Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: uglyducky on July 10, 2011, 07:09:33 PM

Title: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 10, 2011, 07:09:33 PM
anyone have any experience with the quality of finish anodizing a black wheel gold?  i scored some marchesini forged 10 spokes and want to turn them gold but really dig anodizing over powdercoat/paint.  i guess if everyone says anodizing won't come out smooth and glorious i'll consider the alternatives but just curious . . .

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: booger on July 10, 2011, 07:15:14 PM
Ano should come out fine, there are some surface preps to be aware of but the ano should work. Make sure your anoer is literate, and you want a type III hard ano. There is a guy with an S2R800 who had his swingarm anoed gold. S2RDark or something. I think he's in SoCal like you.

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 10, 2011, 07:17:27 PM
i shall track this man down . . . hunt him even.  thanks man. i know speeddog has a great ano guy - just wasn't sure if that was something that folks did.  don't hear much about it.

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: booger on July 10, 2011, 07:24:45 PM
I know the Carrozzeria wheels are hard anoed instead of painted/powdered, and so are the OZs. Really if you're going for the gold, ano is the best choice.

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: lawmaster891 on July 10, 2011, 07:35:13 PM
anodize would def look sick

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 10, 2011, 11:02:02 PM
they already have a hard black ano, just wondering how uniform/blemish free an anodize job would be in a lighter color.  but i have no idea how one "de-anodizes" a metal so i really don't know what i'm talking about

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: $Lindz$ on July 10, 2011, 11:17:41 PM
My buddy used to have an R1 with anodized gold Carrozerias. Looked great.

The only problem is if you ever have to fix 1 wheel (damage or whatever) and re-anodize it. The color will almost never match the other wheel.

I think the Carrozerias came ano'd but I'll ask my buddy if he knows where you can do it or who they use (it was done in SoCal I know).

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 11, 2011, 07:46:35 AM
here they are as they are now.  love this design.  haven't ever really seen it (similar to some stock duc wheels but not quite the same).  lindz, they had some carrozzerias on ebay brand new for about $1200 which i almost grabbed when these came up on another forum. 

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: $Lindz$ on July 11, 2011, 08:22:48 AM
These look so tough. Don't want to keep them black?

What size are they and am I going to steal them for my bike?

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: moto on July 11, 2011, 09:14:27 AM
Be careful not to change the tolerances for the bearings. Some anodizers can take off too much material when stripping the old finish.

Also there is a lot of different golds out there. Be very specific what you want to match up so you don't get
disappointed. Bring in something off of your bike if you are trying to match it up.
OZ's gold wheels look like the gold chromate finish of the Marchesini magnesium 5 spoke wheels

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 11, 2011, 11:45:03 AM
These look so tough. Don't want to keep them black?

What size are they and am I going to steal them for my bike?
cuz i need a lil variety on the bike.  the whole bike is blacker than jay-z's last album.

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 11, 2011, 11:46:44 AM
Be careful not to change the tolerances for the bearings. Some anodizers can take off too much material when stripping the old finish.

Also there is a lot of different golds out there. Be very specific what you want to match up so you don't get
disappointed. Bring in something off of your bike if you are trying to match it up.
OZ's gold wheels look like the gold chromate finish of the Marchesini magnesium 5 spoke wheels
ya, that's why i'm trying to see what the word is on this process.  how do they strip the old finish?  bead/sand/glass blast?

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: Speeddog on July 11, 2011, 12:05:19 PM
ya, that's why i'm trying to see what the word is on this process.  how do they strip the old finish?  bead/sand/glass blast?

It's a electro-chemical stripping process, pretty much the reverse of what they do to put the anodizing on.

As far as removing too much material in the stripping process, it's only an issue where the bearings sit in the front wheel.
If I felt unsure about what they might do, and the bearing fit was good, I'd have them mask that area.

They may turn out as nice as those OZ's you had.

But would need to get the wheels in front of my anodizers.

Title: Re: anodize forged wheels?
Post by: uglyducky on July 11, 2011, 06:42:04 PM
It's a electro-chemical stripping process, pretty much the reverse of what they do to put the anodizing on.

As far as removing too much material in the stripping process, it's only an issue where the bearings sit in the front wheel.
If I felt unsure about what they might do, and the bearing fit was good, I'd have them mask that area.

They may turn out as nice as those OZ's you had.

But would need to get the wheels in front of my anodizers.
i'll bring em to you this week nick!  maybe try to match fork TiN coating?  we can chat at the shop . . .

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