Title: Tail light not working now Post by: The ModFather on August 24, 2011, 07:30:54 PM On my 2005 Monster 620 after lifting my tank to unbolt the timing belt cover then putting them back after painting them I did something and now my tail light doesnt work. Which is odd as the brake light still works. I traced the cable as much as I could and dont see anything disconnected. Any thoughts? I see a fuse for tail light that also says NOS and pilot but embarassingly enough I dont know what either of those are. Is it safe to assume that if the brake light works its not the fuse? Any thoughts here? Please help, I need this brake light working to take the bike to Indy this weekend.
Title: Re: Tail light not working now Post by: Howie on August 24, 2011, 07:55:41 PM Easy stuff first. Check the bulb, one filament is tail, one is stop.
Title: Re: Tail light not working now Post by: The ModFather on August 24, 2011, 08:04:27 PM Yup its the filament burnt out picking up a new bulb tomorrow thanks [bow_down]