Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => MHM => Topic started by: DucTape on July 19, 2011, 07:56:34 PM

Title: Greetings from the new Denver guy
Post by: DucTape on July 19, 2011, 07:56:34 PM
   Hey - thanks to DrDesmosedici's prodding (;D) as we waited-out a fun little hailstorm on I-70 last weekend, I'm just getting back on the new/improved board.  It's good to be home, ha - pretty sure I had like 5k posts back on the DML 4-5 years ago when I was in TX and obsessed...  [roll]

   Anyways, I threw the basic info up in the "Introduce Yourself" board.  Looking forward to meeting up and riding with y'all sometime soon!

DucTape (Aaron)

Title: Re: Greetings from the new Denver guy
Post by: DrDesmo on July 20, 2011, 05:40:38 AM
  Hey - thanks to DrDesmosedici's prodding (;D) as we waited-out a fun little hailstorm on I-70 last weekend, I'm just getting back on the new/improved board.  It's good to be home, ha - pretty sure I had like 5k posts back on the DML 4-5 years ago when I was in TX and obsessed...  [roll]

   Anyways, I threw the basic info up in the "Introduce Yourself" board.  Looking forward to meeting up and riding with y'all sometime soon!

DucTape (Aaron)

Hey Aaron!  Great to meet you the other day - glad you found the new board  [thumbsup]


PS: That weather was awesome!!!  ;D


https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150265513183826.353498.501048825&l=7f948369c2&type=1 (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150265513183826.353498.501048825&l=7f948369c2&type=1)

Title: Re: Greetings from the new Denver guy
Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on July 20, 2011, 07:10:45 AM
what is that wet stuff?

I have never seen it before  :P

It doesn't exist [roll] [laugh]

Title: Re: Greetings from the new Denver guy
Post by: DrDesmo on July 20, 2011, 08:35:55 AM
what is that wet stuff?

I have never seen it before  :P

It doesn't exist [roll] [laugh]

Most of the time it doesn't exist up here either ... what a summer though!

Title: Re: Greetings from the new Denver guy
Post by: swanny on July 22, 2011, 10:19:35 AM
Howdy DucTape!  Glad to see you still have the old Duc and that you are doing well.

Now I will have to dig through some old pics to see if I can find one of your bike when it was in Texas and had a few non dark parts on it. [evil]

I am sure you know that Brian Sharp opened up Boulder Motorsports so you have someone to take care of your bike up that way.  The wife and I were in Denver in May and went down to the races at Pikes Peak and visited with Brian for a few minutes.

Take care.


Title: Re: Greetings from the new Denver guy
Post by: DucTape on July 26, 2011, 07:44:59 PM
Howdy DucTape!  Glad to see you still have the old Duc and that you are doing well.

Now I will have to dig through some old pics to see if I can find one of your bike when it was in Texas and had a few non dark parts on it. [evil]

I am sure you know that Brian Sharp opened up Boulder Motorsports so you have someone to take care of your bike up that way.  The wife and I were in Denver in May and went down to the races at Pikes Peak and visited with Brian for a few minutes.

Take care.


   Swanny - DUDE!  Good to hear from you.  How's life?  I see that little S4Rs noted in your sig - wow, finally went big, huh?  Good on ya!  Got pics?  I presume you've just been gearing-up for our long-postponed trackday showdown... [laugh]

   Yeah, as for the pink (ughhh) legacy, it took exactly ONE post on the new board for that to come up - Spidey immediately jumped on my "Introduce Yourself" post and reminded me about that.  So, uhhh... thanks?  Ha.  Seems like I may never live that one down.   :'(

   I didn't know about Brian coming out here - that's awesome, I'll have to stop in on a ride through Boulder sometime soon.  If you ever get out this way again we'll have to figure out a loaner bike and I can show you around some pretty amazing scenery...

take care buddy,

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