Title: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: Spidey on September 08, 2011, 03:20:20 PM AFM Round 7 this weekend. Go get 'em, boys. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: mostrobelle on September 08, 2011, 03:37:46 PM The big Tiger bike was in the dyno when I was at the shop today, and the motor was in one piece at the time. [popcorn]
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: desmoquattro on September 08, 2011, 03:45:03 PM Go Get Em!
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 10, 2011, 07:42:10 AM Kick ass guys, and have fun! [thumbsup]
Let us know how it goes [popcorn] Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: Desmostro on September 10, 2011, 12:06:18 PM Go fast have fun!!!
[thumbsup] Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: mostrobelle on September 10, 2011, 01:16:34 PM Kick ass guys, and have fun! [thumbsup] Let us know how it goes [popcorn] [threadjack] did I see you on a red SV in hi-viz yellow gear earlier this week on Harrison? [/threadjack] Good luck boys!!! Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 11, 2011, 09:29:44 PM So how was the weekend, guys?
Inquiring minds want to know! [threadjack] did I see you on a red SV in hi-viz yellow gear earlier this week on Harrison? [/threadjack] Yup, that's me! :) Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: mattv on September 12, 2011, 04:36:01 PM I had to miss this round, had other obligations. I'll be there for round 8 though.
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 12, 2011, 08:21:36 PM Tough weekend. Not as bad as last time.
Started by alternator in van going out. Saturday practice went well, but races on Sunday weren't ideal. Felt like I had some clutch issues causing me to miss down shifts and give up time. I was 3rd in Twins, but off the pace of the leaders.... the clutch issues were part, but not all of it. My start was good off the line, but I blew my line into turn 1 and lost a gob of time there. Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: mostrobelle on September 12, 2011, 09:22:24 PM I like that we're all kinda like, well, third... OK. [coffee] Dude, it's 3rd! I remember when I used to lose count and you were like 27 guys deep. I'd turn to Evan and ask him his count--he'd say "I got 25th". "Did you count that lapper?" "What lapper?" "I think that lapper messed you up." "Shut up--here they come again." "1, 2, 3/4, 5...."
...And now you're 3rd, and that's a "bad" day. [laugh] How well do you have to finish over the remaining races to get ahead of him in the points? Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 12, 2011, 09:28:36 PM Just like the other Mets, I've been mathematically eliminated.
I like that we're all kinda like, well, third... OK. [coffee] Dude, it's 3rd! I remember when I used to lose count and you were like 27 guys deep. I'd turn to Evan and ask him his count--he'd say "I got 25th". "Did you count that lapper?" "What lapper?" "I think that lapper messed you up." "Shut up--here they come again." "1, 2, 3/4, 5...." ...And now you're 3rd, and that's a "bad" day. [laugh] How well do you have to finish over the remaining races to get ahead of him in the points? Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: mostrobelle on September 12, 2011, 09:33:48 PM Even if he DNF's? How many rounds are left--2?
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 12, 2011, 09:34:49 PM 1 round left.
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: Desmostro on September 18, 2011, 02:13:36 PM Omg! Look out!
(http://studentdevotional.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/pig-fly.gif?w=332&h=310) Did I hear correctly?!?!? There was a WIN no, TWO! Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 18, 2011, 02:49:53 PM Did I hear correctly?!?!? There was a WIN no, TWO! :o Details, details!! Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 18, 2011, 04:32:34 PM Went down to willow springs. I won 3 races and got 2nd in my last race. [bang] so close to the perfect weekend!! Good haul, though. Felt great! [thumbsup]
Each race was a battle. I think there were lead changes at least 4 times in each race. I was drafted to the line by a 1098r in the last race (i was on my 749). I was very happy to get into the 26s and be fighting for race wins. I was nervous that it wouldn't happen after I blew up the big bike on saturday in the second practice. When I say blew up, I mean pieces of the case came shooting off. I tried to clutch in but out didn't have hydraulic pressure... I was lucky to be able to ride out off into the dirt. First race, my first hole shot (from the second row!) I was passed back into turn 3, then went chasing. i got him back, he got me back, I got him back, I got him back, he got me back, and then I got through one more time and held off for the last lap and a half for the W. 2nd race, I got a decent start, 2nd into turn 1. The leader gapped me a bit, but i caught back up and passed on the 3rd lap in turn 3 on the outside (setting up the block pass into turn 4). I ran in front for a couple laps, but missed a shift coming onto the fast back straight and he blew back past me. I followed for a lap and pressed him back on the brakes into 3. I held him off up the front straight by .06 seconds. Next race was 750 superbike. I was 3rd into t1, but got stuffed into t2 and lost a spot. I worked my way up the field--two of is passed 2nd place into t3 on the 3rd lap. I tried to draft 2nd place up the straight, but he got me on the brakes. I took him in 3. Then set off after the leader, and got a run on him up the front straight. I checked out and took the checker. last race was formula twins heavyweight. 2nd into turn 1 behind the same guy from early. I followed him for 4 laps, including a draft pass up the front straight. Next lap he took me back in one. Next lap, I took him back on the brakes into 3. He had learned his lesson and he stayed on my rear wheel and got me on the drag race to the checkered flag by .04seconds. I would have liked to see how that would have played out if I had been on my 1198. What a weekend! Big thanks to my crew (Drew) and my pitmates Martin Szwarc and Mike Canfield. I am boogieing to LAX to try to catch a flight to India. I hope I can catch a shower in the lounge! :) I was watching the clock, I almost had to bail on the last race. :) Cheers, Tiggy Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 18, 2011, 04:44:38 PM [clap]
Hot damn!!!! Congrats Tigre, that's awesome!!!!! [beer] [bacon] Wait....you're going to India? Right now?!? Are you racing the 749 to LAX? Dude, you're loco. In a fantastically tiger-striped way [thumbsup] Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 18, 2011, 04:47:34 PM Thanks. In the sprinter. getting dumped at the airport.
I just realized I probably could have held the dude off if I had held 5th gear and just over revved the bike.... Damn! Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: desmoquattro on September 18, 2011, 04:52:43 PM (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/319664_10150382993139224_589624223_10149854_1808079924_n.jpg)
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In the sprinter. getting dumped at the airport. I just realized I probably could have held the dude off if I had held 5th gear and just over revved the bike.... Damn! THREE WINS!!!! One 2nd!! That is effing awesome right there. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Safe flight & don't second guess yourself for the 20 hours (or more?) to India, drink a glass of champagne or three & celebrate your kick ass wins!!!!! [beer] Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 18, 2011, 05:10:35 PM Sage advice!
[wine] (i am flying business class) THREE WINS!!!! One 2nd!! That is effing awesome right there. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Safe flight & don't second guess yourself for the 20 hours (or more?) to India, drink a glass of champagne or three & celebrate your kick ass wins!!!!! [beer] Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 18, 2011, 05:28:28 PM Sage advice! [wine] (i am flying business class) In that case, make it a *bottle* of champagne or three ;D Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: Desmostro on September 18, 2011, 09:11:12 PM That's got to feel good. Take picture of that feeling and do that again! That is too awesome. What a day. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
[Dolph] Now, what the crap does it take to fly business class to the East? Are you going for work? I go to China 6 - 8 times a year in coach. :-\ That blows. I should work for E-Hay. fekking sucks [coffee] Question #2. Does the 1198 ever actually race or is just the practice blow up machine? How many races has it been in? Races, not something before or next to. How does one blow up an engine like that? I want to not do that. Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 20, 2011, 11:35:28 PM That's got to feel good. Take picture of that feeling and do that again! (http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/311398_2008045122558_1286605810_31716057_1462860851_n.jpg) Now, what the crap does it take to fly business class to the East? Are you going for work?[coffee] Well, when the total flight time is 24 hours (not counting lay-overs) and you go straight into the office, it's more realistic to fly in business class so that you can be productive on day one... Question #2. Does the 1198 ever actually race or is just the practice blow up machine? How many races has it been in? Races, not something before or next to. How does one blow up an engine like that? I want to not do that. It is mostly just a blow-up machine. I've had to exclusively race the 749 at two rounds, and the 1198 sat out another round at Miller when I didn't have the 749 with me. I still haven't gotten the post-mortem from Desmoto, what with the timezones and all. Hoping to catch them today. Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 21, 2011, 07:13:11 AM It is mostly just a blow-up machine. I've had to exclusively race the 749 at two rounds, and the 1198 sat out another round at Miller when I didn't have the 749 with me. I still haven't gotten the post-mortem from Desmoto, what with the timezones and all. Hoping to catch them today. As 'Belle said, they should put a pin in it so you can explode it on demand [cheeky] That's got to feel good. Take picture of that feeling and do that again! +1 Congrats again Tigre on a fantastic day of racing!! Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: mostrobelle on September 21, 2011, 08:49:41 PM Striped vengeance! [beer]
Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 23, 2011, 03:20:32 AM That's got to feel good. Take picture of that feeling and do that again! I was trying to include this last time: (http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6177/6174468907_d0807ed3fc_b.jpg) Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: AJ on September 23, 2011, 04:34:34 PM Just saw all three TigerBikes at Desmoto :D
We were talking about your wins [thumbsup] Hope the 1198 gets its engine back (& running) soon! Title: Re: Good luck (again) Tigre & MattV Post by: tigre on September 23, 2011, 07:03:44 PM Thanks, AJ.
BTW: to everyone... very interesting... I think the facebook link actually worked, but it's blocked here in China so I couldn't see that the picture was up. facebook is blocked. google is ridiculously slow. and I can't access teh BARFs. Can't wait to get home! [coffee] |