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Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: dubbedown on July 03, 2011, 08:15:47 PM

Title: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: dubbedown on July 03, 2011, 08:15:47 PM
Recently received my Spareshack / Marving midpipe for my S2R 800. I know this pipe is supposed to fit without issue but for some reason I can't get the flange to sit flush with the vertical cylinder. I realize this could've been left alone when installing the midpipe but the stock utter would not budge from the piping so I figured it'd be easier to just remove the piping off the vertical cylinder. I did NOT realize it'd be impossible to put back on...

The flange nuts themselves screw all the way up fine so there's no threading issue on the studs. It's just the flange itself won't go all the way up, maybe 1/4" gap? I searched around and it seems like everyone else's lines up correctly although I did find one pic of someone else's setup that demonstrates what I'm talking about. Any tips would be appreciated...


Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: DarkStaR on July 03, 2011, 09:33:49 PM
Pics would help us see what's going on better.

Did you re-install the stock udder hanger(s)?

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: dubbedown on July 04, 2011, 05:05:25 AM
So I gave up on trying to get that flange up. I've concluded there has to be a gap based on the lip of the pipe. I guess I just never noticed it before. If anyone notices anything "off" please let me know...

In regards to your question there were no removable hangers off the stock utter, it was 1 welded piece.

Pics below:

Vertical cylinder gap

Whole system

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: DarkStaR on July 04, 2011, 06:32:33 AM
hmm, that looks pretty jankey.  The pic you put in the first post looks normal, (s)he's just using a different flange.

Does it seal still?  Have you started it up?


Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: scduc on July 04, 2011, 06:35:34 AM
The part of the header that you show is the original stock header, Yes? Did you loosen every thing and try to aling it all before tightening? I just did my 08" S2R 1K with a Marving and it fits really nice. You will probably have to play with it a while to get every thing to line up properly.

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: dubbedown on July 04, 2011, 10:36:35 AM
hmm, that looks pretty jankey.  The pic you put in the first post looks normal, (s)he's just using a different flange.

Does it seal still?  Have you started it up?


It appears the first pic if anything has a bigger gap. I suppose I could make mine look more level if I giave it more slack.

Yep, started her up, works/sounds great. No funky smells, no leaks, no backfire/popping on decceleration...

The part of the header that you show is the original stock header, Yes? Did you loosen every thing and try to aling it all before tightening? I just did my 08" S2R 1K with a Marving and it fits really nice. You will probably have to play with it a while to get every thing to line up properly.

In my pictures, yes that is the original stock header which is what bolts to the Marving.

Yep, loosened everything from hangers, s-pipes and front header and then tightened everything once it lined up. The hardest part was lining up with the hangers, especially the right side one.

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: DarkStaR on July 04, 2011, 12:44:27 PM
Strange that it's all cock-eyed, and still has a seal.

Are you content with it the way it is?

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: dubbedown on July 04, 2011, 05:53:55 PM
Strange that it's all cock-eyed, and still has a seal.

Are you content with it the way it is?

To the extent all the other S2R 800's I've seen also have a gap. I may just even it out by adjusting one of the flange nuts.

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: DarkStaR on July 04, 2011, 10:27:20 PM
Ha, this whole time I've been misreading/misunderstanding your issue.  I thought you were complaining about the flange being crooked this whole time.   [cheeky] [laugh]

So, yeah the gap is normal.  Your's looks crooked in the pic for some reason, which led me to believe that's what your issue was.

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: corey on July 05, 2011, 04:43:57 AM
you know, i had the same issue when installing my full zard system. everything was just too damn tight, and that front header pipe wouldnt line up or seat properly. i actually took a hacksaw to the midpipe of my $1300 exhaust (eek, i know) and took about a quarter inch off of it, and everything fit perfect.

Title: Re: Midpipe Install Question...
Post by: dubbedown on July 05, 2011, 07:08:52 AM
Ha, this whole time I've been misreading/misunderstanding your issue.  I thought you were complaining about the flange being crooked this whole time.   [cheeky] [laugh]

So, yeah the gap is normal.  Your's looks crooked in the pic for some reason, which led me to believe that's what your issue was.

Gotcha - correct I was referring to the gap. I do see how it might appear uneven but I think that's just the angle of the photo. Also I may have torqued one of the flange nuts more so than the other side which is causing the flange to be uneven. I'll recheck later tonight... thanks again.

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