Title: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: Gringo 999 on June 18, 2008, 07:30:19 PM It seems like forever to me, but it has only been a couple weeks. Our next scheduled ride is upon us this Saturday, June 21st. Destination the Moto Guzzi Rally in Salida - just 102 miles from Montague’s Coffee Shop.
The route will be Hwy 115 to Penrose and then Hwy 50 to Salida. This is fantastic, scenic route along the Arkansas River. If you’ve never been down this road, or never been down this road on a motorcycle then you owe it to yourself to go. For those of you interested in completing the journey we can travel back to Colorado Springs via Buena Vista and Hwy 24 to Woodland Park. The rally point is Montague’s and the time needs to be early. Recommend an early arrival to beat the tourist traffic on Hwy 50. Would like to move the meeting time up 30 minutes to 8:30 am with scheduled departure at 9:00 am – please let me know if this presents an inconvenience to you. Those of you in Pueblo area can meet us at the Shell Station at Penrose on Hwy 115 between 10-10:30 am. We will do a safety briefing prior to leaving Montague’s. Please remember to fill up and wear all your gear – helmet, jacket, gloves, boots and long pants. Make sure you have your license with M endorsement, registration and proof of insurance just in case. Here’s the Guzzi link for the Rally info:http://www.motoguzzicolo.com/GigPage.aspx?PageID=2164 (http://www.motoguzzicolo.com/GigPage.aspx?PageID=2164) Yeah, I know. Didn’t look like much, but you never know there might be a good turn-out this year. Anyway it’s just a good excuse for a ride. And this is one of the better routes. Hwy 50 is silky smooth and has lots of nice, easy curves. Hope all of you can make it. Do also want to discuss our July rides, pie rides and doing something for our buddy Corey. Rubber side down, shiny side up! Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: Scottish on June 19, 2008, 06:31:59 AM Beautiful ride, I have studying to do this weekend. Series-66 test on Tuesday, which means I'll be able to work on some managed money accounts for everyone! [thumbsup] Have fun and ride safe everyone.
Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: Smitch on June 19, 2008, 09:02:54 AM Sounds awesome! I'll of course be working, but I'll catch yall next time. Do a couple miles just for me.
Good to hear from you again Pres. It has seemed like a while! Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: cooleye on June 20, 2008, 08:49:22 AM I am busy also, but would have gone if not for that. have fun all! ;D [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto]
Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: merkle on June 20, 2008, 05:56:32 PM How long are we looking at because I have plans about 1:00.
Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: Gringo 999 on June 20, 2008, 07:57:49 PM How long are we looking at because I have plans about 1:00. You could ride down to Penrose with us and back easy. Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: J_Slyter on June 20, 2008, 09:29:46 PM Bummer, I'm going to miss this one also. I'm still on my West Coast ride. [moto]. I'll be back soon though.
Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: campy on June 22, 2008, 08:44:59 PM So... How'd go? Based on the thread, doesn't look like a lot of us were riding to Salida with Il Duce this Saturday.
Title: Re: Club Ride #6 - Moto Guzzi Rally - Destination Salida, CO Post by: Gringo 999 on June 23, 2008, 05:23:50 PM So... How'd go? Based on the thread, doesn't look like a lot of us were riding to Salida with Il Duce this Saturday. Campy, it was a beautiful day and a great ride. 6 showed at Montague's and 5 rode to Penrose, and 4 rode to Salida. We got to Penrose at 10:00, to Salida at noon. Stopped at an art gallery / restaurant on the edge of town and had 4 of the largest burgers ever. We found the Guzzi rally and checked it out. Not a whole lot of action there. We headed back down Hwy 50 and hooked north on Hwy 9 towards Hwy 24. Great ride. Came on home thru Divide and Woodland Park. I got home around 5:00 pm. It was a very good ride and a great day with great people. Il Duce |