Title: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: zenjim on July 24, 2011, 07:46:12 PM I rode up to Laguna Seca from Los Angeles. I came out from the races Saturday to find my bike had fallen over on Wolf Hill and the clutch lever had snapped off. The Ducati people at Ducati Island were really cool and looked everywhere but could not come up with a lever for me. Santa Cruz Ducati said they would meet me at the races with one but didn't come through. I have a 2005 S2R 800. I'm staying at my cousin's house in Gilroy, but I need to be in Los Angeles for work on Tuesday. If you have a clutch lever that will fit, I will come to where you are and pay you for it. I'll borrow one and ship it back. If you know of any nearby store that might have one and is open on Monday, that would be a big help. Yes, that is desperation you are smelling. Keep in mind I don't know this area too well and my cousin rides a Kawasaki so he's not much help. You will have a place to hang your hat should you choose to visit LA. OK, I'll throw in free beer. [drink] If I don't get a clutch lever by Tuesday, I may have to ride my cousin's mid 90s ZX-7 back to LA. It's white, green, purple and pink - please don't let that happen.
Thanks, Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: mostrobelle on July 24, 2011, 09:19:20 PM Ah bummer dude. I think I have one, but I'll need to look for it in the a.m. If I do, I'll leave it out on the porch and will PM you my address. Or if you're in a big rush, I'll overnight it to you and you can just paypal me the shipping.
Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: BK_856er on July 24, 2011, 09:58:27 PM Basic lever for a coffin-type setup? I have a takeoff from my '07 M695 you can borrow. I'll bring it with me tomorrow to work in Santa Clara just in case - pm me for contact details if that works for you.
BK Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: zenjim on July 25, 2011, 04:32:38 AM Ah bummer dude. I think I have one, but I'll need to look for it in the a.m. If I do, I'll leave it out on the porch and will PM you my address. Or if you're in a big rush, I'll overnight it to you and you can just paypal me the shipping. Thanks , I'll look for the pm. Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: zenjim on July 25, 2011, 04:33:15 AM Basic lever for a coffin-type setup? I have a takeoff from my '07 M695 you can borrow. I'll bring it with me tomorrow to work in Santa Clara just in case - pm me for contact details if that works for you. BK Looking up if that works... Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: mostrobelle on July 25, 2011, 08:02:45 AM I didn't see anything off the bat. I can keep looking, but you're better off going with BK's offer. Good luck!
Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: zenjim on July 25, 2011, 08:44:12 AM Got one guys! Thanks for the help. I'm on the road again.
Title: Re: Desperately Seeking Clutch Lever Post by: mostrobelle on July 25, 2011, 12:52:52 PM [thumbsup]