consultant, my clients are not expected to make any special accommodations for me.
What extra hassle does it add?
The usual -- putting on the gear, rainy days more hassle.  OTOH, in CA, the benefits of lanesplitting more than made up for that.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Practice awareness.  Keep your mind focused on what you are actually doing, not the past, future, or other mental distractions.  I find that riding every day is actually very good for safety and good practices, as it keeps the skills sharp.


Title: Re: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: billschusteriv on June 18, 2012, 06:47:43 PM
Where are you located?  Hanover, PA, USA

Distance?  60 miles one way towards DC Metro area

Weather-dependant?  Yup! I avoid riding in the lightning/ice/snow

What accomodations has your employer made?  None.

What extra hassle does it add?  Unless I bring the tank and tail bag, I can't carry weather gear, lunch, and workout clothes.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  Wear all the appropriate protective gear and check the weather before leaving to see if you might be riding home in a storm.  Fuel up before you leave or after you get home at night - work that into your daily routine.  Make time on the weekend for maintenance so it doesn't exclude you from riding.

BlackBerry 9300. Tapatalk. FTW.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: shamoo on June 19, 2012, 01:41:45 PM
Where are you located?
Irvine, California

50 miles to work
50 miles back home
~1 hour each way by bike.  Driving, it can take up to 3 hours coming home sometimes.  :(

Yes, I will drive when it's raining.

What accomodations has your employer made?
None specifically, but I am able to park in a secure, covered, parking deck.  Plenty of spots and dedicated motorcycle parking spots.

What extra hassle does it add?
Since I wear riding pants and a jacket, it's a hassle to bring work clothes and change into them at work.  The bathrooms are small and I don't have a personal office.  Tough to keep clothes wrinkle free in my backpack if I have to carry anything else (laptop, lunch, etc).  My route is pretty much straight freeway the entire way, and I'm starting to wear a nice flat spot in the middle of my tires.  :(

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Just to be safe, since I am in the heart of the famous LA traffic jams.  I get to split lanes here, but I'd say at least 80% of drivers never use their turn signal.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: dark_duc on June 19, 2012, 05:45:27 PM
Where are you located?
Medford, Oregon

Varies on route, 20 - 40 miles (go the scenic way home during the good months)

Won't ride on the ice and on constant downpour days.  I would guess I cage it 1 month a year.

What accomodations has your employer made?
Reserved parking close to entrance and in the shade  8)

What extra hassle does it add?
Change at work.  Not that big of deal but can take a while to change in and out in the cold months.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
I ride at 4:00 a.m. so stay alert for ice, fog, and the occasional critter darting out.  Dress for the weather.  If you live in a rainy area, don't chop your tail.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Steve.In.Atlanta on June 19, 2012, 07:44:38 PM
Where are you located?
Atlanta, GA

18 Miles Each Way

If it's raining in the morning, I'll roll in the car. I'll generally ride year round. Maybe this year I'll buy some heated gear. For rain chances, I'll throw my Frogg Togg gear in my bag.

What accomodations has your employer made?
No but I park in the front of the parking lot in the little lined off area. There are a couple other guys but they don't really ride that often so it's pretty much my spot.

What extra hassle does it add?

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Ride like nobody sees you and be aware of what's around you. Jesus, in Atlanta is shitty to commute but I've mapped out back ways to my office.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Nottsbiker on June 20, 2012, 04:37:59 AM
Where are you located?

Nottingham, UK


Depends - Office 7 miles across city traffic, training 25 miles countryside miles, home visits can be up to 15 miles


Office no as I'm either changing into dry clothes / removing waterproof gear. Training and visiting clients would drive.
A year or so back I rode the GF's R6 to work in the snow and ended up throwing down the road on a bend covered in black ice so will only drive in bad winter weather. Cold not so much of an issue.

What accomodations has your employer made?

None. But I often ride but claim the 50% higher car mileage rate ;)

What extra hassle does it add?

None, apart from occaisionally getting rained on.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

Accept that in the UK you WILL get rained on on a REGULAR basis and you will be fine.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: DesmoTull on June 20, 2012, 04:41:29 AM
Where are you located?
Boston, MA area

26 Miles Each Way.

If it's not raining in the morning, I'll take the bike.  I don't care about getting wet on the way home.  In the winter, I take the train.

What accomodations has your employer made?
I'm able to start work early, and leave at 3:30pm.  Makes the commute alot better in the morning, and a little better in the afternoon.  No accomodations for parking...

What extra hassle does it add?
Trying to find parking in downtown Boston.   [puke]

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Pretty much what others have said.  I leave a pair of shoes at my desk, and wear my moto boots.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: MojoWorking on June 20, 2012, 05:52:40 AM
Where are you located?
DC, Marland, Virginia (DMV)

15 Miles Each Way.

I check weather everday, if there is 40% chance or less of rain, I ride.  I will not ride in snow or icy conditions.

What accomodations has your employer made?
The company provides a monthly parking pass for my car.  The parking company allows me to park my bike in leiu of my car w/o displaying the pass.

What extra hassle does it add?
None.  In fact it is quicker and more convenient to ride instead of drive to work.   

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
I have mentally mapped every pothole, blind curve and other potential dangers on my daily commute.  I keep a suit in my office at work.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: scduc on June 20, 2012, 02:51:08 PM
Where are you located?
Milwaukee Wi area

31 miles each way

50 deg and up (will change as soon as I get heated gear), no rain on ride in dont care about the ride home

What accomodations has your employer made?

What extra hassle does it add?
getting gear on and off, packing lunch

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?
Watch for deer and other critters on morning comute, Tar strips are less visible in darkness of morning, yet still dangerous.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: ducatigirl100 on June 20, 2012, 07:54:49 PM
1) Montreal, Canada

2) If it's not snowing, I'm going ! ;D  ( I have heated glove's and vest)

3) I have a closer parking to the front door.  I saved at lest 25meters of walking  [laugh]

4) Well I have to change at work ... it's a 20 min makeup, hair, high heels and skirt marathon...... [roll]    I don't think you would have the same problem  [laugh]

5) leave shoe's at work + a second set of clothe's (just in case) ... I come in a god 30 min early just to be sure.... and relax!! because peoples in the "crazy hour traffic " left their brain's at home !!  [roll]

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: hillbillypolack on June 21, 2012, 06:38:50 PM
Location:  Detroit burbs

Distance:  15 miles +/-

Hate crazy heat / mid summer temps so I'll ride in 40 degrees but not so much in July.

We're lobbying for a covered bike parking area so if it drizzles etc, it'd be nice to throw a leg over a dry bike.

I have shoes at work, so if I ride in I can look (somewhat) respectable.

Title: Re: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?
Post by: Dirty Duc on June 21, 2012, 07:15:16 PM
I just have an edit for mine on the extra hassle front.

They are doing some construction work and asked everyone not to park in half the lot... in doing my part I happened to park under the "smokers" canopy.  As I was getting ready to leave, the building manager chastised me for endangering the canopy if my bike caught fire  [roll]

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