Title: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 23, 2011, 12:45:48 PM I'll be up there again this week if any one cares!
And yes I got all the mechanical demons out. My neighbors can attest to that.... In addition to the local friendly po po that followed me home! Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: The Architect on July 23, 2011, 02:46:24 PM Along with the escort did they borrow your drivers license for a time to be determined by a judge?
Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 24, 2011, 06:06:43 AM Along with the escort did they borrow your drivers license for a time to be determined by a judge? LOL he was cool. We chatted a few minutes and he was on his way. Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: gage on July 24, 2011, 06:28:37 PM you must be unlucky... I rode for over a year without a plate [laugh]
Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 25, 2011, 08:31:10 AM you must be unlucky... I rode for over a year without a plate [laugh] Hmmmm. I think you have a slight "in" when it comes to our towns finest. [cheeky] Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: ducpainter on July 25, 2011, 11:08:33 AM Have fun and be safe Charlie.
Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 25, 2011, 11:29:52 AM Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 26, 2011, 01:55:05 PM Bike ran flawlessly!
I highly recommend a TTD. Really cool group of people. I'm actually going to sign up for their advanced one on one coaching at the next NHIS date. Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: ducpainter on July 27, 2011, 02:43:28 AM Bike ran flawlessly! You'd probably highly recommend a Fishtail day if you could get your bike to run at one of them. :PI highly recommend a TTD. Really cool group of people. I'm actually going to sign up for their advanced one on one coaching at the next NHIS date. Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 27, 2011, 08:26:14 AM You'd probably highly recommend a Fishtail day if you could get your bike to run at one of them. :P Ouch!! Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: ducpainter on July 27, 2011, 09:23:57 AM Title: Re: Tonys Track Days - 07/26 tuesday Post by: Charlief on July 27, 2011, 01:30:25 PM Truth can hurt. Sorry. ;D Please don't tell me I'm bald and ugly! [cheeky] |