Title: Some random temps at the shop Post by: Speeddog on June 18, 2008, 03:35:01 PM Inside 103°F
Inside surface of west-facing rollup door 140°F Outside pavement 150°F Tire in the sun 180°F You loonies going out to SoW on friday, take care of yourselves, and watch out for brainfade late in the day. Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: gm2 on June 18, 2008, 03:53:31 PM what, it's only supposed to be 101° out there on friday.
:-X Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: derby on June 18, 2008, 04:10:29 PM what, it's only supposed to be 101° out there on friday. :-X people forget that stated temps are in the shade... there be no shade at the track. Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: lucazuma on June 18, 2008, 04:16:08 PM ...low 70s, light breez...
you gotz to love da bu ;D Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: madmatt on June 18, 2008, 04:18:54 PM look on the bright side (wait, bad choice of words) you won't need your tire warmers - just one biiig heat cycle.
Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: Gus Duc on June 18, 2008, 04:39:33 PM Inside 103°F Inside surface of west-facing rollup door 140°F Outside pavement 150°F Tire in the sun 180°F You loonies going out to SoW on friday, take care of yourselves, and watch out for brainfade late in the day. Damn Nick............... that's hotter than Luca in his bike shorts @ the Pismo Beach Ross [laugh] At least you won't feel like having a smoke ;D Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: Ciao Fun on June 18, 2008, 10:25:36 PM And track temp on the black asphalt will be even hotter!!! Woohoo!!!
people forget that stated temps are in the shade... there be no shade at the track. Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: Privateer on June 21, 2008, 02:39:19 PM if it's this hot now... what's it going to be like in august?
oy vey Andy Title: Re: Some random temps at the shop Post by: Evil_Ductator on June 21, 2008, 03:35:29 PM Just rode from OC down to Palomar, came up the NE side, came down the SW side. When I got down from the mountain and into the low desert, it was like being in an OVEN. Got to Oceanside and i could feel the temp drop like 5 degrees every few miles until we got to the coast and it was perfect! :)