Title: EVR Slipper Clutch... buzzing on takeoff? Post by: Amlethae on August 20, 2011, 10:24:45 AM Hey all,
Looking for thoughts. I've got an EVR Slipper that I installed about 2,800 miles ago. I ride in NYC most of the time, and sadly I spend most of my time in traffic -- on and off the clutch all the time. Recently my clutch has started "buzzing" when I'm taking off from a stop light... I don't quite know how else to describe it; I can feel it in the lever. Once I'm fully off the clutch lever and engaged, it stops. I understand that my technique may be bad -- a little gas as I'm letting the lever out to get into 1st gear -- but it's getting terribly worrying as this buzzing continues. I've had it happen in the past usually after I've ridden in the rain, but it normally goes away after a few minutes of riding. Now it's there all the time... but not really happening when I'm up or down shifting at speed; just when I'm taking off from zero. Other info: Monster 1100S I've measured the distance from the top of the cluch basket to the top of the plates at 6.42mm but I can't find any information as to if that's too much. I've got the EVR stainless springs installed. I'm going to go out today and measure the thickness of the pack total. According to EVR it should be 36.4mm when new, I'm sure it's closer to 30mm now, but I still don't know what's acceptable. Ducati manual says it should never be less than 46.1mm but that's assuming you're on the stock clutch. Lookin for thoughts here before I just go out and buy a new clutch pack. (Bellissimoto claims 10k+ miles on a single pack... so I'm thinking I'm just missing something and maybe don't have to spend the money on a new pack... then again I do ride in NYC...) Thanks! Title: Re: EVR Slipper Clutch... buzzing on takeoff? Post by: Amlethae on August 20, 2011, 03:00:52 PM UPDATE: Plot thickens...
After taking out the clutch pack to measure it (35.4mm thick) and putting it all back together, the buzzing is gone! And the clutch engages so much sooner in the lever throw than before... very odd. Any thoughts on that? Perhaps it got so filled with clutch dust that it was just not working the way it was supposed to? Who knows. Better now though! Title: Re: EVR Slipper Clutch... buzzing on takeoff? Post by: Düb Lüv on August 21, 2011, 08:31:48 AM pay no attention on ducati's spec on the clutch stack height only manufacturers. if you are almost 6.0 mm off on the stack height you should re-shim it.
on slipper clutches, the friction plates(the steel ones without fingers on the outside edge) should have different thicknesses. some might be 1.5mm others 2.00mm thick and anything between. using the different friction plate thicknesses will get you back into EVR's specs. as far as measuring the stack height, there might be a small window or cutout on the pressure plate to insert the end of a dial caliper. i find measuring the the stack height compressed is more accurate. at least thats how my Yoyo works. |