Title: MONSTERMASH!!! Post by: Monstermash on May 06, 2008, 06:10:17 PM Hello...My name is Tom and I have a Ducati problem...... ;D
Hey whats up gang??? Glad to see all the familiar faces, errr........ names. wt: Anyway the details: Name: Tom Age: 39 Place: Massachusetts Bike: 07 S2R1K with a few mods... ::) Been riding since '91 got into Ducati's with my first Monster in '05 been hooked ever since! Title: Re: MONSTERMASH!!! Post by: Charlief on May 06, 2008, 06:32:29 PM Hey Tom!
Nice seeing you here too! dr:: Title: Re: MONSTERMASH!!! Post by: The Architect on May 06, 2008, 06:39:40 PM Hi Tom,
I have to ask, since 05, how many Italian bikes have you owned? Title: Re: MONSTERMASH!!! Post by: Monstermash on May 06, 2008, 06:47:36 PM Hi Tom, I have to ask, since 05, how many Italian bikes have you owned? ummmm... lets just say I can't count them on the fingers on one hand. ;D |