Title: Commuting & Parking into Boston downtown Post by: AMITFERN on August 26, 2011, 05:19:47 AM Hi fellow NEMHA members, I have been regularly commuting and parking in Boston downtown/financial district this summer... and to say the least it is pain in the butt getting a parking spot that is risk free from being tagged... any of you that ride into work downtown willing to share your closely guarded parking tips and secrets???
Title: Re: Commuting & Parking into Boston downtown Post by: avizpls on August 26, 2011, 05:25:27 AM Will it fit thru the door at the office?
worked for me! Title: Re: Commuting & Parking into Boston downtown Post by: randomgti on August 28, 2011, 08:18:10 PM I've yet to park there, but I always see a bunch of bikes parked near north station, up on the grass next to the brick wall.
Title: Re: Commuting & Parking into Boston downtown Post by: bevel on February 01, 2012, 03:05:26 PM On the other side of the river, the cops would rather have bikes and scooters up on the sidewalk (out of pedestrian traffic) instead of taking up a parking spot. Not sure if Boston PD proper also turns a blind eye to this, or what.
For the two summers that I commuted in on the bike, I'd be parked on a sidewalk somewhere near the office. Our local garage actually had a sign forbidding bikes. There was always tons of space around the Cambridgeside Galleria, and easy to spot other moto-friendly spaces in other sections of Cambridge. Title: Re: Commuting & Parking into Boston downtown Post by: faolan01 on February 02, 2012, 08:16:33 AM In the past you could get away with parking a bike in the open space behind One Financial (across from South Station) for at least part of the summer, but without fail there will be some cager who starts calling parking enforcement demanding to know why the bikes are allowed to park there when he/she isn't allowed to drive their car up onto the sidewalk to park there.