Title: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: championmvp on July 31, 2011, 04:51:59 PM Any help would be appreciated. Front blinkers work fine. Tail light works. But all of a sudden rear blinkers aren't working. Bulbs are fine. Fuses are fine. No broken connection or rubbing wires. Does that leave only blinker relay? Thanks.
Title: Re: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: Pedro-bot on July 31, 2011, 06:43:17 PM What year Monster?
If you think the relay is the problem, here's a quick way to find out for sure. Take the relay off, if it's the 3 prongged relay, 2 prongs will be labeled with 49 and 49+. Connect both prongs with a small wire and plug the relay back in. The blinkers should come on but not blink. If the rear blinkers come on, you just found your problem. Title: Re: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: Howie on July 31, 2011, 07:15:10 PM Year would be helpful, also are the signals stock? Your problem is going to be either no power to the bulbs, bad bulb or a bad ground. Check for power at the socket at the little button or tab that contacts the bulb. No power, trace back. Power? Check the bulb with an ohmmeter or substitute a known good bulb. Also make sure the button is making good contact with the bulb. Is the base of the bulb making contact with the socket? If not you don't have a ground. From the socket run a separate temporary wire to ground. Lights? Find your bad ground.
Title: Re: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: championmvp on July 31, 2011, 08:11:45 PM It's a 2003 m600 and the lights are stock. Thanks for the feedback I'll check it out tomorrow.
Title: Re: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: championmvp on July 31, 2011, 08:15:25 PM I never got to say thanks Howie. A couple of years ago when I first got my monster I had issues with starting and it just sputtering and falling dead on the freeway. As often as you help guys out I know you don't remember but we appreciate your expertise.
Title: Re: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: championmvp on August 20, 2011, 09:50:56 AM Tried the wires on the 49 prongs no luck. Front blinkers stayed lit though. Don't have an ohmmeter. If I run a wire from the socket(?I'm thinking bulb connector ) where would I ground it to. Also if all else fails. Do you guys know if automparts carry an equivelant relay?
Title: Re: Blinkers suddenly not Working Post by: Speeddog on August 20, 2011, 04:09:48 PM If it's a 2003, it's a 620.
The blinker 'relay' is inside the instrument cluster, and is not easily replaceable. If your front blinkers work, it's not a relay problem. Occasionally, the individual pins or sockets in the 5-pin connector will push out, so that they're not making contact. Check the condition of them. |