Title: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: WetDuc on August 26, 2011, 02:32:02 AM I changed my belts with no real problems, but when it comes to setting the vertical cylinder to TDC as outlined in the ducatitechdotcom YouTube videos, I realize my bike has no timing sight glass...I just see a large bolt head where the sight glass would be located.
Any info on why this could be? Thanks. Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: ducpainter on August 26, 2011, 02:34:00 AM Ducati eliminated the sight glass as it serves no real purpose.
The hash marks on the belt pulleys are all you need to time the belts. Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: WetDuc on August 26, 2011, 02:38:17 AM OK, I had a feeling it was no big deal that the glass wasn't there.
So my question just pertains to tensioning then...I should still position the pulleys at the marks for tensioning the horizontal? Then to do the vertical tension, should I determine TDC using the spark plug hole, or tension the vertical in the same position as the horizontal. Sorry for the stupid questions, this is the first belt change for me. Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: ducpainter on August 26, 2011, 02:41:39 AM OK, I had a feeling it was no big deal that the glass wasn't there. Don't be sorry. So my question just pertains to tensioning then...I should still position the pulleys at the marks for tensioning the horizontal? Then to do the vertical tension, should I determine TDC using the spark plug hole, or tension the vertical in the same position as the horizontal. Sorry for the stupid questions, this is the first belt change for me. You cannot use the ducatitech method for tensioning belts on a 1K motor. The pulleys are in different locations and the belts need to be much tighter than the older bikes. There are threads on the board discussing the best methods. Try a search. Yes, use a screwdriver to determine TDC for tensioning the vertical belt Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: Ddan on August 26, 2011, 02:42:18 AM Each cylinder should be at TDC to tension the belt.
Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: WetDuc on August 26, 2011, 02:45:02 AM ducpainter, thanks for the ultra quick response. I really appreciate it.
I'll do the tension at TDC for both cylinders and determine TDC by finger on spark plug hole/screwdriver method. 110Hz is the specified tension for my bike as far as I know, is this right? Thanks again for the quick help. Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: ducpainter on August 26, 2011, 02:53:22 AM ducpainter, thanks for the ultra quick response. I really appreciate it. That number sounds right.I'll do the tension at TDC for both cylinders and determine TDC by finger on spark plug hole/screwdriver method. 110Hz is the specified tension for my bike as far as I know, is this right? Thanks again for the quick help. Title: Re: S2R1000 Timing Sight Glass Post by: WetDuc on August 26, 2011, 02:54:04 AM Dude, seriously...THANKS! [bow_down]