Title: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: Spidey on July 07, 2011, 09:24:50 AM http://motomatters.com/analysis/2011/07/07/is_motogp_s_claiming_rule_teams_a_doomed.html (http://motomatters.com/analysis/2011/07/07/is_motogp_s_claiming_rule_teams_a_doomed.html)
Really fascinating article about the CRT teams. Talks about the BMWs struggles in WSBK too. Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: zooom on July 07, 2011, 11:07:30 AM VERY good article....
makes me wonder for a second though, if they were to trade more fuel for less electronics what kind of limitations would get exploited and how much of a variance we'd see when all is said and done... Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: gm2 on July 07, 2011, 12:11:25 PM well, it was kallio... ;)
i'm sure JB was right about the CRTs Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: fastwin on July 07, 2011, 12:37:14 PM Well written and well researched article. It will be an interesting season next year for sure. And I agree with the article in that I don't see the CRT teams ever making the factory teams uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: Jester on July 07, 2011, 01:11:33 PM Well considering all the non factory teams ride slightly different but current motogp machines and can't compete ( in a relative sense... I know Sic has a factory bike etc. ), then there is no way you can ever expect a CRT team to be up front. I do have a feeling we'll see some rocketships from CRT teams. Perhaps competition for a healthy Pedro off the line and then wipe out half the field when the bike can't corner.
Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: desmoquattro on July 07, 2011, 01:19:09 PM Well considering all the non factory teams ride slightly different but current motogp machines and can't compete ( in a relative sense... I know Sic has a factory bike etc. ), then there is no way you can ever expect a CRT team to be up front. I do have a feeling we'll see some rocketships from CRT teams. Perhaps competition for a healthy Pedro off the line and then wipe out half the field when the bike can't corner. Ladies and gentlemen, the Suter-Framed Turbo 'Busa... Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: fastwin on July 07, 2011, 02:26:09 PM I think it's just a limp dick attempt by DORNA to fill the grid so there's more than 15+ bikes on the grid. I see the CRT bikes as just cannon fodder, maybe fighting for the last point paying spot or two in the pack. Guess we'll see.
Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: gm2 on July 08, 2011, 09:24:10 AM I think it's just a limp dick attempt by DORNA to fill the grid so there's more than 15+ bikes on the grid. you are not alone. Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: zooom on July 08, 2011, 10:46:27 AM I think it's just a limp dick attempt by DORNA to fill the grid so there's more than 15+ bikes on the grid. you are not alone. I thought that was the generally publicly stated fact.... Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: fastwin on July 09, 2011, 07:07:45 AM Yeah, I think I was just stating the obvious. Bumped my post count by one. [laugh]
Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: Drunken Monkey on July 11, 2011, 02:39:14 PM Yeah, I think I was just stating the obvious. Bumped my post count by one. [laugh] +1! Title: Re: Are 2012 MotoGP CRT teams DOA? Post by: Spidey on July 12, 2011, 09:54:48 AM Me too, me too, me too.
One more post for me. w00t! |